No term limit for President Obama?

Hondurans celebrate ousting of Zelaya (AP/Javier Galeano)
Yes, you read it right. Democrat Representative Jose Serrano of New York wishes to allow unlimited terms for President Obama.
The presidential term limit was ratified as an amendment to the Constitution in 1951. However, our founding fathers adhered to the principle of a two-term limit on their own accord. The only president that served more than two terms was Democrat President Franklin Roosevelt, who served four non-consecutive terms.
Shall we go the way of the Venezuelan dictatorship? Venezuelan dictator Hugo Chavez and President Obama both expressed opposition to the recent ousting of Honduran President Manuel Zelaya, calling it a coup, rather than a legal overthrow of a president who was violating Honduran law and attempting to change their constitution to permit him to stay in office indefinitely. The action had gone through the proper legal process, was voted on by the Honduran Supreme Court and Congress, and had the support of the majority of the people.
According to an AP report, Obama stated, "We believe that the coup was not legal and that President Zelaya remains the democratically elected president there. It would be a terrible precedent if we start moving backwards into the era in which we are seeing military coups as a means of political transition rather than democratic elections," he added. "The region has made enormous progress over the last 20 years in establishing democratic traditions. ... We don't want to go back to a dark past."
What’s he afraid of? Why would Obama side with a tyrant rather than the people of Honduras? Could this “precedent” be a threat to his future plans?
The AP article also reports that Obama said the United States will "stand on the side of democracy" and work with other nations and international groups to resolve the matter peacefully. What does this mean – "work with other nations and international groups"? Does this mean he intends to intervene in the results of the Honduran political process in ousting their tyrant?
I am outraged by our president’s support for a power-hungry tyrant over the will of the people.
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