Saturday, December 1, 2012

The Muslin Brotherhood and how the British needed such an organization when they moved their million soldiers out of the Middle East after WWI.

The Muslin Brotherhood and how the British needed such an organization when they moved their million soldiers out of the Middle East after WWI.
The West needs an enemy, and the enemy needs the West. Just like the Neo-cons and Osama Bin laden. To squeeze everyone in between, from you, and me, right up to Hosni Mubarak. Squeeze into their proposed solution.
But there is no understanding of this mechanism unless one understands Hegelian dialectics. It indeed is hard to see it for what it is without having a paradigm shift first.
Most people's approach is called induction, which is little more than gathering specific examples and then in the manner of a detective after long hard labor coming to a general conclusion. In these cases of thesis, antithesis, synthesis, an approach called deduction is better suited. First you take the theory, then you see it everywhere.
The the Hegelian dialectics which once you take the deductive way of reasoning you see the thesis, antithesis, synthesis all over the globe.
When George Bush said: 'Either you are with us, or you are with the terrorists.' he made a thesis (we the good guys) against the antithesis (they, the bad guys). Like in All Star Wrestling which was nothing but an exercise in dialectics. Hulk Hogan went from one camp to the other, but there never was a third choice.
In propaganda this called a false dilemma. As in reality you can be with both, against both, be neutral with one and with/against the other. All in all, there is many more choices. But people usually fall into the trap and choose one or the other.
Niki Rapaana is expert in explaining Hegel's ways:

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