Red Alert!! Obama GUN CONFISCATION Starts Jan 1, 2013

Excerpt of the transcript from Obama’s speech from the video below:
1:58 But the fact that this problem is complex can no longer be an
2:03 excuse for doing nothing.
2:05 The fact that we can’t prevent every act of violence doesn’t
2:10 mean we can’t steadily reduce the violence,
2:14 and prevent the very worst violence.
2:18 That’s why I’ve asked the Vice President to lead an effort that
2:21 includes members of my Cabinet and outside organizations to
2:25 come up with a set of concrete proposals no later than January
2:31 — proposals that I then intend to push without delay.
2:35 This is not some Washington commission.
2:37 This is not something where folks are going to be studying
2:40 the issue for six months and publishing a report that gets
2:45 read and then pushed aside.
2:48 This is a team that has a very specific task,
2:52 to pull together real reforms right now.
2:56 I asked Joe to lead this effort in part because he wrote the
2:59 1994 Crime Bill that helped law enforcement bring down the rate
3:03 of violent crime in this country.
3:05 That plan — that bill also included the assault weapons ban
3:11 that was publicly supported at the time by former Presidents
3:15 including Ronald Reagan.
3:18 The good news is there’s already a growing consensus for us
3:21 to build from.
3:23 A majority of Americans support banning the sale of
3:25 military-style assault weapons.
3:28 A majority of Americans support banning the sale of
3:31 high-capacity ammunition clips.
3:34 A majority of Americans support laws requiring background checks
3:38 before all gun purchases, so that criminals can’t take
3:42 advantage of legal loopholes to buy a gun from somebody who
3:46 won’t take the responsibility of doing a background check at all.
3:51 I urge the new Congress to hold votes on these measures next
3:54 year in a timely manner.
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