Saturday, December 8, 2012




Posted by By at 30 November, at 02 : 12 AM Print
By CPT Pamela Barnett, USA Retired* (Author Obama Never Vetted:The Unlawful President) Copyright 2012
Obama lied to every American and the rest of the world about the date of the alleged Osama Bin Laden killing according to recently released Department of Defense emails.  (Email redactions by DOD) According to a live speech (White House link and alternate link) given to the country late night on May 1, 2011, Obama stated “Today at my direction the United States launched a targeted operation against that compound (where Osama allegedly was) in Abbottabad, Pakistan.  A small team of Americans carried out the operation with extraordinary courage and capability.  No Americans were harmed.  They took care to avoid civilian casualties.   After a fire fight they killed Osama Bin Laden and took custody of his body.”
The emails in my possession received directly from the Department of Defense as a result of a Freedom of Information Act request  for Osama Bin Laden killing and burial related documents, reveal that the mission to allegedly “kill Osama” occurred April 28, 2011 or earlier, not May 1, 2011, as Obama claimed.
      In one of the emails with a date time of April 29, 2011, 4:58 AM,  Rear Admiral (Lower Half) Samuel Perez, asks an unidentified email sender (Redacted) regarding the “burial”, “Do I need any special religious/ceremonial preparations?”  Email strings that were released concerning the alleged burial of Osama go back to April 28.  This means that “Osama” (or possibly someone else) was killed April 28, 2011 or earlier.
 Early Morning Email From RDML Samuel Perez Asking About Burial April 29
Email From Rear Admiral Kurt Tidd Morning Of April 28 to RDML Perez Regarding BurialWith Daily Update (27 APR 2011) Subject Header
     Obama continued to lie to the American people two other times in his speech that Osama was killed that day – May 1, 2011.
At 6.13 minutes Obama stated “Tonight I called President Zardari and my team has also spoken with their Pakistani counterparts. They agree that this is a good and historic day for both of our nations,” stated Obama.
At  8.37   “Today’s achievement is a testament to the greatness of our country,” stated Obama.
So why did Obama lie about the date that Osama was killed?  Was it timed to further control the media by giving them a new, sexier story than a 9th Circuit Court of Appeals hearing the next morning in Pasadena, CA, that confirmed that Obama’s real, unforged, Constitutinal credentials had/have NEVER been vetted by any court or anyone in any State or Federal government agency?  The court eventually ruled that no one had standing after the 2008 election except possibly a candidate and Ambassador Allen Keyes was not running for President again so the case was dismissed.  This video is very important in understanding how the federal courts continue to fraudulently weasel out of hearing Obama ineligibility cases and how the federal courts have taken away our right to petition the federal court regarding un-Constitutional issues.
For the first time the major news networks were going to cover an actual court hearing on Obama’s ineligibility and fraud crimes the very next morning.  Obama and his operatives saw this coming and wanted to further keep the American people and the media in the dark regarding his ineligibility, forged documents, and use of a Connecticut social security number never assigned to him.  See related story Was “Osama Killing” Obama Wagging The Dog?
Surprisingly, or not surprisingly, Rear Admiral (Lower Half) Samuel Perez and other high level military and other government officials let the lie on Osama’s alleged day of death stand.  What else is being lied about by Obama and military officials regarding the alleged death of Osama Bin Laden?
On a boat of over 6,000 sailors, only a handful of witnesses?  Where were all of the on duty sailors?
Did the under a dozen of those unnamed men in leadership even look in the body bag?  Anything or anyone could have been in the bag.
Also the Department of Defense in their Freedom of Information Act response, stated that the USS Carl Vinson (the carrier in which Osama’s body was allegedly dumped), had no documentary evidence of Osama’s burial.  However in the released emails RDML Charles M. Gaouette stated  “The paucity of documentary evidence in our possession is a reflection of the emphasis placed upon operational security during the execution of this phase of the operation.”
Paucity means a small amount.  So the military leadership in coordination with Obama’s DOD stated that there is no documentary evidence (a lie), even though RDML Gaouette had said there was a “paucity” of evidence.
Email Where RDML Gaouette Stated That Documentary Evidence of    “Osama’s Burial” Existed

Was  Rear Admiral (lower half) Charles Gaouette relieved from command because he did not like that the U.S. military and Obama were lying to the American people? Was the admiral being set up by the Obama administration for not wanting to keep the Osama lie quiet?   From
Navy Admiral kicked off his ship, sent back to Bremerton. Why?
A man who climbed the Navy’s ranks over a long career has been unceremoniously removed as commander of the USS Stennis Carrier Strike Group and sent back to the homeport in Bremerton.
A U.S. Navy spokesperson is not giving an explanation for the change, other than to say that questions had arisen about Rear Admiral Charles Gaouette’s “leadership judgment.” …….
……..NBC News interviewed Neal Zerbe, a retired Navy Captain, who says, “The particular commander being relieved, and you know translating that to just moving him back to a continental U.S. base while the investigation continues, is unlike anything I’ve ever seen before.”
If going to see the new Osama killing movie Zero Dark Thirty this weekend, citizens of this country and the world should consider taking the movie more as a work of fiction to prop up Obama than a work of non-fiction.  The Obama administration lies continue.
*Use of military rank is NOT  an endorsement by the Department of Defense or Department of the Army.



Was “Osama Killing” Obama Wagging the Dog?

Posted by By at 7 November, at 00 : 00 AM Print
Was “Osama Killing” Obama Wagging the Dog? By Pamela Barnett
Author Obama Never Vetted:  The Unlawful President

Did Obama really “kill” Osama”?  Or is this another of the many instances of Obama lying to America?   Benazir Bhutto had said that Osama bin Laden was killed years earlier in several news interviews and she was killed soon after this one in 2007.  Could she have been killed so the military industrial complex could carry on the illusion of Osama Bin Laden?  Look at all of the lies Obama has put forward surrounding the Benghazi terrorist attack for example.
When something happens a world away with no witnesses left alive, it becomes very important to be able to trust the person telling you what happened.  Obama has proven time and again he will lie for political gain.
More than 18 months later, still NO documentary proof has been produced regarding the “killing of Osama”.  In fact, many of the alleged Seal Team 6 members that performed the raid  were reportedly killed in a tragic helicopter crash.  The only image we have of this event is Obama saying he killed Osama and a fake (doctored – look at too small head Obama) Obama/Osama White House situation room photo.

What was stunning about the entire “event” was the timing because Obama’s press conference was held late in the evening before the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals was to have a hearing May 2, 2011, on whether someone could sue Obama regarding his constitutional ineligibility.  I was in my Pasadena hotel room preparing for the hearing when I was overcome by disbelief.  “What timing?” I thought.   All of the major “news” networks were in town to cover the hearing the next morning.  Needless to say the “Osama Killing” was much sexier than a hearing with a bunch of old judges that would decide the fate of their/our nation.  Obama and his operative caused all of the media to disappear.  (note: POTUS candidates were ruled to potentially have standing to sue Obama.)
In a federal Freedom of Information Act Request filed in May, 2011, I had requested the documents accurately reflected in a response letter from the U.S. Special Operations Command regarding the alleged Osama Bin Laden killing.  My FOIA request officer now in charge is at the Secretary of Defense/Joint Staff , FOIA Department, and states I may have a response in December.  She did not clarify if there would be any documents released seeing how the Pentagon has not been able to find any so far on the “Osama killing”.

According to an Associated Press article posted at March 15, 2012, “Ten months after that electrifying covert mission, an administration that has pledged to be the most transparent in American history is refusing to release documents about it under the Freedom of Information Act. The records could provide insights into how bin Laden died, how the U.S. verified his identity and how it decided to bury him at sea, as well as photographs taken during and after the May 2011 raid on his compound in Abbottabad, Pakistan.
Government officials have openly discussed details of the mission in speeches, interviews and television appearances, but the administration won’t disclose records that would confirm their narrative of that fateful night. The Obama administration has not even said where in Washington’s bureaucracy all the documents might be stored.”
The AP then went on to describe the types of documents that are either being withheld or never existed.
The Pentagon said it could not find any death certificate, autopsy report or results of DNA identification tests for bin Laden, or any pre-raid materials discussing how the government planned to dispose of bin Laden’s body if he were killed. It said it searched files at the Pentagon, U.S. Special Operations Command in Tampa, Fla., and the Navy command in San Diego that controls the aircraft carrier Carl Vinson, used in the mission.
There is no documentary proof after 18 months that Obama killed Osama.  Was the real Osama Bin Laden killed?  Was someone else killed?  Was anyone killed on May 1, 2011 in Pakistan by American forces?

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  2. [...] For the first time, the major news networks were going to cover an actual court hearing on Obama’s ineligibility and fraud crimes the very next morning.  Obama and his operatives saw this coming and wanted to further keep the American people and the media in the dark regarding his ineligibility, forged documents, and use of a Connecticut social security number never assigned to him.  (See related story Was “Osama Killing” Obama Wagging The Dog?) [...]
  3. [...] For the first time, the major news networks were going to cover an actual court hearing on Obama’s ineligibility and fraud crimes the very next morning.  Obama and his operatives saw this coming and wanted to further keep the American people and the media in the dark regarding his ineligibility, forged documents, and use of a Connecticut social security number never assigned to him.  (See related story Was “Osama Killing” Obama Wagging The Dog?) [...]

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