Monday, December 10, 2012

Obama Leads American Sheeple Over the Fiscal Cliff to Introduce Carbon Taxes

Obama Leads American Sheeple Over the Fiscal Cliff to Introduce Carbon Taxes

Arguments about the fiscal cliff on Capitol Hill have been focused on tax hikes and the illusion of spending cuts. President Obama and John Boehner, Republican House Speaker, have been futile with no progress in sight. This rhetoric fuels the public’s fears about the nation’s finances.
Obama has been vocal about imposing tax hikes on 98% of Americans in 2013 because the fiscal cliff was not averted.
According to anonymous White House officials, “The President will highlight why it would hurt our economy and our nation’s businesses if we do not find a solution to avoid another debt ceiling crisis, and will ask the business leaders for their help in supporting an approach that resolves the debt limit without drama or delay.”
Last month, Timothy Geithner, US Secretary of Treasury, said that “we ought to just eliminate the debt ceiling.” Obama’s plan is to give himself the authority to “unilaterally raise” the debt ceiling. Taking Geithner’s suggestion to heart, Obama now is claiming dictorial power over how much money the US spends and borrows from the central bankers.
The suspenseful banter between Obama and Congress over the fiscal cliff has pushed the country to the edge of tolerance. And as the elected politicians and Communist-in-Chief battle it out, a larger deficit is accruing – as if on purpose.
Senator Jeff Sessions pointed out the Obama and Congress has been in “secret” meetings to negotiate the fiscal cliff. Sessions explained: “I rise today to express my reservations about the fiscal cliff negotiations that are currently underway. Over the last two years, Congress and the President have held an endless series of secret negotiations. There have been gangs of six and eight, a supercommittee of 12, talks at the Blair House and the White House. But the only thing these secret talks have produced is a government that skips from one crisis to the next. Everything has been tried but the open production of a 10-year budget plan as required by law and open discussions of the difficult choices.”
Sessions refered to Obama’s propaganda buzz words like “balanced plan” and his claim to take a “responsible path to deficit reduction” as political rhetoric to convince the American public that their government is taking care of the problem while in the shadows Obama is setting the stage of a technocratic takeover, austerity measures with the elimination of “entitlement” programs and more taxing of the working class.
The report released by the White House Council of Economic Advisors (WHCEA) in November outlined how Congress would be to blame should action be stymied which would translate to middle class income tax hikes, reduction in consumer spending and economic efficiency would be greatly affected.
The WHCEA report reflects warnings from private sector economists and retailers that say Black Friday sales were lower than in 2011 and economic stress is causing Americans to spend less money. The report warns that “the hard-earned rise in consumer confidence will be at risk if the middle-class tax cuts are not soon extended with a minimum of political drama.”
Earlier this week, Mitch McConnell, Senate Majority Leader, proposed an amendment to “force a vote” on Obama’s “deficit-reduction plan. McDonnell said: “Last week [Treasury] Secretary [Timothy] Geithner brought up a proposal that was so unserious. I would like to see if my Democratic friends would like to support it.”
Obama would like to see austerity come to America in the form of a $1.6 trillion tax increase with $400 billion in entitlement program cuts. Spending for the US government would continue with a $50 billion stimulus package. This scheme would infer the raising of the debt ceiling that Obama nearly out right demanded from Congress.
Technocrats know that tax increases must steadily increase within the domestic US as well as a global trend. As part of the scheme in still global governance, fiat currencies across the world need to implode. Central bankers understand this move is combined with other incremental steps toward the goal of replacing current fiat with a centralized version in a deliberate hostile takeover.
JD Foster, senior fellow at the Heritage Foundation explains: “It’s perhaps the most foolish set of tax policies under discussion in all of Europe just have to laugh and ask whether he was elected for the sole purpose of destroying the French Republic. Everyone says they want a growth agenda, then everything they do harms growth.”
In order to ensure more money ends up in the hands of the technocrats, the Obama administration began an “effort to nationalize the nation’s pension system and to eliminate private retirement accounts including IRA’s and 401k plans.”
The scheme would give government-sponsored annuities power to replace 401k plans as well as create “government regulation over private retirement accounts.”
Wall Street and some corporations who are in bed with the Obama administration, such as General Electric, Xerox, and Honeywell International, demand that Congress raise the debt ceiling to avoid falling over the fiscal cliff. They contend that by increasing government spending, and borrowing from the Federal Reserve Bank, that the US government can get out of their financial straits. However, this rationale is flawed and simply ensures that the central bankers remain in control of America’s monetary future.
Obama’s answer to the fiscal cliff is instilling carbon taxes in America to “help cut the US budget deficit.”
Beginning at $20 per metric ton of carbon dioxide tax, which would be raised 6% annually would be “applied to the Congressional Budget Office’s 2012 baseline, this would halve the fiscal deficit by 2022.”
Jay Carney, press secretary for the White House, has alternately come out claiming: “[The Obama administration] would never propose a carbon tax, and have no intention of proposing one.” Carney explains that Obama’s meaning is to create jobs based on green technologies. However, even the US Treasury Department advises Republicans to support the carbon tax idea.

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