Obama CIA Secrets – Stalin, Hitler and Barry Soetoro Terrorism
Mikhail KryzhanovskySat: Mar 31, 2012
Subject: Operation Barack Obama – How KGB, CIA and FBI Kill America
by Mikhail Kryzhanovsky
About the author
Born 1958, Kolomiya, Ukraine.
Chernovtsy State University (languages, military school)
KGB Counterintelligence School (counter-espionage, crime investigation, forensic science)
KGB Intelligence Institute (espionage)
a former KGB counter-espionage secret source “Konstantin”
a former KGB counter-espionage officer
a former KGB intelligence officer
a former KGB "Nabat" anti-terror group sniper
a former SBU (Ukrainian Security Service) illegal intelligence officer
a former CIA/FBI/US Secret Service secret source "Filament"
the author of the White House Special Handbook, Algora, New York, 2007
the author of the “Espionage and Counterespionage Handbook”, PublishAmerica, Baltimore, 2012
been on “Morning Liberty Show” in 2011
the author of the US National Security System, 2011, not published
New York
Birth certificate.
New York State ID RNC platinum card
Mike Rogers, Chairman
U.S. House of Representatives Permanent Committee on Intelligence
Dianne Feinstein, Chairman
U.S. Senate Select Committee on Intelligence
Dear Mrs. Feinstein, Mr. Rogers,
years your committees’ investigations had nothing to do with
professional intelligence and the national security of America. It’s
time for a major change – Congress must investigate these cases because
each one is a direct threat to our country, its security and its future.
Mikhail Kryzhanovsky
Chapter 1. OSS Operation "President Roosevelt"
Chapter 2. Adolf Hitler was KGB ?
Chapter 3. CIA Operation "John Kennedy"
Chapter 4. KGB Operation "Bill Clinton"
Chapter 5. SBU Operation "Kremlin"
Chapter 6. KGB Operation "John Deutch"
Chapter 7. CIA/FBI "Millenium Hilton" Conspiracy
Chapter 8. CIA operation "9/11"
Chapter 1. Version: Obama is KGB illegal spy
Chapter 2. Mafia
Chapter 3. Tom Fife’s adventure
Chapter 4. Don’t ask Lugar
Chapter 5. Gestapo again
Chapter 6. Pelosi favor
Chapter 7. Good Russian boy
Chapter 8. Why “Occupy Wall Street”
Chapter 9. War 2012
Chapter 10. Here comes Hillary
Chapter 11. “National crisis” – mission accomplished
Chapter 12. What America has to do
Chapter 13. Louis Freeh and Co.
Chapter 14. KGB psychotechnologies.
Chapter 1. Watch the microphone !
Chapter 2. Obama is finished.
PART 1. Pandora’s Box
Introduction. Who is who.
What’s KGB
KGB (КГБ) ,Committee for State Security, was the internal security,
intelligence, and secret police agency of the Soviet Union in 1917-1991 .
Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation (FSB) is the main
domestic security agency of Russia and the main successor agency of the
KGB. Its main responsibilities are counter-intelligence, internal and
border security, counter-terrorism, and surveillance.
Russian Foreign Intelligence Service (СВР) is Russia's external
intelligence agency. The SVR is the successor of the First Chief
Directorate (PGU) of the KGB since 1991.
KGB spy code
1. No mercy, no ideology, no emotions.
2. Intuition is nothing but the ability to watch and analyze.
3. No evidence is evidence in itself.
4. Distrust is a mother of security.
5. Never look as if you are sizing up the person — that's a sign that gives away cops and spies.
6. Don't start first if you don't know the rules.
7. The
way you act is the way you think — behavior is a system of codes
(information) which could be calculated by the enemy. Watch your face —
that's a shop window.
8. Think fast, talk slow.
9. Think slow, act fast.
10. Avoid self-programming and never think bad about yourself.
Don't smoke, drink or take drugs if it's not necessary; spare your
stomach from very hot or cold food or drinks; avoid too much noise and
12. The more you lie the more people respect you.
13. Let people talk out and "empty their brains" — then load your information.
14. People never change — everybody wants to get pleasure and avoid pain.
15. "He knew too much" means "He talked too much."
Never ask extra questions — wait. Wait and the object will get used to
you and open himself — nobody can stay tense for long.
17. Lonely people live longer in espionage business.
18. "No exit" situation is the one you don't like or don't understand.
19. Avoid:
- personal enemies (they fix negative information on you)
- silent types (they watch and think too much)
- other professionals (they'll blow your identity)
- extra stress (it damages your heart and blood vessels and that kills your brain and your ability to think )
- talking too much
What’s SVR
SVR, the Russian Foreign Intelligence Service, is the successor of the First Chief Directorate (PGU) of the KGB since 1991.
"Law on Foreign Intelligence Organs" authorizes the SVR to carry out the following:
1.Conduct intelligence.
2.Implement active measures to ensure Russia's security.
3.Conduct military, strategic, economic, scientific and technological espionage.
4.Protect employees of Russian institutions overseas and their families.
5.Provide personal security for Russian government officials and their families.
6.Conduct joint operations with foreign security services.
7.Conduct electronic surveillance in foreign countries.
The Russian President can personally issue any secret orders for the SVR.
PR: political Intelligence, 17 departments, each responsible for
different countries of the world (espionage in the USA, Canada, Latin
America, etc.)
S: illegal Intelligence: 13 departments responsible for preparing and
planting "illegal agents" abroad, conducting terror operations and
sabotage in foreign countries, "biological espionage", recruitment of
foreign citizens on the Russian territory .
Directorate X: scientific and technical Intelligence
KR: external counter-intelligence, infiltration of foreign intelligence
and security services and exercises surveillance over Russian citizens
Directorate OT: operational and technical support
Directorate R: operational planning and analysis, evaluates SVR operations abroad.
I: computer service (information and dissemination), analyzes and
distributes intelligence data and publishes a daily current events
summaries for the President
Directorate of Economic Intelligence
the Operations Department of Directorate S, there is the elite deep
undercover Special Operations (Spetsnaz) Group called Zaslon (300-500
operatives) assigned to execute special operations abroad. .
1999, President Yeltsin admitted that the SVR plays a greater role in
the Russian foreign policy than the Foreign Ministry. It was reported
that SVR defined Russian position on the transfer of nuclear
technologies to Iran, NATO expansion, and modification of the
Anti-Ballistic Missile Treaty. SVR sends to the Russian president daily
digests of intelligence, similar to the President's Daily Brief produced
by the CIA. However, unlike the CIA, the SVR recommends to the
president which policy options are preferable.
What’s CIA
Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) is a civilian intelligence agency of
the U.С. government. It's predecessor, the Office of Strategic Services,
was established in 1942.
It is
an executive agency and reports directly to the Director of National
Intelligence, responsible for providing national security intelligence
assessment to senior United States policymakers through means of covert
psychological, cyber, and social warfare using non-military commissioned
civilian Intelligence Agents to carry out these intelligence-gathering
The Reagan transition team for the CIA (November, 1980) reported the following:
fundamental problem confronting American security is the current
dangerous condition of the Central Intelligence Agency and of national
intelligence collection generally. The failure of American intelligence
collection has been at the heart of faulty defense planning and
misdirected foreign policy."
The team pointed out to the following intelligence failures:
- the
general and continuing failure to predict the actual size and scope of
the Soviet military effort and military sector of the Russian GNP
- the consistent gross misstatement of Soviet global objectives
- the wholesale failure to understand or attempt to counteract Soviet disinformation and propaganda
- the
general failure to explain the characteristics of Soviet conventional
weapon systems and vessels — for example the new Russian guided missile
- the
wholesale failure to understand and predict the nature of the so-called
wars of national liberation in Africa and Central and South America
- the
consistent miscalculation regarding the effect of and general apology
for massive technology transfer from West to the East
- the apparent internal failure of counterintelligence generally.
team went on to observe."The unhealthy symbiosis between the CIA and the
Department of State is the chief underlying cause of the security
position of the United States. The next Director of the Central
Intelligence Agency … will be told repeatedly by virtually everyone in
policy positions at the Agency that the CIA is a highly professional,
non-political agency that produces ‘objective' intelligence. Those
assertions are arrant nonsense. In part out of mutual drive for
individual and corporate self-preservation, the CIA has become an
elitist organization which engenders unshakable loyalty among its staff.
The National Intelligence Estimate process is itself a bureaucratic
game. These failures are of such enormity, that they cannot help but
suggest to any objective observer that the agency itself is compromised
to an unprecedented extent and that its paralysis is attributable to
causes more sinister than incompetence."
In 1991 the CIA failed completely to predict the Soviet empire collapse and the end of the Cold War as such.
People involved in Operation “Barack Obama” and “Mikhail Kryzhanovsky case”
1.Vladimir Putin, President of Russia.
2.Mikhail Fradkov, SVR Director.
3.Barack Obama, the U.S. President
4.Bill Clinton, a former U.S. President
5.George W. Bush, a former U.S. President
6.Hillary Clinton, the U.S. Secretary of State
7.Janet Napolitano, the U.S. Homeland Security Secretary
8.Chuck Schumer, the U.S. Senator (D.-NY)
9.Kirsten Gillibrand, the U.S. Senator (D.-NY)
10. Patrick Fitzerald, the U.S. Special Counsel
11.CIA Directors: John Deutch, George Tenet, Porter Goss, Michael Hayden, Leon Panetta, David Petraeus.
12. Robert Mueller, FBI Director
13. Mark Sullivan, the U.S. Secret Service Director
14.Leonid Kravchuk, a former President of the Ukraine
Chapter 1 . OSS Operation "President Roosevelt"
Franklin D. Roosevelt “Wild Bill” Donovan, OSS Chief Heinrich Mueller, Gestapo Chief
October 1995
secret CIA headquarters (room 3111, Millenium Hilton, New York) I
discussed with CIA agents Gestapo methods. Actually, I wanted to find
Gestapo Chief Mueller who disappeared in May, 1945. Не
was fully in charge and thus responsible to execute the extermination
of the Jews of Europe. The CIA agents got very angry :"We don't
recommend you to do this. Stop it !"I want international Jewish
community to ask the White House what does it mean.
Note. “The
head of the Jewish section of the Gestapo (IVB) , Obersturmannfuerer
Eichman , estimated in his report that 2,000,000 Jews had been killed by
shooting mainly by the Eintzatz Groups. This did not include the
estimated 4,000,000 sent by the Gestapo for extermination in
annihilation camps” .The International Military Tribunal , Nurnberg, 1946, Volume II, Chapter XV, p.282”
Killing of Jews at Ivangorod and in Vinnitsa, Ukraine. 1942
June 13, 1942
The Office of Strategic Services was established by a Presidential military order issued by President Roosevelt.
November 28- December 1, 1943
Joseph Stalin, Franklin D. Roosevelt, Winston Churchill
Adolf Hitler Otto Scorzeny Maya Mikota
Stalin, Roosevelt and Churchill met at Tehran to
plan the final strategy for the war against Nazi Germany and its
allies, and the chief discussion was centered on the opening of a second
front in Western Europe. German
intelligence had learned of the conference in mid-October 1943, after
breaking a US Navy cod. Hitler wasn’t really interested (why – see Ch.
2) but he had to approve the "Long Jump" operation headed by
SS-Obersturmbannfuhrer (Lieutenant Colonel) Otto Scorzeny. KGB first
became aware of the plot when Soviet spy Maya Mikota got her German
boyfriend SS Sturmbannfuhrer Hans Ulrich von Ortel to tell her the
following:" I have to go for a month and I'll bring you a beautiful
Persian carpet – we never made love on the carpet".Six German radio
operators were dropped by parachute and made their way to Tehran, but
were eventually found by Soviet agents led by Gevork Vartanian. The
operation was called off, Skorzeny himself considered the intelligence
coming from Tehran to be inadequate and did not believe the complex
scheme could have worked. Roosevelt lived in Soviet Embassy for security
reasons and the became friends with Stalin, especially after KGB got a
very rare stamp for Roosevelt who was a very serious philatelist. They
even talked in private about the possibility of the Soviet-American
Peace and Friendship Treaty. American big business which was making big
money on World War II and already planning future Cold War against
Soviet Union got information about the talks – Roosevelt had to die.
1942 – 1945
Chief Heinrich Mueller was recruited and worked for Office of Strategic
Services (OSS). At OSS order he planned and executed the operation to
poison the US President Franklin Roosevelt. He was last seen in the
Führerbunker in Berlin on May 1, 1945, the day after Hitler's suicide.
The CIA's file on Muller was released under the Freedom of Information.
Act in 2001, and documents several unsuccessful attempts by U.S.
agencies to find Mueller. The U.S. National Archives commentary on the
file concludes: "Though inconclusive on Muller's ultimate fate, the file
is very clear on one point. The CIA and its predecessors (OSS) did not
know Muller's whereabouts at any point after the war. The CIA was never
in contact with Mueller."
April 12, 1945
On the
afternoon of April 12, Roosevelt said, "I have a terrific pain in the
back of my head." He then slumped forward in his chair, unconscious, and
was carried into his bedroom. The president's attending cardiologist,
Dr. Bruenn, diagnosed a massive cerebral hemorrhage (stroke). At 3:35 pm
Roosevelt died. Three American presidents – Harry Truman, Dwight
Eisenhower and John Kennedy rejected Roosevelt family's request for
autopsy – they knew who killed the President, they knew about Mueller
and nobody wanted to be next.
June 4, 1961 .
a short brake in Vienna Summit between John Kennedy and Soviet Premier
Nikita Khruschhev, Kennedy's Press Secretary Pier Sallinger, introduced
to the President Soviet journalist Valentin Zorin who asked why Kennedy
refused the autopsy of Roosevelt's body. Kennedy got angry: "I'll OK the
autopsy and there might be traces of a poison. It won't bring Roosevelt
back but what people would think about the country where they poison
presidents like rats ?"
President Ronald Reagan and Valentin Zorin
October 12, 2011
Efraim Zuroff, Head
Simon Wiesenthal Centre
1 Mendele street
Jerusalem, 92147, Israel
Dear Mr Zuroff,
May, 2010 I've sent you the evidence that Gestapo Chief Mueller worked
for CIA and asked you for investigation into the case. I insist on any
answer from you, a prominent Nazi hunter.
Thank you,
Mikhail Kryzhanovsky
October 19, 2011
talked to Melissa Hooper, New York Simon Wiesenthal Office
(212-697-1293) on the case. I want to take part in the investigation.
Chapter 2. Adolf Hitler was KGB ?
Why Obama is next to Stalin and Hitler ? See Ch. 9
1. In
May 1940, Germans surrounded 400 000 British troops at the French port
of Dunkirk and 200 000 more – at other ports. Hitler ordered to stop
Kleist's Tank Army, ready to slaughter half a million Brits and end up
the British empire. He also ordered Göring to stop airstrikes. He saved
the enemy, allowing them to flee to Great Britain. No explanation.
2. In 1941, he appointed Goering his successor. No explanation.
3. On
June 22, 1941 Hitler attacked the USSR. On July 1, 1941 he stopped the
tank forces at Moscow suburbs and refocused the direction of the main
attack to the south. No explanation.
4. In
1942, Hitler began to destroy the German economy – he ordered Martin
Bormann to transfer Reichsbank funds to offshore companies. The order
was a top secret.
5. On
March 19, 1945, Hitler ordered to terminate the German industry,
communications and transport (to end the war, of course). Albert Speer,
the Minister of Armaments, managed to sabotage the order and Germans
kept fighting for a month and a half.
6. Hitler's fate is unknown:
- allegedly committed suicide by taking cyanide
- allegedly committed suicide – shot himself
- allegedly was shot
- allegedly KGB exhumed corpses and identified Hitler and Eva Braun
allegedly their bodies were buried on the territory of the Soviet
military base in Magdenburge, East Germany, and in 1970 KGB Chairman Y.
Andropov ordered to burn the bodies. Why ?
something absolutely impossible -Stalin did not even bother to find
Hitler, dead or alive – official order doesn't exist ! A small KGB team
arrived from Moscow for 1 (one) day , looked at Führer's bunker and…
Hitler was a KGB asset ?
Part 3. CIA Operation "John Kennedy"
September 18, 1947
National Security Act of 1947 established the CIA. The agency conducts
covert operations and paramilitary actions, and exerts foreign political
influence through its Special Activities Division.
August 5, 1962
Robert Kennedy, Marilyn Monroe, John Kennedy
agents killed Marilyn Monroe (staged suicide – "acute barbiturate
poisoning") who got information on planned JFK assassination and
desperately tried to contact him or his brother, Robert Kennedy. It’s
much more simple to kill without any traces on or in the body – use a
November 22, 1963
President John Kennedy was assassinated at 12:30 p.m.in Dealey Plaza, Dallas, Texas.
President Kennedy shot.
conspiracy? It’s when you ask the government a simple question and
nobody wants to answer it. And if you ask the wrong questions you get
the wrong answers, as with the Warren Commission. Let’s ask some good
1. What would have happened if the snipers missed the target or Kennedy
survived, being merely wounded- m sniper is a human being – he makes
Kennedy would have won the 1964 Presidential election and then
conceivably his brothers, Robert and Edward, would keep the Oval Office
until 1984 (count the years for yourself). No war in Vietnam. The CIA
would have been shut down. The FBI and Pentagon would have been "cleaned
up" and "cleaned out."
2. Why would the CIA, FBI and big business behind them, not to mention
others who had their eye on the Oval Office, take such a huge risk?
There was no risk at all and there was no "huge conspiracy – there was a
"passive sabotage" operation. CIA Director John McCone, FBI Director
Edgar Hoover and Secret Service Director James Rowley made a deal not to
touch Lee Harvey Oswald until operation is over.
Kennedy, Dulles, McCone Edgar Hoover James Rowley
3. Why was Kennedy murdered in public? President Kennedy was a sick
man, taking a lot of pills daily. He had Addison’s disease which, in
addition to susceptibility to infection can cause weakness, weight loss
and low blood pressure; so he was taking cortisone. For his back pain
Dr. Max Jacobson injected him (and Jackie) with a mixture of unspecified
(!) multivitamins, hormones, steroids, enzymes, and animal organ cells.
Kennedy also used cocaine, marijuana, hashish and even LSD, especially
during dates with women, including prostitutes —- for many people this
was not a secret. There were enough opportunities to stage a death in
This had to be a public execution with a very clear message for the
next Presidents – "Don’t touch the CIA!" and it worked until now. I want
to touch CIA.
Question 4. What was the rush?
Answer.Kennedy wanted to eliminate CIA.
assassination was planned by a very professional expert. It might be
Gestapo Mueller who, unlike other assassins, had a very good reason to
keep his mouth shut. That's why Congress wants to keep 40,000 documents
on JFK case classified for another 20 years.
June 5, 1968
Robert Kennedy shot
winning the California primary election for the Democratic nomination
for the US President, Senator Robert Kennedy was shot as he walked
through the kitchen of the Ambassador Hotel. Sirhan Sirhan, a
24-year-old Palestinian immigrant, was convicted of Kennedy's murder and
is serving a life sentence for the crime. Robert Kennedy promised a
full investigation of his brother's assassination in case he was
November, 1980
The Reagan transition team for the CIA reported the following:
fundamental problem confronting American security is the current
dangerous condition of the Central Intelligence Agency. The failure of
American intelligence collection has been at the heart of faulty defense
planning and misdirected foreign policy.”
The team pointed out to the following intelligence failures:
- the
general and continuing failure to predict the actual size and scope of
the Soviet military effort and military sector of the Russian GNP
- the consistent gross misstatement of Soviet global objectives
- the wholesale failure to understand or attempt to counteract Soviet disinformation and propaganda
- the
general failure to explain the characteristics of Soviet conventional
weapon systems and vessels — for example the new Russian guided missile
- the
wholesale failure to understand and predict the nature of the so-called
wars of national liberation in Africa and Central and South America
- the
consistent miscalculation regarding the effect of and general apology
for massive technology transfer from West to the East
- the apparent internal failure of counterintelligence generally.
The team went on to observe.”The
unhealthy symbiosis between the CIA and the Department of State is the
chief underlying cause of the security position of the United States. The
next Director of the CIA … will be told repeatedly by virtually
everyone in policy positions at the Agency that the CIA is a highly
professional, non-political agency that produces ‘objective’
intelligence. Those assertions are arrant nonsense. In part out of
mutual drive for individual and corporate self-preservation, the CIA has
become an elitist organization which engenders unshakable loyalty among
its staff. The National Intelligence Estimate process is itself a
bureaucratic game. These
failures are of such enormity, that they cannot help but suggest to any
objective observer that the agency itself is compromised to an
unprecedented extent and that its paralysis is attributable to causes
more sinister than incompetence.”
John Kennedy Jr New York “Carlyle” Princess Diana
Kennedy Jr. who said once that his father's death investigation was the
most important thing of his life, approached Princess Diana Spencer
for an interview for his "George" magazine . They met at New York
Carlyle Hotel where JFK dated Marilyn Monroe – a holy place for John
Kennedy Jr. where he would never have "hot sex" and "try cocaine" with
Diana . It was a business meeting, an "investigation" meeting. In 1995
CIA wanted me to kill somebody very important – it could be Diana and
John Kennedy Jr.
August 31, 1997
used my instructions on staged car accidents to kill Princess Diana.
Diana was fatally injured in a car crash in the Pont de l'Alma road
tunnel in Paris, which also caused the death of her boyfriend, Dodi
Princess Diana is dead. CIA Director ( in 1997-2004 ) George Tenet
Mohammed al-Fayed, Dodi's father, recruited a "mole" inside CIA,
somebody who knew the Agency had a file on Diana. He didn't get it of
course through Washington, DC District Court and the mistake was – he
had to recruit somebody with straight access to archives. If Diana left a
notice on her talks with John Kennedy Jr for her sons, they might be
next CIA victims. I can tell Mohammed al-Fayed what's in Diana's CIA
file for free – surveillance documents, a video tape of the Carlyle
Hotel meeting, a plan to stage the car accident, a file on me if I had
to do the job.
If I have to investigate Diana's death, I would start with a very simple question.
What happened to the driver, the Ritz security chief Henri Paul ?
tried to out-run paparazzi by speeding down a Riverfront Expressway, but
lost somehow control of the Mercedes S280 near the entrance to the Alma
Tunnel and crashed into a concrete pillar at an estimated speed of 65
to 70 miles per hour. He died on impact of a severed spine and a
ruptured aorta.
The tests showed an extraordinary high (not explained until now) level
of carbon monoxide in his blood (20.7 %), which should have caused a
severe headache, dizziness, confusion and absolute aversion to alcohol.
Very heavy smokers can have a level of up to 9% , and Henri Paul wasn’t a
heavy smoker. There were no ventilation problems in his apartment,
office or car. The gas didn’t appear from inside Mercedes because no
other passenger was affected.
So, what happened to Henri Paul ?
July 16, 1999
killed John Kennedy Jr. in a staged plane crash. Kennedy along with his
wife Carolyn and sister-in-law Lauren were reported missing when the
Piper Saratoga II HP he was piloting failed to arrive at its planned
destination, the Martha's Vineyard Airport in Vineyard Haven,
John Kennedy Jr and wife Carolyn
search immediately commenced to locate the trio, ending on July 21 when
their bodies were discovered and returned to land. The National
Transportation Safety Board (NTSB) determined that the plane had crashed
into the Atlantic Ocean off Martha's Vineyard and the probable cause
was pilot error: "Kennedy's failure to maintain control of the airplane
during a descent over water at night, which was a result of spatial
disorientation." Kennedy was not qualified to fly a plane by
"instruments only," though the crash occurred in conditions not legally
requiring it. Their ashes were scattered from the Navy ship off the
coast of Martha's Vineyard.
Chapter 4. KGB Operation "Bill Clinton"
December 31, 1969
Bill Clinton and Hillary, 1975 Yuri Andropov, KGB Chief , 1967-1982
student and anti-war activist Bill Clinton came to Moscow through
Holland, Denmark, Norway, Sweden, and Finland for 5-days vacation at
expensive "National" Hotel. The only person he knew in Moscow was Anik
"Nikki" Alexis, a daughter of a French diplomat . Clinton recalls, "One
night I took a bus out to Lumumba University to have dinner with Nikki"
.On the bus back home, Clinton says, there was only one other passenger,
Oleg Rakito, who "spoke better English than I did" and "asked me lots
of questions and told me he worked for the government, virtually
admitting he was assigned to keep an eye on me".
story is all fake. First, foreigners who can afford "National" don't use
public transportation on January -30 C night. Second, KGB officer might
reveal his identity to a foreigner if he's recruiting him only. Third,
Bill Clinton was recruited, otherwise he would have left Moscow
immediately and in panic. Instead, he enjoyed the rest of his vacation
and went to Czechoslovakia, another socialist country. In 1969 Bill
Clinton was 23 , perfect age – KGB tried to recruit young foreigners
(students of Yale, Harvard, Columbia, Oxford) between ages 21-26
you brainwash them much easier and faster than adults
you build their careers the way you want
Clinton shared the story with Hillary, of course. KGB, not Hillary
Clinton, made Bill Clinton Arkansas Governor and then – US President.
Governor Bill Clinton used drugs and was a sex maniac. Jenifer
Flowers tоld Sean Hannity's WABC talk radio show: "He smoked marijuana
in my presence and offered me to snort cocaine if I wanted to". Two
Arkansas state troopers will swear under oath that they have seen
Clinton ''under the influence'' of drugs when he was governor. Sharlene
Wilson, a bartender, told a federal grand jury she saw Clinton and his
younger brother ''snort'' cocaine together in 1979. Jack McCoy, a
Democratic state representative and Clinton supporter, told the Sunday
Telegraph that he could ''remember going into the governor's conference
room once and it reeked of marijuana.'' Historian Roger Morris quotes
several law enforcement officials who say they had seen and knew of
Clinton's drug use.
wouldn’t blame Clinton for that – I worked with around 100 secret
sources during my counter-espionage and espionage KGB career and for
most of them alcohol, drugs and sex were just the “tools” to relieve the
stress and fear.
Bill Clinton was and is scared to death that sooner or later some “mole” inside Russian intelligence might point finger at him.
KGB instructions, “The Professional” by M.Kryzhanovsky
Recruitment of a secret source (agent)
Recruit a small number of well-informed people.
Do not recruit:
- psychos
volunteers (unless it’s a “mole” or other government employee who brings
you top secret information right away. In a counter-intelligence
set-up, a “volunteer” will try to get information about you, telling the
minimum about himself)
- persons with low educational and intellectual level
- people under 30 or over 70, unless it’s a VIP
- mafia members
- people who are happy with their lives and careers
The best formula when you recruit is a mix of money and ideology (brainwashing). Recruitment Pyramid
Priority recruitment candidates in the USA:
The White House staff
The Cabinet and federal agencies
The US Congress
Big corporations
Big scientific institutions
Local politicians
VIP world (celebrities — big media, show biz, big sport)
Working with а secret sources.
1. Do
not tell the agent about problems and mistakes of the agency, about your
personal problems, about other agents, about his own file and
compromising information you have on him.
2. Don’t show him any classified documents — you might provoke him to sell the information to somebody else.
3. Don’t trust your agents too much; they can use you to compromise their personal enemies.
Never criticize the source — be an adviser. Don’t talk straight if he
avoids cooperation or brings you garbage — just reduce or stop payments,
or get rid of him.
5. You
lose the agent if you don’t pay him for a job well done, ask him to
“produce” fake information or if you don’t care about his personal
security and his personal problems (health, career). And — never give
poison to your agent for security reasons.
6.Teach your agent to:
follow security rules while talking to people, working with the
documents and especially meeting the officer (some foreign agencies
practice open contacts with many people, hoping that the meeting with
the agent won’t attract much attention — I don’t recommend that)
- always stay calm in stressful situations
- always keep discipline and come in time
- use analytic abilities working with people and documents — ask yourself as many questions as you can
Checking the source
can never be sure you are not working with a “double agent,” even if he
brings you top secret stuff. Besides, agents are human beings and they
make mistakes — they forget about security, spend too much money, talk
too much and ask extra questions; if arrested they may not play the hero
but will tell everything. Anyway, you can check your source:
a. by fake arrest followed by severe interrogation.
through provocation (tell him you know about his “double game” and watch
his behavior after the meeting (it’s good to have a listening device or
a camera in his house).
c. by making an analysis of all the information and documents he delivers and comparing it with information from other sources.
d. through other agents.
e. through your “mole” in counter-intelligence (if you’re lucky).
through technical devices (reading the mail, listening to the phone,
secret searching his house and office, watching him through hidden
cameras, trying surveillance in the street).
Agent termination (one-way ticket)
It doesn’t happen often but you have to know some special situations when you have to terminate the agent:
1. He knows too much (talks too much) and is ready to betray you.
2. VIP
agent (politician) is under suspicion and you can’t help him for
political reasons (diplomatic, international scandal, etc.) – in such a
case an accident could be staged. It happens that the agent is too close
to President.
3. Agent was involved in special operations (murders) and is dangerous as a witness.
4. Agent is trying to blackmail you.
5. You need to press (blackmail) other agents.
July 20, 1993
Clinton tried to move America towards socialism through health care
reform plan. His effort ultimately died, though Obama finished the job.
more important – in 1997 Russia, totalitarian, 100% corrupted country
with dying economy and dictator Boris Yeltsin ("Czar Boris") on top,
joined the G7, a group of seven major industrialized democracies (USA,
Canada, Great Britain, France, Italy, Germany, Japan). It was all KGB
source Bill Clinton's huge effort which had no explanation at all – now
you have it.
How and how much Russians paid Bill Clinton ?
1993 Vice President Gore and Russian Prime Minister Chernomyrdin signed a
20-year $12 billion deal under which Russia would ship its
weapons-grade uranium to the United States.
Bill Clinton in his over 1,000-page memoir My Life (2004) wrote actually nothing about this “deal of a century.” Look,
the afternoon [April, 3, 1993] we [Clinton and Russian President
Yeltsin] agreed on a way to institutionalize cooperation, with a
commission headed by Vice President Gore and Russian Prime Minister
Victor Chernomyrdin.
Clinton and Yeltsin
idea was developed by Strobe [Talbott] and Georgi Mamedov, the Russian
Deputy Foreign Minister, and it worked better than any of us could have
imagined, thanks largely to the consistent and concentrated efforts made
over the years by Al Gore and his Russian counterparts in working
through a host of difficult, contentious problems” [p. 507].
January 30 [1996], Prime Minister Victor Chernomyrdin of Russia came to
the White House for his sixth meeting with Al Gore. After they finished
their commission business, Chernomyrdin came to see me to brief me on
events in Russia and Yeltsin’s prospects for reelection” [p. 697].
That's it.
What idea was “developed” by Talbot?
What extremely secret commission was “headed by Gore and Chernomyrdin”?
Why Clinton was so happy that “it worked better than any of us could have imagined”?
What “commission business” did Al Gore and his partner finish on January 30, 1996?
their summit meeting in Vancouver, in April 1993, President Clinton and
President Yeltsin created the U.S.–Russian Joint Commission on Economic
and Technological Cooperation. Since then it has become known as the
Gore–Chernomyrdin Commission (GCC), after its co-chairmen US Vice
President Al Gore and Russian Prime Minister Victor Chernomyrdin. The
Commission’s original mandate was to support cooperation between the
United States and Russia in the areas of space, energy and high
fact it was a ruse to mask work on a non-proliferation agreement to
convert highly enriched uranium (HEU) taken from dismantled Russian
nuclear warheads into low-enriched uranium (LEU) fuel to be sold to
customers in the USA and worldwide through the USEC (United States
Enrichment Company). USEC was created in 1993 as a government
corporation with the mission to restructure the US government’s uranium
enrichment operation and to prepare it for sale to the private sector.
Attention. On April 26, 1996 Bill Clinton signed into law the USEC Privatization Act.
The HEU Agreement required the United States to purchase through USEC 500 metric tons, $12 billion worth, of HEU.
Russians. Three Russian statesmen tried to investigate the Clinton-
Yeltsin deal – Ruvim Nureyev, Lev Rokhlin, Yuri Shchekotchikhin. All of
them are dead.
Ruvim Nureyev. The Russia Chief Inspector for Nuclear and Radiation
Safety, who strongly opposed the deal, was found dead on the railroad
tracks in June 1996. The incident was described as a suicide.
2. Lev
Rokhlin. The Russian State Duma Deputy Lieutenant General Lev Rokhlin
was a politician of rare honesty and bravity. In 1998 Rokhlin started
his own official Clinton-Yeltsin deal investigation. Lev Maximov, the
Nuclear Technologies Institute Director, who helped Rokhlin to obtain
the documents, received death threats.
General Lev Roklhin
July 3, 1998 Rokhlin was shot three times and killed in his house while
he was sleeping. His wife, Tamara Rokhlina, was arrested and testified
that she killed him “for reasons of personal enmity.” She later recanted
her testimony, saying she incriminated herself under threat. Rokhlin’s
bodyguard, who was there that night, testified that he heard no gunshots
(the killers used a silencer). Within days three more dead bodies were
found in the vicinity of the Rokhlin household and were cremated before
they could be identified. In November 2000, Rokhlina was convicted of
murder and sentenced to 8 years in prison, but the Supreme Court
overturned the verdict and ordered a new trial.
October 2, 1998 the US Congress, taking into account that Lev Rokhlin
was a former Russian State Duma Defense Committee Chairman, asked
President Clinton to “urge the Russia Government to promptly and
thoroughly investigate” the case. Of course, Bill Clinton was smart
enough not to dig his own grave, and just ignored this
sympathy to the family and collegues of Lev Yakovlevich Rokhlin, and
expressing the sense of the House of Representatives that President of
the United States should urge the Russia Government to promptly and
thoroughly investigate the circumstances surrounding the death of Lev
Yakovlevich Rokhlin and to provide a full accounting of the
circumstances as soon as practible, but no later than November 1999.
Lev Rokhlin assumed the chairmanship of the Defense Committee of the
Duma and was the highest-ranking elected official in the Duma working on
Defense issues…
Whereas Lev Rokhlin became involved in investigation of illegal arms from Russia to Armenia and other nations.
Wheras in October 1997, Lev Rokhlin advocated the resignation of President Yeltsyn.
Whereas attempts were made for 6 months to remove Lev Rokhlin from his Committee chairmanship.
on July 3,1998, Lev Rokhlin was stripped of the chairmanship of the
Defense Committee, but maintained his position as a member of Duma.
Whereas on July 3,1998, Lev Rokhlin was shot in the head three times and killed.
members of Lev Rokhlin’s family have stated that Rokhlin’s wife, Tamara
Pavlovna Rokhlina, was physically abused and was threatened with death
unless she accepted responsibility for Lev Rokhlin’s murder.
Whereas Lev Rokhlin’s bodyguard, who was in the home the night of the murder, claimed that he heard no gunshots.
Whereas three bodies were cremated by the Moscow government authorities before they could be identified.
any inability of Russia to provide a full accounting of the
circumstances surrounding the death of Lev Rokhlin would raise serious
questions about the existence of a stable democratic system in Russia:
Now, therefore, be it
Resolved, That –
(1)The House of representatives expresses sympathy to the family and collegues of Lev Rokhlin and :
is the senmse of the House of Representatives that the President of the
United States should urge the Russian Government –
(A)to promptly and thoroughly investigate the circumstances surrounding the death of Lev Rokhlin;
(B) to provide a full accounting of circumstances as soon as practible, but not later than November,1999
Yuri Shchekotchikhin, a famous Russian reporter and corruption fighter,
was elected to the Russian State Duma where he served as National
Security Committee Deputy.
Yuri Shchekotchikhin
Rokhlin was murdered in 1998, Shchekotchikhin continued his
investigation and concentrated his efforts in two directions: first, he
tried to obtain the #1 Gore–Chernomyrdin Agreement (September 2, 1993),
but President Yeltsin and then President Putin denied the requests.
Second, he started a full-scale investigation into the Atomic Ministry
corruption and — against Atomic Minister Adamov in person (again, see
file 4). On June 16, 2003, he lost consciousness and was taken to the
Central (Kremlin) Hospital. He was pronounced dead after lying still
unconscious for 12 days. (The official diagnosis — a flu). All medical
records are still classified, but experts insist he was poisoned by
thallium or cadmium.
Adamov and Clintons. Professor Adamov was in 1986-1998 a Director of
the NIKIET (a secret Research and Development Institute of Power
Eugene Adamov Lanny Breuer
He was
secretly involved in the Gore–Chernomyrdin deal as chief expert on the
Russian side (even Russian Defense Minister Rodionov knew nothing about
it). In 1994 he opened the consulting and management company “Omeka,
Ltd.” registered in Pennsylvania (by the end of 1999 the company had
assets valued of $5,080,000) by his wife. In 1996 he signed a forged
contract between NIKIET and “Omeka,” and opened other companies and
banking accounts in Monaco, Switzerland and France to start money
laundering the stolen funds the US Department of Energy provided Russia
to improve safety at Russian nuclear facilities.
On May
2, 2005 Adamov was arrested in Bern, Switzerland, and was charged with
conspiracy to defraud the United States and to transfer stolen money and
securities ($9 million), money laundering and tax evasion. US
prosecutors demanded his extradition to the United States, but Russia
did the same, asking to send Adamov back home where he would be faced a
trial. Swiss authorities asked Adamov if he was willing to accept
simplified extradition to the United States. He rejected that and
Washington had to file a formal extradition request. The battle began.
money laundering blew up into an international scandal. The American
government’s insistence looked strange until Bill Clinton appeared on
the stage on October 5, 2005 to save Adamov from 60 years in jail. He
didn’t show up himself. Somebody hired a lawyer – Lanny Breuer, a nice
young fellow from the Washington, DC based “Covington & Burling.”
Breuer had worked as a special Counsel to President Clinton in 1997-1999
and represented him in the presidential impeachment hearings and trial.
was not a battle between Russia and USA – it was a battle between the
Republicans and Democrats for the Oval Office in 2008. Russians and
their asset Bill Clinton had to win this struggle no matter what — if
Adamov was extradited to America, he would “sing” everything on that
Clinton-Yeltsin deal and share his federal cell with Bill Clinton.
President Bush, a Republican, needed victory to remove the Clintons
from the political arena forever. Clinton won – on December 18, 2005 the
Swiss Supreme Court overturned a previous ruling by the Justice
Ministry, which had said that Adamov must first face the US courts. On
December 30, 2005 Adamov was extradited from Switzerland to Russia, thus
opening the door to the Big Presidential Game for Hillary Clinton. She
lost in 2008. What price will the Russians ask Hillary Clinton to pay
for Adamov’s silence, if she’s elected the US President in 2012 ?
How much Russians paid to Bill Clinton after the 1993 "deal" was signed ?
Chapter 5. SBU Operation "Kremlin"
September 1991- June 1992
My KGB intelligence officer career came to an end when USSR collapsed in 1991. Next 2 years ,as SBU (Ukrainian
Security) illegal spy under cover of political analyst, I worked in
Moscow (operation “Kremlin”). My job was to get into Russian President
Boris Yeltsin "inner circle" and influence his decisions, extremely
anti-Ukrainian at the time. I met people who knew Yeltsin well, like
Russian Parliament Constitutional Committee Chairman Rumyantsev and one
of Yeltsin’s photographers, who asked me to work for him.
In February 1992 , I could kill Yeltsin if ordered so by Ukrainian President Kravchuk.
L. Kravchuk President of Ukraine B. Yeltsin(l.) and his successor V. Putin
Stechkin 9 mm automatic pistol SVD sniper rifle
Weapons I shot as Nabat anti-terror group sniper
As a
former KGB “Nabat” (anti-terror) group sniper I knew perfectly well how
they protected Yeltsin. Besides, in 1986 I joined A. Gromyko, Chairman
of the USSR Supreme Soviet (actually, the USSR President), security team
during his visit to Gorky city and it was a big experience too. I
was working alone, though you have to send three groups for operation
like this one : surveillance (with optics and radios), action (includes
snipers, explosives technicians or staged accidents specialists), and
security (these people neutralize bodyguards, witnesses and other people
who could interrupt the action; they complete the action if the action
group fails; and they can neutralize the action group later, if planned
so; they “cover” the safe retreat of action group and “cut” the chase.
was in progress until there was a leak and Yeltsin got information
about it. In 1992 Russia and Ukraine signed a Treaty to stop mutual
espionage. President Kravchuk ordered to kill me as a witness of his
dirty politics. I moved to Poland and then, in 1995, to USA.
CIA decided to copy “Kremlin” in Washington, DC.
Sniper Code by M.Kryzhanovsky
1. Don't watch the target instead of your aiming point.
2. Don't jerk at the moment your weapon fires .
3. Apply wind as needed.
4. Never fire from the edge of a wood line – you should fire from a position inside the wood line (in the shade of shadows).
5. Do not cause overhead movement of trees, bushes or tall grasses by rubbing against them, move very slowly.
6. Do not use trails, roads or footpaths, avoid built-up and populated areas and areas of heavy enemy guerrilla activity.
7. Your position :
fields of fire and observation of the target area, concealment from
enemy observation, covered routes into and out of the position, located
no closer than 300 meters from the target area, a natural or man-made
obstacle between the position and the target area.
yourself under logs in a deadfall area, tunnels bored from one side of a
knoll to the other, swamps, deep shadows, inside rubble piles.
positions close to isolated objects, at bends or ends of roads, trails
or streams, in populated areas, unless it’s required.
8. Do not fire from one position.
9. Don’t stay in places with heavy traffic!
10. Key target – enemy sniper.
Train yourself to shoot while you stand, sit, lie, walk, run, jump, fall
down; shoot at voices, shoot in a dark room, different weather and
distance, day and night; shoot one object and a group; use one gun, two
guns, gun and submachine gun (some doctrines train a sniper to breathe
deeply before shooting, then hold their lungs empty while he lines up
and takes his shot; other go further, teaching a sniper to shoot between
heartbeats to minimize barrel motion)
12. At
distances over 300 m attempt body shots, aiming at the chest; at lesser
distances attempt head shots (the most effective range is 300 to 600
13. Shoot from flanks and rear.
14. Never approach the body until you shoot it several times . Careful: the object could be wearing a bulletproof vest
15. It’s important to get to the place, but it’s more important to get out alive
16. Remember
- in hot weather bullets travel higher, in cold – lower
- a silencer reduces the maximum effective range of the weapon.
For moving targets, the point of aim is in front of the target ( it’s
called “Leading” the target, where the amount of lead depends on the
speed and angle of the target’s movement. For this technique, holding
over is the preferred method.
18. The key to sniping is consistency.
Chapter 6. KGB Operation "John Deutch"
John Deutch
was born in Belgium to a Russian father and he was the only Russian CIA
Director. He got some jobs with top secrets access:positions :
1977-1980 The US Department of Energy: Director of Energy Research
Acting Assistant Secretary for Energy Technology
Under Secretary
1980-1981 President’s Nuclear Safety Oversight Commission
1983 President’s Commission on Strategic Forces
1985-1989 The White House Science Council
1990-1993 The President’s Intelligence Advisory Board
1993-1994 Under Secretary of Defense for Acquisition and Technology
Deputy Defense Secretary
1995-1996 Director of Central Intelligence
1996 The President’s Commission on Aviation Safety and Security
Chairman of the Commission to Assess the Organization of the Federal
Government to Combat the Proliferation of Weapons of Mass Destruction
He was
appointed by President Clinton and stayed in Langley in 1995-1996. He
ordered my recruitment , he is a Russian "mole," and he’s safe because
Bill Clinton obstructed the investigation and pardoned this enemy of
state in 2001.
3 signs are enough to triangulate a "mole" and here they are for Mr. Deutch:
1. Two
days after Deutch retired from the CIA, on December 16, 1996, technical
personnel discovered at his house highly classified information stored
on his unclassified computer, loaded from his agency computer. He
refused to explain why he violated strict security rules.
Director of Central Intelligence doesn’t need highly classified data on
his home computer, because he is a bureaucrat, not an analyst.
here we have a trick – the Internet-connected computer is accessible by
anyone with some technical knowledge and you don’t have to send
anything — Russians will read secret information right from your home
2. In
1997 the CIA began a formal security investigation. It was determined
that his computer was often connected to Internet with no security, and
that Deutch was known to leave memory cards with classified data lying
in his car. Deutch used his influence to stop further investigation and
the CIA took no action until 1999, when it suspended his security
clearances. He admitted finally the security breach and merely
apologized but refused to explain communication via Internet with some
Russian chemist.
3. In
1999 the Defense Department started its own investigation, and it
appeared that in 1993 Deutch, as Defense Undersecretary, used unsecured
computers at home and his America Online (!) account to access
classified defense information. As Deputy Defense Secretary, he declined
departmental requests in 1994 to allow security systems to be installed
in his residence.
4. In 2000 Senator Charles Grassley asked the Justice Department to look into the case. There was no investigation
US Senator Chuck Grassley
In 2001 President Clinton, KGB secret source, pardoned Deutch. There were no comments.
Since 2000 Deutch is MIT Professor and Director for Citigroup. Very good.
KGB instructions for Obama, “The Professional” by M.Kryzhanovsky
“mole” is a spy inside the government, recruited or “installed” most
often within the special services, by an outside government/agency. The 3
most dangerous things a “mole” can do:
1. Calculate President’s plans and decisions judging by information he’s asking for.
2. Manipulate information being sent to President, and thus influence global political decisions
3. Paralyze to some extent the government (if he’s CIA or FBI Director)
Methods to detect a “mole"
A. Index cards (special file) — never use computers to save this information!
a file on each officer and mark there the signs of a “mole” — has or
spends too much money, asks too many extra questions; uses professional
skills to check for physical and technical surveillance; has discreet
contacts with foreigners; discreet copying of top secret documents;
attempts to get a job in most secret departments; talks with close
friends and family members about the possibility of making money as a
“mole”; behavior deviations — extra suspiciousness, excitement,
depression, drugs or alcohol addiction. Three signs are enough to start
an investigation — the “triangulation” principle.
B. Use
provocation. If a prospective “mole” is looking for a contact with the
enemy and is ready to betray, and you have exact information, organize
such a “meeting” for him. Do not arrest the person right away — play
along, as he may give you connections to other people who are ready to
betray. There’s one more provocation method: you supply the suspects
with “highly classified information” and just watch what they do.
C. Use
“filter” or “narrowing the circle.” Include all the officers you
suspect in a “circle” and narrow it until one name is left as the most
likely suspect.
D. Make a “model” of a “mole,” judging by information you have on him.
Recruit an insider. Recruit a “mole” inside your enemy’s intelligence
service and he’ll help you to find the one inside yours (it’s called
“grabbing the other end of a thread”).
F. “Triangulation” (see above).
What to do if you detect a “mole”
- assess the damage
- restrict his access to classified information and start “feeding” him with fake data
- stop all operations he was involved in and create the illusion they are still in progress
- bring home officers and agents who work abroad and had contacts with him and those to whose files he had access
- start 24/7 surveillance if you’ve decided to play the game and look into his contacts
- arrest the “mole” discreetly (if you want to continue the game)
How to Cover Your “Mole”
are special methods to cover your own “mole” and a “switch” is the most
effective — it’s when you “switch” counterintelligence to other,
innocent persons who work with the “mole.” You can try information
“leaks” through a “double agent” — it looks like you receive top secret
information through another traitor or by breaking the electronic
security systems. Or you can try information “leak” through publications
in big newspapers — it looks like information is not secret and is
known to many people or there’s another “mole.”
Identifying Spies
If a spy is an intelligence officer working abroad under “cover” (diplomat, businessman, reporter) you can identify him by:
- following the careers of all diplomats who work at your enemy’s embassies all over the world
- recruiting a “mole” inside the intelligence service (or inside the station)
- setting up your agent for recruitment by the enemy’s station
- watching foreigners who try to make discreet contacts with native citizens with access to secrets
making a model of a spy (professional behavior, attempts to detect
surveillance, attempts to recruit sources or just get any classified
information during normal meetings, “throwing away” money trying to get
access to government employees, military and scientific circles)
- using secret surveillance and listening devices inside the station and practicing secret searches
If a
spy is an intelligence officer working in your country under “cover” of a
native citizen (or he is recruited by a native citizen) you identify
him by making a model (contacts with identified spies — that’s often the
only sign which points out a spy, and that’s why surveillance is very
important in getting information from a “mole”).
Chapter 7. CIA/FBI "Millenium Hilton" Conspiracy
September 1, 1995
I was
recruited at "Millennium Hilton", NYC as CIA "Filament" by CIA agents
Bill and Joe .I also met Frank from FBI National Security Division and
had to work for two agencies.
was a joint CIA-FBI conspiracy. They decided to "copy" "Kremlin"
operation I had to spy on the U.S. Congress and work with Congress
Librarian James Billington who knew me as a political scientist through
his Moscow office, and could introduce to Senators and Representatives.
James Billington and Bill Clinton
I had
to influence the White House and created "The Professional" system –
special instructions for Bill Clinton on successful election and
re-election campaigns, strategic planning and top decisions making,
national security, foreign policy and diplomacy, propaganda, economy,
war and special operations.
Since 2009 Obama is using “The Professional” too.
KGB instructions for Obama, “The Professional” by M.Kryzhanovsky
How to Manage the White House
Be strong. Be attractive.Be logical. All you have to do during your first term is to take care of the second one.
The 2nd term’s agenda is to set your place in the world’s history.
1st year. You have enough public support to start big initiatives.
2nd year. Develop your initiatives.
3rd year. Go, go public preparing your re-election. Presidents often lose voters during this period.
year. All-politics year. Try to achieve important international
agreement (a treaty) for the historic record. Win re-election.
your day into hours and minutes : 30% of your weekly hours go to senior
White House staff, 10% — to Cabinet, 5% — to Congress members, 5% — to
foreign leaders.
matter what, even if it’s a war time, sleep one hour during the day to
give your brain a break, and finish your day at 6 P.M. After 6 P.M. do
not read any documents, do not take any phone calls, do not talk to
anybody but family members and close friends. .And – eat whatever you
want, but you must know that the more calories you have to digest, the
slower you think.
Remember :
1. You
are a national image (a national ideal based on pseudo-facts), a symbol
of national unity, national continuity and the symbol of federal
government. Leadership is the first quality Americans look for in you –
they want a President who is steadfast in his convictions.
2. The power to control the federal budget is your top prerogative.
3. Whom are you going to be:
- utopist (ideas manipulator)
- manager (Government and Congress manipulator)
- challenger (reformer)
4. Any problem turns into a political one if it threatens your power.
5. Use your legal right to press the nation and illegal ones to press the world to eliminate problems.
4. Once you’re in politics, you are a hostage of your status and you must sacrifice privacy in return for power.
6. Never play alone.
7. All
your decisions are risk taking ones (any decision brings a problem).
You may ask advice before you make a decision, but don’t listen to
anybody afterwards. You are not paid for the quantity of your work but
for leadership and ultimate decision making.
8. Correct political mistakes fast before they become political scandals.
10. Never blame previous Presidents for the problems they left for you – that’s a sign of weakness.
11. Get rid of a White House tradition to deal with problems only if they “knock at the door.”
White House Staff tricks
Fight for access (influence) to President or to people with direct
access (aiming to get a better position if President is re-elected).
2. Isolate government from the President.
3. Influence = relationship with the President.
4. Get
a table in the West Wing. You are nobody if you are stuck in the White
House basement and see the President by appointment only.
5. Before you send a document to the President, have to look at it and ask yourself if it’s too immoral or too radical.
6. Never say “no” aloud to anybody.
7. Remain anonymous with conflicts.
8. Never bring bad news to the President – let it be some idiot, not you.
9. Never say “That’s impossible,” no matter what the President is asking you to do.
10. Disappear (and find an excuse later) if the President is in a bad mood.
11. Never ague with the President if there’s somebody else present.
Learn how the President likes to do business (talking, giving orders,
writing the documents and taking notes, managing official and
non-official meetings) and his habits (food, drinks, cigarettes,
favorite sport, movies, show business stars, writers, politicians;
attitude to women) and try to copy him — the President has to feel
comfortable with you.
13. Fight anybody who’s trying to do your job to be closer to the President.
14. Avoid taking on risky tasks controlled by the President in person (if necessary, try to “delegate” it to somebody else).
15. Avoid being associated with any failures.
16. Don’t say anything President doesn’t want to hear.
17. Use “Smith’s Principle”: if it can be understood by Congress, it’s not finished yet.
18. Write memorandums not to inform the reader, but to protect the writer.
19. No
matter what subject is under discussion, employ the language of sports
and war: say “breakthrough” instead of “progress” , never speak of
compromise, consider “adopting a fallback position.”
20. Every public appearance in with the President is an investment in your career after the White House.
21. Minimize the number of rivals.
22. Gain independence according to how much the President needs you.
23. Before asking the President for some personal favor, make him believe he’s going to get some (political) profit out of it.
24. Tell the President what he can do and help him try to do it, and never tell him what he shouldn’t do.
25. Avoid giving any personal gifts to the President if you are not Chief of Staff.
Every public appearance in with the President is an investment in your career after the White House.
is an open power struggle between national security staff members and
domestic policy staff and between those who develop new policies and
initiatives versus budget staff.
How to Manage the Staff
Adopt a dominant management style:
1. Pyramidal,
structured as hierarchy with you at the top, followed by the Chief of
Staff and other key assistants. I strongly recommend this one – it
insures a clear chain of command and provides precise channels of
information going up and directives going down.
2. Circular, when you are surrounded by advisers, all of whom have equal access to the Oval Office. That means chaos (JFK style).
your assistants are political assistants and everyone will try to play a
policy-maker. But a good thing is that all of them were not elected and
are responsible to you only.
Thus you can:
- reform your staff freely as there’s not even a word about it in the US Constitution
- interchange key figures if domestic crisis is approaching
- if
you don’t agree with the staff on important issues, go to polls for
back-up. (The best employee is the one you can blackmail. Besides, a
very good “pusher” for your people is their deep understanding that they
have to work together to help the President stay in office next term —
if the President leaves, everybody leaves)
- use “the carrot and the stick”
- use “pulling by pushing” — give an important job without publicity to those who become too popular
- do as little reading as you can — you have staff for that
- do as little writing as you can — same reason
- involve yourself personally in your staff and Cabinet jobs as little as you can — same reason
- make no minor decisions — same reason
- send back any intelligence or other report if it’s more than one sheet of paper
Technology of Mind Manipulation (MM)
Create a steadfast American collective will-power: “We want to live
forever in the America we live in now” – through the media.
Don’t ask people to change their views and beliefs – they have only to
change the object of their aggression – “Now we understand who are
America's enemies! (the previous President, Republicans).
3) Get
people accustomed to accept facts but believe only in the “right”
comments – any common sense has to be “switched off.” This way you
create “mass artificial schizophrenia” — people lose the ability to connect statements and facts (notions) and just believe.
Besides, by extreme exaggeration of the enemy’s negative qualities you can install the national schizophrenic fear
(of "international terrorism") and people have to accept you, the US
President, as a savior. Plus, no matter what, repeat your major
statements until people start accepting them without thinking.
4) Divide the nation into “good Americans”(patriots) and “bad Americans”(the “minority).
it clear : it’s much better and more comfortable to be “good” than
“bad.” “We aren’t watching good Americans who support the President. The
surveillance is for bad Americans and we make their lives and careers
uncomfortable. We have to do that because enemies of America may be
using them.” This method is called artificial social selection and its
ultimate goal is a total regulation and standardization of the nation.
5) For
successful MM, use the combined efforts of popular Democratic American
writers, TV and radio anchors, talented publicists and columnists,
business and show business celebrities, politicians. Thus, step by step
you create the “industry of correct political behavior and correct
American thinking.”
6) Use
a combination: statement + image. It reduces the effort needed to
understand your message and makes people comfortable with you.
7) Shift all popular TV shows to prime time – Americans don’t have to think about politics after they come home.
Like James Bond in Hollywood movies, I had a unique CIA status, "carte blanche"
("stay in USA as long as you want and do whatever you think is
necessary" which means also a “license to kill”) and understood that
control over the White House and the U.S. Congress, not national
security, was the CIA/FBI top priority. Besides, they were interested in
effective interrogation, tortures and murders methods – I gave them
instructions and that was a big help in Guantanamo, Iraq and
Afghanistan. I visited Washington, DC , met people there and estimated
the White House and U.S. Congress security.
KGB instructions Obama, “The Professional” by M.Kryzhanovsky
Special influence
is a category of methods of interrogation designed to shock, hurt and
humiliate the object and get information or to make him do something (if
used for blackmail). Points to remember:
-ongoing torture decreases pain sensitivity
-people with strong will power take torture as a test
-resistance to torture is often a form of hysterics after arrest
-the object could take himself as a martyr if you torture him too much
could damage object’s psyche and you won’t be able to work with him
(that’s why we keep terrorists in Guantanamo Bay without trial – we turn
them into idiots)
-people usually trust “after torture information” more than voluntary confessions
-there are different types of torture and professionals often combine them
Techniques of psychological torture include:
- fake execution
- complete isolation (“wall therapy”)
- daylight deprivation
forcible narcotics addiction. Here you can use depressants, stimulants,
opiates or hallucinogens (psychodelics): depressants (alcohol,
barbiturates, anti-anxiety drugs with effects of euphoria, tension
reduction, disinhibition, muscle relaxation, drowsiness; stimulants
(cocaine, amphetamine, methamphetamine (crystal meth)
-making the object observe others being tortured (such as family members)
-abuse of object’s national, religious feelings or political views
effects of psychological torture are: anxiety, depression, fear,
psychosis, difficulty concentrating, communication disabilities,
insomnia, impaired memory, headaches, hallucinations, sexual
disturbances, destruction of self-image, inability to socialize
Techniques of physical torture include:
-food, water, sleep deprivation
to vital body organs (brain, lungs, kidneys, liver, private parts) plus
electric shock. The brain is particularly dependent on a continuous and
stable supply of oxygen and glucose.
-face deformation
cure ( the torturer pours water down the throat of the subject to
inflict the terror of drowning. In another variation, the subject is
tied or held don in a chair, his face is covered with a cloth or plastic
sheet, and water is poured slowly or quickly over his face to encourage
him to talk
effects of physical torture are: extreme (unbearable) pain,
hypertension, fatigue, cardio-pulmonary and other disorders, brain
Special psychology
1. KGB used "brainwashing" in 4 ways:
"prophylactics", which is a conversation/interrogation at KGB field
office. After officer gets a "signal" from agent about the 'object", he
starts the "file of operative check (DOP)” or "operative development"
DOR – means the object is a big enemy). He has 12 months to make a
decision what to do to the object – “prophylactics” and behavior
modification (followed by possible recruitment) or jail.
through agents (objects close friends, neighbors, family members) and
"KGB trusted people" (they are not recruited like agents , they are
being used for object's profiling). These guys talk to the object,
trying to make "positive" influence, get him out of organized
anti-government group
c) in a
mental clinic where doctors (they are usually KGB trusted people) prove
the object that his behavior is not normal, it's anti -social
If all this doesn't work, object will be arrested , convicted and modification will continue -
d) in jail, through assets
Another strategy – implantation of new ideas in a group.
process is: isolation from outside world (“information vacuum”) — sleep
and food limitation (very effective) — “bombing” with slogans –
ideological aggression – achieving the result (brain is loaded). The
object is now ready to brainwash newcomers.
“Behavior modification” (by placing into a group). The process is:
initial contact — introduction to a group — mutual interests — mutual
activity–mutual ideas — control and prevention of any negative contacts
outside the group. No rush, no pressure.
3. Special psychotherapy methods: talk + drugs + blondes + alcohol (used for recruitment)
An alcoholic is more impulsive and unreliable; he demonstrates a
poverty of ideas and incapacity for attention. He usually has serious
personality maladjustments. He’s immature, insecure, oversensitive and
anxious. Without alcohol he’s unable to meet and enjoy people socially,
and suffers from marked feeling of inferiority. Besides, alcoholics
suffer from vitamin B1 deficiency, which leads to anatomic changes in
the central nervous system and heart with symptoms like anorexia,
fatigability, and sleep disturbances. Other common symptoms are
irritability, poor memory, inability to concentrate, heart pain.
“Transfer” (the object is placed in a regular hospital and then he’s
transferred to a mental health clinic or jail). In jail you can use such
methods an accelerated work schedule (to exhaust the object), turning
him into a number to traumatize his psyche, physical punishment or a
threat of punishment to keep the object tense and depressed; senseless
labor to destroy his personality. Remember: the lower the intellectual
level of the object, the more aggressive he is and more sensitive to
incentive or punishment.
can actually re-organize any object’s behavior by combining rewards and
punishments, exposing him to feared situations and teaching him an
instinct of a total (political) obedience.
Punishing the object:
- punishment approach means causing suffering to change the object's behavior
- when object isn't afraid, punishment is less effective
- object might coerced into temporary compliance, that's why he has to be under permanent surveillance after punishment
- present object with choices
- don't threaten, explain the threat and the reward instead
- never lose your patience – in such a way you, behavior modifier, show your power and get respect from the object
to force a person to do something (or stop the action) against his
will; it’s used also for recruitment. Blackmail methods include:
1. Leaking “dirt” on the object through media
2. Creating problems in his personal life and career
3. Straight blackmail (threatening to make public certain compromising facts about him)
4. Placing weapons, drugs, secret documents in object’s house or office, followed by search and arrest
5. Accusations of rape (robbery) (use hookers for that)
Blackmail by pressing family members. Careful, object may commit
suicide after intense blackmail, especially if he is an intellectual
Regular .Shooting,
explosives or poison (cyanides, curare). Use a sniper or a “mouse” car
(loaded with explosives and parked on the object’s route) if access to
the object is impossible because of high security. Anyway, the murder is
obvious and investigation is inevitable.
scheme. The best thing to do is to recruit or “ install” somebody with
access to the object’s security system and get information on his
schedule (plus health and habits), places where he likes to relax. Get
access to his phone and e-mail. Then prepare the plan and train three
groups: surveillance (with optics and radios), action (includes snipers,
explosives technicians or staged accidents specialists), and security
(these people neutralize bodyguards, witnesses and other people who
could interrupt the action; they complete the action if the action group
fails; and they can neutralize the action group later, if planned so;
they “cover” the safe retreat of action group and “cut” the chase).
Complex .Staged
accidents (suicides, catastrophes, drowning or fall, robbery or rape
followed by murder, technical accident (fire, electricity, gas); drugs,
weapons, poison, explosives misuse. Staged natural death (stroke, heart
attack, chronic illness).
also had "a very important job up to my "high professional skills as a
sniper" but I didn't want to kill politicians and become Lee Oswald #2.
They've pressed me very hard in return.
Bill Clinton was the target because CIA wanted me "to stay close to him" – that's why I wrote a handbook for him.
July, 1998
years before 9/11 tragedy happened, I’ve sent an open letter to Newt
Gingrich, House Speaker (1995-1999), now – 2012 presidential candidate.
He ignored my warning on national security collapse. .
June 21, 2001
months before 9/11 tragedy happened, I warned President George W. Bush,
the House, the US Senate, including Senator Hillary Clinton, on CIA
anti-American activity, national security collapse and my personal
US President George Bush US Senator Hillary Clinton, 2001-2009
Clinton refused to mess with CIA. I had to blackmail her and remind her
that I helped Bill Clinton to win re-elections and saved his life.
Hillary was scared to death and answered me in a year – finally, she
helped my family only. Later she said :"KGB agent has no soul" – you may
think it was about Russian leader Putin, but it was actually about me.
Now Secretary of State Hillary Clinton has to take some responsibility for the deaths of 3,000 innocent victims -why not ?
September 17, 2002
House sent a request to the Dept. of Justice, where FBI Director R.
Mueller blocked it because I was a "joint" CIA-FBI project. Senator
Chuck Schumer's (D) Office (Suzan Orloff) explained to me that "American
national security is not Senator’s business".
Senator Chuck Schumer (D-NY): “National security is not my business!”
KGB instructions for Obama, "The Professional" by M. Kryzhanovsky
The US Congress Management
1. A
Congressional session is a waste of federal time and money — you don’t
need debates because Congressional staffers can do all the technical
work and they can negotiate between themselves and balance positions.
Senators and Congressmen don’t even have to come to Washington — they
can vote from their local offices. So these people can spend their time
helping thousands of constituents.
2. The
President is dependent on Congressional cooperation to carry out the
executive responsibilities of the Office because Congress has to
authorize government programs, establish administrative agencies to
implement the problems and funds to finance them.
It’s important if President belongs to the party with a majority in the
House and Senate. But if your party loses the majority in Congress, you
have to work out new political strategy yourself.
4. President’s prestige (popular support or political capital) affects Congressional response to his politics.
Influence in Congress is courted only for long periods of service; a
Senator with 30 years in office (like Edward Kennedy) has considerably
more power than a Senator in his first or second term.This causes the
electorate to increasingly favor incumbents, as dislodging one’s
Congressman or Senator after 30 years, even if the candidate or his
party have become unpopular, can be viewed as hurting one’s district
financially. It is often thought that a freshman would be less able to
bring home federal money for his state or district.
6. For
most Senators, the Senate is a platform for Presidential election
campaign. Senators who openly express presidential ambitions are better
able to gain media exposure and to establish careers as spokespersons
for large national constituencies.
7. The
first act of a newly elected Representative is to maneuver for election
to the Senate. Why? First, they enjoy their position, power and money
for six years non-stop. Second, there are only a hundred Senators and
the publicity is much, much greater. But Representatives have a much
better chance to be re-elected.
8. Congress rejects two thirds of President’s proposals.
Senators are always looking for a BBD (bigger, better deal) and often
shift from one committee to another (a good choice is those dealing with
taxes, budget, energy, commerce).
Bills to benefit big business move smoothly. (Congress doesn’t like the
poor — they don’t contribute, sorry). To gain majority support for big
business legislation members have a special trick — log rolling, when
factions combine efforts.
11. Senators don’t depend on the people — they depend on the media.
12. If a Senator is blocking the President’s proposal, he wants to get the President’s attention.
13. When Senators want to bury issues , they create committees.
14. The Senate is a small structure and personal relations between Senators are extremely important.
Senators have no incentive to study the details of most pieces of
legislation and their decision is simplified by quickly checking how key
colleagues have voted or intend to vote.
have power a Senator has to object: much of the Senate work is done by
unanimous consent and if you object you’ll be approached for sure by
some influential people including other Senators, Secretaries,
President’s aides or the President himself. They’ll try to press,
blackmail or buy you — and that means you’ve got a piece of the power
17. Senators avoid responsibility in economic policy.
18. Congress loves the military because military contracts are very lucrative for Congressional districts.
19. Senior Senators teach “newcomers” to vote against any reform which is a threat to their stability.
20. A Senator has real influence on legislation only if he has professional staff in charge of the projects.
21. Senators are afraid to vote against a defense budget increase because then they may be accused of a lack of patriotism.
Republicans and Democrats are not really enemies, here, though both
sides are always looking for a “traitor” or “insider” in the other camp.
The President must have “insiders” in the Senate , because the other
party could prepare secretly and then launch officially some
investigation against you or the members of your Administration.
24. A
legislator does exactly what his voters want him to do — stealing
federal money from other states and districts, because for him the most
important thing is numbers — polls in his state showing how many people
approve his activity. His donors watch these numbers too and estimate
their investment and the necessity to support re-election.
Every member of Congress has a so-called “split personality” — a “Hill
style” while working on Capitol Hill and a “home style” while back in
the state or district with the voters.
26. A
Senator makes a decision only after thinking about what it means in
terms of the re-election money that will come to him or to his
opponents. His voting decisions depend on his party membership,
constituency pressures, state and regional loyalty ideology, interest
groups’ influence. His stubbornness comes from the fact that he doesn’t
want to be seen by his constituents as a “rubber stamp” for President’s
decisions, especially when the bill in question benefits a Senator’s
state. (And the hidden problem is — you want to move fast, especially
during the first year while your personal popularity is high — but for
the Congress speed is not important).
Sooner or later every member of Congress starts playing the “pork
barrel” game. It’s nothing else but a diversion of federal funds to
projects and places not out of national need but to enhance a member’s
chances of re-election in his district (military projects, federal
buildings, highways construction projects). So be ready for a “Christmas
gift” when these fellows add pork barrel amendments to appropriations
bills you are about to sign. They often wait until late in each session
to pass critical spending bills, which narrows your range of possible
responses because a veto may not be feasible if Congress has adjourned
and the funds needed to run the federal government are contained in the
28. In
Congress a small percentage of bills (about 500 out of 10,000) actually
become law because many bills are introduced merely to get favorable
press. The strategy is especially effective if the legislation is “tied”
to the headlines of the day (mass murders, natural disasters, ethnic
riots etc.).
29. In
the Senate it’s easier for a minority to block the bill than for a
majority to pass it: a 60-vote majority is needed to force a final vote
on the bill, while only 41 votes are needed to continue debate and delay
a vote.
The minority can hold the majority responsible as the party in power for
whatever legislation does or does not emerge from the Senate. But both
parties prefer to be the party in power in the Senate – all Senate
legislation begins in the committees, whose membership and chairmanship
are controlled by the party in power. Besides, each chairman has power
in terms of controlling the committee budgets and deciding which
hearings will be held and which legislation he will allow to be released
to the Senate floor for a vote. He can also “lock up the bill” in
committee until it dies. Perfect!
June 8, 2010
US Office of Special Counsel Patrick Fitzerald (his predecessor, Ken Starr, brought Bill Clinton to impeachment):
Kryzhanovsky, You allege that Mr. Leon Panetta violated the Hatch Act
through his role in the "Millennium Hilton" operation. We reviewed this
matter, and as explained below, we are closing our file without further
action. The Hatch Act prohibits government employees from engaging in
political activity while on duty. Your allegation that Mr. Panetta is involved in a CIA-FBI conspiracy, which you call the "Millennium Hilton" operation, even if true, is not activity that falls within the prohibitions of the Hatch Act. Therefore , we are closing the above referenced file. Erica S. Hamrick"
Patrick Fitzerald
February 6, 2011
Kryzhanovsky: The New York City Commission on Human Rights does not have
jurisdiction over the agencies you take issue with.Talk to Attorney
General, the CIA , The US Congress. Cliff Mulqueen, Deputy
Commissioner/General Counsel, New York City Commission on Human Rights".
President Obama and Janet Napolitano, Homeland Security Secretary keep silence.
CIA is
pressing me non-stop, so the following CIA Directors were involved in
the conspiracy: John Deutch (1995-1996), George Tenet (1997-2004),
Porter Goss (2004-2006), Gen. Michael Hayden (2006-2009), Leon Panetta
(2009-2011), Gen. David Petraeus .
Chapter 8. CIA Operation "9/11"
June 21, 2001
I’ve sent a letter to the following US Senators on America’s national security collapse and CIA anti-American activity:
Shelby ,Jeff Sessions (R),Ted Stevens (R),Frank Murkowski (R) ,Lisa
Murkowski (R),John McCain (R), 2008 presidential election candidate, Jon
Kyl (R),Tim Hutchinson (R), Blanche Lincoln (D), Dianne Feinstein (D),
Barbara Boxer (D), Ben Campbell (R), Wayne Allard (R), Christopher Dodd
(D), Joseph Lieberman (D), Joe Biden (D), the US Vice President since 2009,
Tom Carper (D), Bob Graham (D), Bill Nelson (D), Max Cleland (D), Zell
Miller (D),Daniel Inouye (D), Daniel Akaka (D), Larry Craig (R), Mike
Crapo (R), Richard Durbin (D), Peter Fitzgerald (R), Richard Lugar
(R),Evan Bayh (D), Chuck Grassley ®, Tom Harkin (D), Sam Brownback (R),
Pat Roberts (R), Mitch McConnell (R), Jim Bunning (R), John Breaux (D),
Mary Landrieu (D), Olympia Snowe (R), Susan Collins (R), Paul Sarbanes
(D), Barbara Mikulski (D), Ted Kennedy (D), John Kerry (D), 2004
presidential election candidate, Carl Levin (D),Debbie Stabenow (D),
Paul Wellstone (D), Mark Dayton (D), Thad Cochran (R), Trent Lott (R),
Kit Bond (R),Jean Carnahan (D)
,Max Baucus (D), Conrad Burns (R), Chuck Hagel (R), Ben Nelson (D), Harry Reid (D),John Ensign (R), Bob Smith (R),
Judd Gregg (R), Robert Torricelli (D), Jon Corzine (D), Pete Domenici (R), Jeff Bingaman (D), Charles Schumer (D),
Clinton (D), US Secretary of State since 2009, Jesse Helms (R), John
Edwards (D), Kent Conrad (D), Byron Dorgan (D), Mike DeWine (R), George
Voinovich (R), Don Nickles (R), James Inhofe (R), Ron Wyden (D), Gordon
Smith (R), Arlen Specter (R), Rick Santorum (R), Jack Reed (D), Lincoln
Chafee (R), Strom Thurmond (R),Ernest Hollings (D), Tom Daschle (D), Tim
Johnson (D), Fred Thompson (R), Bill Frist (R), Phil Gramm (R) , Kay
Bailey Hutchison (R), Orrin Hatch (R), Robert Bennett (R), Patrick Leahy
(D), John Warner (R), George Allen (R),Patty Murray (D), Maria Cantwell
(D), Robert Byrd (D), Jay Rockefeller (D), Herbert Kohl (D), Russ
Feingold (D), Craig Thomas (R).
Michael Enzi (R)
wanted to get a bullet from CIA sniper, right Mr. Joe Biden ?Senator
Hillary Clinton was the only one who responded under pressure.
Obamna and VP Joe Biden, a former US Senator Rick Santorum , a former US Senator
Still in the office:
Akaka (D – HI), Max Baucus (D – MT), Jeff Bingaman(D – NM) , Barbara
Boxer (D – CA), Maria Cantwell, (D – WA), Thomas Carper, (D – DE), thad
Cochran,(R – MS), Susan Collins, (R – ME), Kent Conrad, (D – ND), Mike
Crapo, (R – ID), Richard Durbin, (D – IL), Michael Enzi, (R – WY),
Dianne Feinstein (D – CA),Chuck Grassley (R – IA), Tom Harkin (D – IA),
Orrin Hatcch (R – UT), Kay Bailey Hutchison (R – TX), James Inhofe (R –
OK), Daniel Inouye
(D –
HI), Tim Johnson (D – SD), John Kerry (D – MA), Herb Kohl,(D – WI), Jon
Kyl, (R -AZ), Mary Landrieu (D – LA),Patrick Leahy (D – VT), Carl Levin
(D – MI), Joseph Lieberman (ID – CT), Richard Lugar (R – IN), John
(R – AZ), Mitch McConnell (R – KY), Barbara Mikulski (D – MD), Patty
Murray (D – WA),Ben Nelson (D – NE) , Bill Nelson, (D – FL), Rand Paul
(R – KY), Jack Reed (D – RI), Harry Reid (D – NV), Pat Roberts (R – KS),
Rockefeller (D – WV), Chuck Schumer (D – NY), Jeff Sessions (R – AL),
Richard Shelby (R – AL),Olympia Snowe, (R – ME), Debbie Stabenow (D –
MI), Ron Wyden (D – OR).
I can
tell how I would plan special operation like this one. I'm sure the CIA
followed the same scheme (and used their own satellites for technical
1. Objectives.
al-Qaeda to be blamed, Iraq to be invaded, oil to be taken.
2. Preparation.
CIA undercover explained to bin-Laden unusual plan to attack America. The plan approved, terrorists sent to USA.
group of terrorists, no links to al-Qaeda, was allowed to pack Twin
Towers with explosives. Right after the #2 terrorist team was
eliminated, their bodies burnt.
3. Action.
September 11, 2001
19 al-Qaeda terrorists boarded 4 jets.
Right after that they were secretly arrested, taken away and killed. Their bodies burnt.
8 a.m.
EDT. American airlines Flight 11, a Boeing 767 with 92 people on board,
took of from Boston’s Logan international Airport to Los Angeles.
8:14 a.m. United airlines Flight 175, a Boeing 767 with 65 people on board, took off from Logan to Los Angeles.
a.m. American Airlines flight 77, a Boeing 757 with 64 people on board,
took off from Washington Dulles International Airport for Los Angeles.
a.m. United Airlines Flight 93, a Boeing 757 with 44 people on board,
took off from Newark International Airport for San Francisco.
After 4
jets took off, their pilots were ordered emergency landing on one of
the military bases where crews and passengers boarded another jet packed
with explosives. It exploded in the air and crashed into a field in
Pennsylvania. Two other empty jets , guided by autopilots, with
explosives crashed into Twin Towers.
Cruise missile hit Pentagon. I’ll pay $1, 000, 000 to anybody who’ll melt a piece of steel with kerosene jet-fuel.
Osama bin-Laden was sure he did it.
bin-Laden's death al-Qaeda has to prove its strength one more time and
attack two more American symbols – Capitol or the White House. Wait.
I’ll pay $1, 000, 000 to anybody who’ll melt a piece of steel with kerosene jet-fuel.
KGB instructions for Obama. “The Professional” by M. Kryzhanovsky
is the unlawful use of violence (t e r r o r) against people or
property to coerce or intimidate governments or societies, often to
achieve political, religious or ideological objectives. It’s also a form
of unconventional and psychological warfare. The common strategy of
terrorists is to commit acts of violence. Each act of terrorism is a
violent act , devised to have a big national or international impact.
Terrorism is a political tactic. “Red” terror is aimed against certain
politicians; “black” refers more to mass murders. The two can be mixed.
to scare the nation, neutralize the government and show its inability
to rule the country; to make the government admit that terror
organization is a real political power; to draw media and public
(international) attention to a certain political problem, to provoke the
government to use military force and start civil war; to prove some
political or religious ideology; prevent or delay important political
decisions or legislation; discourage foreign investments or foreign
government assistance programs; change the government through revolution
or civil war.
Types of terrorism.
Civil disorders .
terrorism – violent acts designed primarily to generate fear in the
nation for political purposes. Civil disorders are very effective here. .
terrorism – terrorism that is not aimed at political purposes but which
exhibits conscious design to create and maintain high degree of fear
for coercive purposes. .
or state terrorism – referring to nations whose rule is based upon fear
and oppression that reach similar to terrorism or such proportions. .
Terrorist objectives.
seeking recognition require events that have high probability of
attracting media attention. Specific incidents may be suicide bombing in
public place (e.g. a green market), hijacking of an aircraft, the
kidnapping of a politician or other prominent person, the seizing of
occupied buildings (schools, hospitals) or other hostage barricade
situations. Once they gain attention, the terrorists may demand that
political statement be disseminated. Terrorist groups sometimes use
organizational names or labels designed to imply legitimacy or
widespread support. For example, a tiny isolated group may use “front”,
“army”, or “brigade” in its name to achieve this effect.
2. Coercion.
is the attempt to force a desired behavior by individuals, groups, or
governments. This objective calls for a strategy of a very selective
targeting which rely on publicly announced bombings, destruction of
property and other acts which are initially less violent than the taking
of human life. Contemporary examples include the bombing of corporate
headquarters and banking facilities with little or no loss of life.
3. Intimidation.
attempts to prevent individuals or groups from acting: coercion
attempts to force actions. Terrorists may use intimidation to reduce the
effectiveness of security forces by making them afraid to act.
Intimidation can discourage competent citizens from seeking or accepting
positions within the government. The threat of violence can also keep
the general public from taking part in important political activities
such as voting. As in the case of coercion, terrorists use a strategy of
selective targeting although they may intend the targets to look as
though they were chosen indiscriminately.
4. Provocation.
overreaction on the part of government forces. The strategy normally
calls for attacking targets symbolic of the government ( for example,
the police, the military, and other officials). Attacks of this type
demonstrate vulnerability to terrorist acts and contribute to a loss of
confidence in the government’s ability to provide security. More
important, if the security forces resort to a heavy-handed response, the
resulting oppression can create public sympathy, passive acceptance, or
active support for an insurgent or terrorist group.
5.Insurgency support.
in support of an insurgency is likely to include provocation,
intimidation, coercion and the quest for recognition.. Terrorism can
also aid an insurgency by causing the government to overextend itself in
attempting to protect all possible targets. Other uses of terrorist
skills in insurgencies include acquiring funds, coercing recruits,
obtaining logistical support, and enforcing internal discipline.
media is a valuable “helper” by giving terrorists international
recognition and also to attract recruits, obtaining funds. Once they
gain attention, the terrorists may demand that political statements be
disseminated. The danger is that this kind of attention tends to incite
acts of violence by other terrorist groups. Terrorists use different
methods and taking hostages, bombing, arson (low risk action)
assassinations, ambushes and hijacking are the most popular ones.
that may contribute to terrorism: high population growth rates, high
unemployment, weak economies, extremism, ethnic , religious or
territorial conflict.
Organization and tactic.
Organized terror is “organized construction”:
and recruitment of people (active and passive supporters), including
informants and supporters in government agencies, counterintelligence
and police
money (robberies, illegal operations with drugs and weapons, legal
business, searching for donors with the same political views)
system, including a system of “cells” or small groups (some groups may
organize multifunctional cells that combine several skills into one
tactical unit). Preparing places where members can hide, relax, get
medical care; keep weapons, money, special literature. System also
includes fake IDs and counter-intelligence (detection of traitors,
preventing collapse of the group and uncontrolled criminal activity
camps (shooting, working with explosives). If the group is state
supported or directed, the leadership usually includes one or more
members who have been trained and educated by the sponsoring state
sessions (the group may include professional terrorists for hire who
are not necessarily ideologically motivated)
-planning the actions
-making special connections with other groups and mafia
typical terrorist organization is pyramidal. This format takes more
people to support operations than to carry them out. Therefore, the
majority of people who work in terrorist organizations serve to keep
terrorists in the field. The most common job in terrorist groups is
support, not combat.
Usually, organization is divided into 4 levels:
1st level. Command level. The smallest , most secret group at the top.
2nd level. Active cadre. Responsible for carrying out the mission of the terrorist organization. .
level. Active supporters. The active supporters are critical to
terrorist operations. Any group can carry out a bombing, but to maintain
a campaign of bombings takes support. Active supporters keep the
terrorists in the field. They maintain communication channels, provide
safe houses, gather intelligence. This is the largest internal group in
the organization, and one which can be effectively countered by economic
4th level. Passive supporters.
terrorist groups number fewer than 50 people and are incapable of
mounting a long-term campaign. Under the command of only a few people,
the group is divided according to specific tasks. Intelligence sections
are responsible for assessing targets and planning operations. Support
sections provide the means necessary to carry out the assault, and the
tactical units are responsible for the actual terrorist action.
Terrorist organizations tend to have two primary types of subunits: a cell and a column.
cell is the most basic type. Composed of 4 to 6 people, the cell usually
has a mission specialty, but it may be a tactical cell or an
intelligence section. In some organizations, the duties of tactical
cells very with the assignment. Other cells may exist as support wing.
groups of cells will form to create columns. Columns are semiautonomous
conglomerations of cells with a variety of specialties and a separate
command structure. As combat units, columns have questionable
effectiveness. They are usually too cumbersome to be used in major
operations, and the secrecy demanded by terrorism prevents effective
inter-column cooperation. Hence, columns are most often found fulfilling
a function of combat support.
Terrorist groups can be divided into three categories:
a. non-state supported groups which operate autonomously, receiving no support from any government
b. state supported groups, which operate alone but receive support from one or more governments
state directed groups, which operate as the agents of a government,
receiving substantial intelligence, logistic, and operational support
overt seizure of one or more people to gain publicity, concessions , or
ransom in return for the release of the hostage or hostages. While
dramatic, hostage situations are risky for the terrorist in an
unfriendly environment. .
must always negotiate if hostages have been taken. Negotiation produces
some advantages for you. These advantages are: (a) the longer situation
is prolonged, the more intelligence can be gathered on the location,
motivation and identity, (b) the passage of time generally reduces
anxiety, allowing the hostage taker to assess the situation rationally,
(c) given enough time, the hostages may find a way to escape on their
own, (c) the necessary resolve to kill or hold hostages lessens with
timer, (d) terrorists may make mistakes. The negotiation team must have
information to support negotiations (you get it from interviews with
witnesses, escaped and released hostages, and captured suspects — it’s
very important to get the identities, personalities, motives, habits and
abilities of the offenders).
One of the complications facing you in a siege involving hostages is the Stockholm syndrome
where sometimes hostages can develop a sympathetic rapport with their
captors. If this helps keep them safe from harm, this is considered to
be a good thing, but there have been cases where hostages have tried to
shield the captors during an assault or refused to co-operate with the
authorities in bringing prosecutions. (In Britain if the siege involves
perpetrators who are considered by the government to be terrorists, then
if an assault is to take place, the civilian authorities hand command
and control over to military).
includes its attention-getting capacity and the terrorist’s ability to
control casualties through time of detonation and placement of the
device. The bomb is a popular weapon, because it is cheap to produce,
easy to make, has variable uses, and is difficult to detect and trace
after the action. In Iraq they usually use booby-trapped vehicles and
car-bombs. A car bomb is an explosive device placed in a car or other
vehicle and then exploded. It is commonly used as a weapon of
assassination, terrorism or guerrilla warfare to kill the occupant(s) of
the vehicle, people near the blast site, or to damage buildings or
other property. Car bombs act as their own delivery mechanisms and can
carry a relatively large amount of explosives without attracting
suspicion. The earliest car bombs were intended for assassination. These
were often wired to the car’s ignition system – to explode when the car
was started. Ignition triggering is now rare, as it is easy to detect
and hard to install – interfering with the circuitry is time-consuming
and car alarms can be triggered by drains on the car’s electrical
system. Also, the target may start the car remotely (inadvertently or
otherwise), or the target may be a passenger a safe distance away when
the car starts. It is now more common for assassination bombs to be
affixed to the underside of the car and then detonated remotely or by
the car motion. The bomb is exploded as the target approaches or starts
the vehicle or, more commonly, after the vehicle begins to move, when
the target is more likely to be inside. For this reason, security guards
have to check the underside of vehicles with a long mirror mounted on a
effectiveness of a car bomb is that an explosion detonated inside a car
is momentarily contained. If the force of explosion were to double each
fraction of a second and the car were to contain the explosion for one
second before its chassis gave way, this would result in a much greater
force then if the detonation took place outside the car. Therefore a
greater amount of damage is obtained from a given amount of explosive.
Car bombs are also used by suicide bombers who seek to ram the car into a
building and simultaneously detonate it. Defending against a car bomb
involves keeping vehicles at a distance from vulnerable targets by using
Jersey barriers, concrete blocks or by hardening buildings to withstand
an explosion. Where major public roads pass near government buildings,
road closures may be the only option (thus, the portion of Pennsylvania
Avenue immediately behind the White house is closed to traffic. These
tactics encourage potential bombers to target unprotected targets, such
as markets.
Suicide attack.
major reason for the popularity of suicide attacks is tactical
advantages over other types of terrorism. A terrorist can conceal
weapons, make last-minute adjustments, infiltrate heavily guarded
targets and he does not need a remote or delayed detonation, escape
plans or rescue teams. Suicide attacks often target poorly- guarded,
non-military facilities and personnel. Examples of different suicide
attacks include:
-attempted suicide attack with a plane as target
-suicide car bomb
-suicide attack by a boat with explosives
-suicide attack by a woman
-suicide attack by a bicycle with explosives
-suicide attack by a hijacked plane with fuel: September 11,2001 attacks
-suicide attack by diverting a bus to an abyss
-suicide attack with guns
well-planned ambush seldom fails. The terrorists have time on their
side, and can choose a suitable place. Raid (armed attack) on facilities
usually have one of three purposes: to gain access to radio or TV
stations (to make a public statement); to demonstrate the government’s
inability to guarantee the security of critical facilities; or to
acquire money and weapons ( by bank pr armory robberies).
is the oldest terrorist tactic. Targets mostly are government
officials, as well as the defectors from the terrorist group.
is usually a covert action and the perpetrators may not make themselves
known for some time, while hostage –takers seek immediate publicity.
Because of the time involved, a successful kidnapping requires elaborate
planning and logistics, although the risk to the terrorists is less
than in a hostage situation.
objective is to demonstrate how vulnerable society is to the terrorists’
actions on utilities, communications and transportation systems. In the
more developed countries they are so interdependent that a serious
disruption of one affects all and gains immediate public attention.
Sabotage of industrial, commercial or military facilities is a tool to
show vulnerability of the target and the society while simultaneously
making a statement or political, or monetary demand.
threat against a person’s life causes him and those around him to devote
more time and effort to security measures.. A bomb threat can close
down a commercial building, empty a theater, or disrupt a transportation
system at no cost to the terrorist. The longer-term effects of false
alarms on the security forces are more dangerous than the temporary
disruption of the hoax. Repeated threats that do not materialize dull
the analytical and operational effectiveness of security personnel.
Responses to terrorism include:
-targeted laws, criminal procedures, deportations and enhanced police powers
-target hardening, such as locking doors or adding traffic barriers
-pre-emptive or reactive military action
-increased intelligence and surveillance activities
-pre-emptive humanitarian activities
-more permissive interrogation and detention policies
-official acceptance of torture as a valid tool
You must gather the following information:
1.Group information.
ideology (political or social philosophy), history of the group, dates
significant to the group, and dates when former leaders have been killed
or imprisoned (terrorist groups often strike on important anniversary
2.Financial information.
of funds, proceeds from criminal activities, bank accounts information
(sudden influxes of funding or bank withdrawals indicate preparation for
activity). It’s also important to determine the group’s legal and
financial supporters. Generally, anyone who would write an official
letter of protest or gather names on a petition for a terrorist is a
legal supporter. Sometimes, an analysis of support will reveal linkages
and mergers with other groups.
3.Personnel information.
of leaders, list of members (and former members), any personnel
connections with other groups of similar ideology. The skills of all
group members (weapons expertise, electronics expertise) – knowing the
skills of the group is an important part of threat assessment. If the
philosophy revolves around one leader, it’s important to know what will
occur if something happens to that leader. Often, the analysis of family
background is useful to determine how radically a leader or member was
raised. Group structure, particularly if the organizational pattern is
cellular, determines who knows whom.
As a
group, terrorists are very team-oriented and always prepared for suicide
missions. They are well-prepared for their mission , are willing to
take risks and are attack-oriented. If captured, they will usually not
confess or snitch on others as ordinary criminals do. Traditional law
enforcement are not that effective when it comes to the investigation or
intelligence of terrorism.
4.Location information.
of group’s headquarters, location of group’s “safe” houses (where they
hide from authorities) and location of the group’s “stash” houses (where
they hide weapons and supplies). Regular attacks on “stash” houses is
the most frequently used counterterrorism technique). It’ important to
specify the underground that exists where terrorists can flee.
Terrorists like to live in communal homes instead of living alone.
Remember this:
Knowing just the functions of terrorism is a fight. Since terrorists are
usually trying to provoke government’s overreaction, anything the
government can do to keep itself from overreacting works against them.
Since terrorists are usually trying to provoke government’s
overreaction, anything the government can do to keep itself from
overreacting works against them. Since terrorists are trying to gain
control of the media, anything on the part of the media which stifles
exposure also stiles terrorism. Bombings make the best pictures (watch
TV!), that’s why terrorists use them mostly.
Terrorists often demand to release political prisoners, but this is
never a true objective. The real trick is politization of all prisoners,
the winning over of new recruits among the prison population.
4. Go
after financial supporters of terrorism, not the terrorists themselves.
It’s only with narcoterrorism that this strategy fails, since the drug
market doesn’t respond to simple supply-demand forces.
Terrorists are imitators, not innovators. They often wait until some
other group makes the first move. Most of them do this because they are
sorely trying to imitate military strategy, others do it because of
standardized paramilitary training or textbook lessons in guerrilla
tactics, and still others do it to throw off suspicion from themselves..
6. The
Stockholm Syndrome works in the favor of anti-terrorist forces. The
longer the hostages stay alive, the less likelihood harm will come to
them. With this syndrome, the hostages come to think of their captors as
protecting them from the police and soon start to identify with their
captors. The captors themselves start to develop a parent/child
relationship with their hostages. Other syndromes include the Penelope
Syndrome , where women find violent criminals sexually attractive.
7. In
assessing the threat of terrorism, it’s important to concentrate on
counting the number of incidents, not the number of victims or the value
of harm. The only true comparison is the number of attacks since
terrorists often have no idea themselves about how many victims will be
killed by their actions. Nationalist groups tend to seek a high number
of fatalities while revolutionary groups tend to seek fewer deaths and
more wounds or injuries. Splinter or spin-off groups seem more
interested in death counts and fatalities. The point is that no matter
how many victims are targeted, the group is only a threat via its number
of attacks as a percent of total activity.
8. Do
count the number of victims saved by any preventive action. If you
manage through some leverage to get the terrorist leader to stop things
with a cease-fire agreement, regardless of whether further negotiation
follows or not, it will help your agency if you have calculated how many
lives you’ve saved, and can report this information to policymakers.
Everyone wins by a cease-fire – the terrorist leaders look good, your
leaders look good too. After the cease-fire, it’s important to also
measure the resumed level of violence and compare to pre-cease-fire
Giving into terrorists’ demands for political change only changes the
pattern of violence , not violence itself. Economic and political
reforms aimed at helping a certain group and resolving its grievances
will win over some supporters among the general population, but in the
long-run, will create new problems and a new set of grievances over the
precise implementation of policy and the degree of power sharing. A much
better strategy is to initiate economic and political reforms for all
nation. Economic development solutions have worked in Ireland, Uruguay
and Italy.
Reduction of recruits, supplies and support. You have to reduce the
number of active trainee members of the terrorist organization. Capture
and imprisonment works (it has helped to keep Spain fairly
terrorism-free), as well as preemptive strikes against training camps.
The number of terrorists captured or killed should be counted, and this
can be put as the denominator in a fraction with the number of
government security forces killed in the numerator. You’ve also got to
keep weapons, ammo and supplies out of hands of terrorists by
destruction of their “stash” houses. Unfortunately, many religious
terrorist groups operate under the cover of religion and blowing up
religious buildings has a strong negative effect.
Terrorism does not respond to coalition-based sanctions which are
intended to express the international community’s disregard for them.
Terrorist actually want their enemies to wage a war on terrorism because
this gives them some pseudo-legitimacy that they are soldiers-at war.
If they are broken up from receiving any psychological rewards or
sympathy from their social support groups, this strategy might work.
Sharing of information and intelligence by counter-terrorism agents is
essential. But there’s always a threat, that a secret source might be
“burnt out” during such “sharing”.
Terrorist groups with a cell structure are most likely to thwart human
intelligence since the purpose of the cell structure is to prevent any
members from knowing who is the immediate leader. This may or may not be
true with some groups (like the IRA) which mix family with business,
depending upon levels of fidelity. The best approach for such groups may
electronic surveillance. However, groups with military or paramilitary
organization might be easier to infiltrate or penetrate.
November ,2011 more than a dozen spies working for the CIA in Iran and
Lebanon have been caught by Hezbollah security and the U.S. government
fears they will be or have been executed. The spies were paid informants
recruited by the CIA for two distinct espionage rings targeting Iran
and the Beirut-based Hezbollah organization.
Beirut, two Hezbollah double agents pretended to go to work for the CIA.
Hezbollah then learned of the Beirut Pizza Hut restaurant where
multiple CIA officers were meeting with several agents, according to the
four current and former officials briefed on the case. The CIA used the
codeword "PIZZA" when discussing where to meet with the agents. From
there, Hezbollah's internal security arm identified at least a dozen
informants, and the identities of several CIA case officers.
officers ignored the rule that the operation could be compromised by
using the same location for meetings with multiple assets. Idiots who
loved free pizza paid by the U.S. goverrnment too much .
PART 2. KGB Operation “Barack Obama”
Chapter 1 . Obama is KGB illegal spy.
Pic 1 Pic 2
Pic 1. Barack Obama in 1971, age 10 and in 2001, age 40 – face aged on in20years.com
Pic 2. Barack Obama in 2000, official photo.
August 4, 1961
Barack Obama was born in Honolulu, Hawaii.
there's something very wrong with someone's birth certificate and if
there's an indication that this someone used a birth certificate of a
newborn child (Virginia Sunahara) who died at birth or soon after birth,
we have to talk about the methods Russian intelligence (SVR, a former
KGB) and its illegal espionage department. We have to talk about the
illegal spy "documentation process" – using birth certificates to get
legal documents in USA – SS#, driver license, passport.
Now, let's reconstruct Obama's biography as I see it with my 30 years of espionage experience.
spy cover story works best if it's a mix of actual and fake facts.
"Obama" (let's call him John Smith) was a child of a student from Kenya
who studied in Moscow and dated a Russian girl. Such kids in Russia were
often unwanted by both partners and were raised and educated at a
special school. Like Obama, John Smith was born in 1961 and, like him,
graduated from high school in 1979. KGB paid attention to a very smart
young man. Smith was Intelligence Institute student in 1979-1981 in
Moscow, not far from "Cosmos" Hotel. There are couple of buildings in
the area and I got intelligence education myself in one of them back in
1987, 15 Yaroslavskaya Street, Moscow Russia).
a decision was made to train him individually as illegal intelligence
officer .The "dacha" (Russian for small villa) not far from Moscow,
provides an ideally isolated territory for training.2-3 instructors
live there to immerse the candidate completely into his American
identity and supervise him all the time. From the first day the
candidate becomes accustomed to the circumstances in which he will be
living and working in USA for many years. He wears American clothes,
eats the food, he's thinking, acting and living like 100% American . He
is supplied with newspapers and magazines, he's watching movies and TV
shows. The instructors ask the candidate the most difficult questions
imaginable . After a number of years of such training, the future
illegal knows everything about America, espionage technology and speaks
perfect English (by the way, "Obama" once made a very interesting
mistake – he said "leave the Agency" instead of "lead the Agency" –
watch "Barack Obama 2012 :KGB technology 2008" on YouTube. In espionage
business, we say :" One mistake in pronunciation, and the enemy puts a
lead dot at the end of the sentence")
After special training candidate often goes through a special process:
illegal probation period abroad. A trip abroad through intermediate
countries with numerous changes of passports and cover stories, jobs,
personal connections. Then he gets to the target country, stays there
for another 1-2 years and goes back to his country for additional
training and correction of cover story — actually, it's his first combat
assignment. The most important part of this assignment is to check the
reliability of the cover story and documents; the cover story has to be
reinforced with new and old true facts, like short-term studies at
universities or professional training courses).
intermediate legislation. On his way back the officer could stay in an
intermediate country for another 1-2 years, make contacts with business,
scientists, government employees, celebrities.
basic legislation. Officer comes to the target country, obtains genuine
documents, gets a job which allows him to travel and talk to many
people, recruit informants thus creating an illegal station).
At the
same time, in 1979-1981, Barack Obama studied at Occidental College in
Los Angeles where he became a socialist ready to transform the nation by
redistributing wealth. KGB station in Washington, DC which was
constantly looking for future secret sources at American top
universities and colleges, like Columbia, Yale or Harvard, got
information about young socialist. They sent his picture and info to
Moscow where some resemblance was discovered between a college student
from Los Angeles and a future illegal spy John Smith.
We have to investigate and prove one of two versions of what happened next.
travelled to Indonesia to visit his mother and sister Maya, and visited
the families of college friends in India and Pakistan for 3 weeks. Then
something happened in India, a good friend to Soviet Union and a
perfect place to recruit foreigners. He was recruited and he
disappeared. John Smith aka Barack Obama came back to the United States –
change of agents, one of regular illegal espionage methods.
father , Barack Obama Sr., aged 46 died in a car accident in Nairobi.
His mother, Ann Dunham, lived in Indonesia and might be just avoided or
ignored by her "son" (Don Johnson, Dunham co-worker, said "Obama was
distancing himself from her"). Russians approached her under a "false
flag" ( National Security Agency or CIA) and explained that her son had
to stay abroad for a secret mission for some time. They told her that
she had to be ready to accept another person as her own son. For
operation like that, espionage agencies often recruit close relatives
and allow them to meet their son (daughter) from time to time outside
USA. Money talks, there's nothing unusual, though for Dunham the
pressure and depression was too big – she died in 1995 of cancer at 52.
Time changes people, so "Obama" had to stay away from his friends and do not show up in public too much.
1981. Same person ?
transferred to Columbia University in New York City, where he majored in
political science and where nobody could remember him at all, and
graduated with a B.A. in 1983.
declined repeated requests to talk about his New York years, release
his Columbia transcript or identify a single fellow student, co-worker,
roommate or friend from those years. Wall Street Journal editorial in
September 2008, titled "Obama's Lost Years" noted that Fox News
contacted 400 Obama's classmates at Columbia and found no one who even
remembered him. "Mostly, my years at Columbia were an intense period of
study," Obama told Columbia College Today in a 2005 alumnus interview.
"I didn't socialize that much. I was like a monk".
cover up ! Columbia has refused to release any records regarding
Obama's attendance, including his application to attend, his grades, and
his financial aid records, if any exist. Only one person could order
Columbia to shut up – CIA Director Leon Panetta. Why ? See next part.
worked at the Business International Corporation and at the New York
Public Interest Research Group. He worked in Chicago as community
organizer in 1985-1988.
Barack Obama with his brothers Samson and Ben and with his grandmother, 1987, Kenya.
Same person ?
I have
a perfect memory and I state that I saw the man in the centre of this
picture in Moscow in 1987, where I’ve been trained at KGB Intelligence
Kolos” Hotel,Yaroslavskaya Str, 15, Moscow, a secret PGU KGB
Intelligence Institute facility. Nearby I saw the man who looked like
the person in the centre of the first picture in January 1987.
On October, 13, 2011 a statement appeared on Internet: Paul Pieniezny .”The Obama who was in Russia at that time [1987 – M.K.]
was not Barack Obama, but a student from Western Africa. He is still
alive and well and a diplomat. I have mentioned that little fact a few
times on the Fogbow. I hope he sues Mr Kryzhanovsky for every cent he
earned in the extreme-right talk circuit”.
travelled to Europe to meet his KGB handlers and get new instructions.
He had a choice – a safe variant (to make a political career in one of
African countries), and a risky one of staying in America – KGB wanted
him to be Martin Luther King #2 . But it appeared he could get much more
which was Oval Office. It was decided he could stay in USA longer and
it was a success : Illinois Senator (1997-2004) and U.S. Senator
1987 1988 1990
Same person ?
1988, Obama entered Harvard Law School. He worked as a summer associate
at the law firms of Sidley Austin in 1989 and Hopkins & Sutter in
1990. After graduating from Harvard in 1991, he returned to Chicago.
Chapter 2. Mafia
Vyacheslav Ivankov John DiFronzo Alexi Giannoulias
Ivankov ("Yaponchik"), a "Godfather" of Russian mafia came to USA. In
1982 he got 14 years of jail time, was recruited by KGB and got out of
jail 5 years earlier, in 1991. He came to USA to build Russian criminal
empire, penetrate American economy and political system (Mafia groups in
Russia control all big banks and corporations). Victor Sergeev, a
former KGB officer, was his adviser.
He was
involved in extortion, intimidation, gambling, arms sales, gasoline tax
fraud, money laundering. In 1995 FBI recorded his phone call to Moscow:
"The base in America is ready"- it was an open threat to the US
national security. He was arrested , charged with extortion, got 9 years
and then deported to Russia in 2004. In 2009 he was killed by a sniper
in Moscow. Ivankov ruled 25 Russian mafia groups in New York, Los
Angeles, Miami, Chicago, Boston, Seattle, Detroit and Philadelphia.
Russians always make ties to other ethnic crime groups and make deals to
avoid gangster wars for territory and influence. Illinois state Russian
community is big and rich (around 400,000), that's why Chicago and good
relations with the Chicago Outfit boss John DiFronzo were very
important for Godfather and KGB asset Ivankov.
I want to know Russian mafia political connections through Chicago mobsters. Why ?
Because New York Post reported on September 5, 2007:
"A man
who has long been dogged by charges that the bank his family owns
helped finance a Chicago crime figure will host a Windy City fund-raiser
tonight for Sen. Barack Obama. Alexi Giannoulias, who became Illinois
state treasurer last year after Obama vouched for him, has pledged to
raise $100,000 for the senator's Oval Office bid. Giannoulias bankrolled
Michael "Jaws" Giorango, a Chicagoan twice convicted of bookmaking and
promoting prostitution. Giannoulias is so tainted by reputed mob links
that several top Illinois Dems, including the state's speaker of the
House and party chairman, refused to endorse him even after he won the
Democratic nomination with Obama's help".
KGB instructions for Obama, “The Professional” by M.Kryzhanovsky
The Mafia
1. Lower: drugs, weapons, racketeering, money laundering and other regular criminal activity
2. Middle: involvement in economy (big banks and corporations) and politics
3. Upper: government infiltration
- help your brother no matter what
- revenge is inescapable
- obey orders and keep silence, order is a trust
- minimum membership with maximum profit
- leave no evidences (no papers),
- don’t lie, steal, or cheat
- there’s no justice but mafia justice
- live and die together
basic principle is a total secrecy of structure, methods, operations,
names and banking accounts. The most powerful tool is an exchange of
favors. The Mafia covers any country with a chain of connections,
creating a perfect terrain for total corruption.
The first row of the Mafia’s best friends are corrupted police and FBI
officers, second row — local and federal politicians. The Mafia
cultivates mutual help, protects better than a law and that’s why mafia
laws are primary for the members of a family. Members get help from the
family automatically and it’s a very strong incentive. The Mafia
launches political murders only if certain politicians seriously offend
its big financial interests. Have you noticed that every presidential
candidate is ready to fight crime but nobody is talking about fighting
the Mafia? You can’t win, but you can keep the Mafia under control. And
you have to control the Mafia because it penetrates politics, and
political psychology (behavior) could be substituted by a criminal
psychology, and that will be the end of America.
Chapter 3. Tom Fife’s adventure
fall, prior to the 2008 presidential election, a friend of mine, Dr.
Wiley Drake, former second vice president for the Southern Baptist
Convention, sent me an e-mail on which I didn't report. It just seemed
too extreme. It was from a software developer he met named Tom Fife who
told of how he first heard of the name "Barack."
can't prove whether it's true or not, but in light of all that is
happening, it just doesn't seem that far-fetched anymore. All I know is
that Tom Fife is a real guy – not some e-mail scam. I've talked to him.
He was a government contractor with an active security clearance who
took notes on his trips for debriefings with the Defense Intelligence
Agency within the Department of Defense. This is what he wrote down
after it happened in 1992, before anyone ever heard the name "Barack":
the period of roughly February 1992 to mid-1994, I was making frequent
trips to Moscow, Russia, in the process of starting a software
development joint-venture company with some people from the Russian
scientific community. One of the men in charge on the Russian side was
named V. M.; he had a wife named T.M. V. was a level-headed scientist,
while his wife was rather deeply committed to the losing Communist cause
– a cause she obviously was not abandoning.
evening, during a trip early in 1992, the American half of our venture
were invited to V. & T.'s Moscow flat as we were about to return to
the States. The party went well and we had the normal dinner
discussions. As the evening wore on, T. developed a decidedly rough
anti-American edge – one her husband tried to quietly rein in. The
bottom line of the tirade she started against the United States went
something like this:
Americans always like to think that you have the perfect government and
your people are always so perfect. Well then, why haven't you had a
woman president by now? You had a chance to vote for a woman vice
president and you didn't do it." The general response went something
along the lines that you don't vote for someone just because of their
sex. Besides, you don't vote for vice president, but the president and
vice president as a ticket.
"Well, I think you are going to be surprised when you get a black president very soon."
consensus we expressed was that we didn't think there was anything
innately barring that. The right person at the right time and sure,
America would try to vote for the right person, be he or she, black or
"What if I told you that you will have a black president very soon and he will be a Communist?"
The out-of-the-blue remark was met by our stares. She continued, "Well, you will; and he will be a Communist."
It was
then that the husband unsuccessfully tried to change the subject; but
she was on a roll and would have nothing of it. One of us asked, "It
sounds like you know something we don't know."
it is true. This is not some idle talk. He is already born, and he is
educated and being groomed to be president right now. You will be
impressed to know that he has gone to the best schools of presidents. He
is what you call 'Ivy League.' You don't believe me, but he is real and
I even know his name. His name is Barack. His mother is white and
American and his father is black from Africa. That's right, a chocolate
baby! And he's going to be your president."
became more and more smug as she presented her stream of detailed
knowledge and predictions so matter-of-factly – as though all were
foregone conclusions. "It's all been thought out. His father is not an
American black, so he won't have that social slave stigma. He is
intelligent and he is half white and has been raised from the cradle to
be an atheist and a Communist. He's gone to the finest schools. He is
being guided every step of the way and he will be irresistible to
We sat
there not knowing what to say. She was obviously very happy that the
Communists were doing this and that it would somehow be a thumbing of
their collective noses at America: They would give us a black president
and he'd be a Communist to boot. She made it quite obvious that she
thought that this was going to breathe new life into world Communism.
From this and other conversations with her, she always asserted that
Communism was far from dead.
was full of little details about him that she was eager to relate. I
thought that maybe she was trying to show off that this truly was a real
person and not just hot air. She rattled off a complete litany. He was
from Hawaii. He went to school in California. He lived in Chicago. He
was soon to be elected to the Legislature. "Have no doubt: he is one of
us, a Soviet." At one point, she related some sort of San Francisco
connection, but I didn't understand what the point was and don't recall
much about that. I was just left with the notion that she considered the
city to be some sort of a center for their activity here.
Since I
had dabbled in languages, I knew a smattering of Arabic. I made a
comment: "If I remember correctly, 'Barack' comes from the Arabic word
for 'Blessing.' That seems to be an odd name for an American." She
replied quickly, "Yes. It is 'African,'" she insisted, "and he will be a
blessing for world Communism. We will regain our strength and become
the number one power in the world." She continued with something to the
effect that America was at the same time the great hope and the great
obstacle for Communism. America would have to be converted to Communism,
and Barack was going to pave the way ".
what does this conversation from 1992 prove? Well, it's definitely
anecdotal. It doesn't prove that Obama has had Soviet Communist training
nor that he was groomed to be the first black American president, but
it does show one thing that I think is very important. It shows that
Soviet Russian Communists knew of Barack from a very early date. It also
shows that they truly believed among themselves that he was raised and
groomed Communist to pave the way for their future. This report on
Barack came personally to me from one of them long before America knew
he existed. Although I had never before heard of him, at the time of
this conversation Obama was 30-plus years old and was obviously tested
enough that he was their anticipated rising star.
Janet Porter, WorldNetDaily, 02.10.2009
Ann Dunham, Obama’s mother, aged 52, died of cancer in Honolulu, Hawaii.
Obama was elected the Illinois State Senator
Obama was elected the US Senator
Chapter 4. Don’t ask Lugar
August 5-7, 2005
Senators Lugar and Obama in Russia
visited Russia (together with Senator R. Lugar) and met secretly his
SVR (former KGB intelligence) handlers to discuss his prospectives for
the U.S. presidency. It appeared that U.S. Senator Barack “Obama” was
getting out of control and Russians decided to teach him a lesson. Here’s what happened.
Richard Lugar, an Indiana Republican and Chairman of the Senate Foreign
Relations Committee, and Sen. Barack Obama, an Illinois Democrat, were
detained for three hours on August 7 at an airport in Russia's city of
Perm . "We are not certain as to why or the particular activity that
caused that delay," Lugar said. He said U.S. Embassy officials informed
the senators that "an official at the Foreign Ministry has issued an
apology this morning."
No one
from the Russian Foreign Ministry could be reached immediately. The U.S
Embassy could not immediately confirm the information. Russia's Federal
Security Service , however, defended the plane's delay, saying it was
because the Perm airport isn't part of an Open Skies Agreement, which
allows certain planes to bypass inspections. The FSB, the agency that
succeeded the Soviet-era KGB, said it could only comment on the report
within a week's time. Maksim Zhalayev, deputy head of the border control
service at Perm’s airport, accused the senators of refusing to follow
border guards’ orders, telling Russia’s Ekho Moskvy radio that was the
reason behind the delay. U.S. Embassy officials said the flight was a
U.S. military flight, and therefore should have had diplomatic status.
Lugar's spokesman, Andy Fisher, said that Russian officials had
initially refused to allow the plane to take off, and insisted on
boarding it. "They did not. The border patrol finally got orders to let
us go," Fisher said. The senators and their aides spent three days in
Russia visiting sites where warheads are stored before destruction under
the U.S.-funded Comprehensive Threat Reduction program. This
international scandal could never happen without President Putin’s
straight order.
Chapter 5. Gestapo again
February 10, 2007
"Obama" announced his candidacy for President of the United States.
July 2, 2008
made a statement: “We can’t rely on our military in order to achieve
the national security objectives that we’ve set. We got to have a
civilian national security force that just as powerful, just as strong,
just as well-funded”. Many Americans, including Congressman Paul Braun,
think that Obama wants to establish a Gestapo-like security force to
impose a Marxist dictatorship, but I know that he means KGB with its
structure and methods – just as I explained in my instructions.
KGB instructions for Obama, “The Professional” by M.Kryzhanovsky
Gestapo : what I recommend
1."Public places total control”
method: assets were recruited at every big restaurant, bar, hotel or
store. They delivered information on any client whose behavior was
somewhat different from the general one: too excited or too depressed,
too greedy or too generous, too open or too "closed", etc. And very
often such a client deserved special attention. 2.Aggressive total recruitment
— by the end of World War II there wasn’t a single guerilla detachment,
resistance or espionage group on occupied Soviet and European
territories that had not been in part or completely eliminated by the
GESTAPO or SD — 100 per cent professional counter-terrorist and
counter-espionage job based on infiltration. 3. The “Night and Fog” operation.
By 1941 the Gestapo analysts reported that the “taking hostages”
practice was not effective any more as resistance on the occupied
territories was even increasing after that went into effect. Instead,
resistance fighters had to be secretly arrested and transported to
Germany where, after investigation, they just vanished without a trace. 4. "Third degree” interrogation (see “Special Influence”)
Chapter 6. Pelosi favor
August 28,2008
Obama and Joe Biden were nominated as Democratic candidates for the US
President and Vice President. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi knew that Obama
was not eligible under the US Constitution – that’s why she wrote the
first variant of nomination certification and then changed it . She
deleted “…legally qualified to serve under provision of the United
States Constitution…” But before that the House Speaker showed the
document to somebody who had enough power to make corrections – who ?
Her KGB /SVR handler
If she was recruited by KGB – when ? why ? how? money, ideology, career or blackmail ?
Now look at the evidence of a federal crime:
Variant 1
Variant 2 – official document
KGB instructions for Obama, "The Professional' by M.Kryzhanovsky
Presidential decision making
Decision making is a multiple choice process.
2. Any decision involves political risk.
3. If you can’t make a decision, you need more information.
4. Be optimistic, but remain realistic.
5. Give yourself a deadline.
6. No brainstorming chaos.
7. There are two kinds of decisions: irreversible and reversible. Better know which kind you are facing.
Here’s the process:
a) Identify the problem
b) Analyze the problem — what are the facts?
c) Evaluate options – what are the pros and cons? what can go wrong?
d) Identify choices – which alternative is the best?
e) Implement plans – what action needs to be taken?
As the
world #1 leader you have to know that this world is being ruled not by
you but by 11 financial corporations : Barclays, Goldman Sachs, Capital
Group Companies, FMR Corp, AXA, State Street Corp, JP Morgan Chase,
Legal & General Group, Vanguard Group, UBS AG, Merrill Lynch &
Co Inc.
Rahm Emanuel, Hillary Clinton and Leon Panetta (first from left)
Chapter 7. Good Russian boy
November 4, 2008 .Obama
won the race and became the first Russian illegal spy to be elected the
U.S. President. The Congressional Research Service, a public policy arm
of Congress, officially admits no one in the government ever vetted
Obama's constitutional eligibility
November 18, 2008. After
his victory , President "Barack Obama", the most powerful man in the
world, lost sense of reality and ignored his Russian intelligence boss
(Mikhail Fradkov) instructions – he had his own vision on how to rule
and destroy America .Russians were not going to lose control over the
White House and American President. They explained to Obama, that it's
OK, but he had to work together with Bill Clinton, a "big friend of
Russia" and his people. Bill Clinton was instructed what to do and in
November 2008 Obama had to divide the power – he appointed Hillary
Clinton the Secretary of State, Rahm Emanuel ( Clinton's Chief Political
Adviser) – the White House Chief of Staff and Leon Panetta (Clinton's
Chief of Staff) – CIA Director
2, 2010 . He managed to fire Rahm Emanuel (I'll tell you why) and after
that Russians humiliated him one more time – in April 28, 2011, he was
forced to nominate Panetta to replace Robert Gates as Secretary of
Defense. Panetta would end all
and withdraw all U.S. troops from Iraq – that's another Russian
intelligence order. Obama, actually, lost half of his power by giving
two key Cabinet positions to Clintons team - that's how Russians punished their illegal spy for his independence.
And that’s what good Russian “Obama” is doing for Russia:
1.He's destroying America – its called "socialist intervention into the US economy".
person who wants to spend $1 trillion on health care reform which is
not a priority at all in the middle of horrible economic crisis, is
either an idiot or an enemy of America with a very well calculated plan
to terminate the country. Obama did it – in March 2010 he signed Health Care Reform legislation into law.
into immigration reform which is a socialist intervention into American
society – he'll turn 12 million poor illegal Latinos into US
citizens-revolutionaries. In 2012 they'll get green cards, by 2016
they'll get citizenship and bring here all their family members
(grandparents, parents, brothers, sisters, brides and grooms) – around
50-60 million unemployed poorly educated people. And that will be the
death of America, the end of American Constitution and the birth of a
totalitarian "Obama – forever " Communist regime.
unemployment and inflation, budget deficit at every state and city is
another Obama's trick, planned by Russian intelligence – he's pushing
big states like Texas, New York and California to a "boiling point"
after which they might take serious steps towards independence – the
beginning of America's death. USSR collapsed the same way – now Russians
through Obama want revenge.
Bill Clinton saved one Russian "mole" John Deutch, Obama saved 10 (ten)
Russian illegal spies, arrested by FBI in June, 2010, sending them back
to Russia in 2010 without any investigation – severe blow to American
national security and priceless gift to SVR, Russian intelligence. The
case is very interesting because Hillary Clinton was the target of
Russian spy ring. That’s what happened.
June 28, 2010 FBI arrested in New York, Massachusetts, Virginia and New
Jersey 10 Russian illegal spies.All were charged as agents of a foreign
government ((Russia) and were not registered with the Dept. of Justice ,
5 years in jail. Also, all of them except Anna Chapman, were charged
with conspiracy to commit money laundering, up to 20 years in jail.
2007-2010 Alan Patrikof, a financier, a close friend of Clintons, a
sponsor Hillary Clinton's election campaigns, had business contacts with
vice president of accounting firm "Morea Financial Services, Inc" (120
Broadway, #1016, New York, NY 20271, 212-608-1080) an SVR illegal Cynthia Murphy ( Lydia Gurieva). So, the whole group was working for Cynthia Murphy who was trying to get access to Hillary Clinton .
Illegal Russian spy ring : “Cynthia Murphy” – first from the left in the upper row. Alan Patrikof
Philip J. Crowley, assistant press secretary to the US State Department, made right away the statement:"There is no evidence to suggest that this spy group had U.S. Secretary of State as its principal target".
News”, 09.30.2010 :”One of the accused Russian sleeper spies may have
been trying to worm her way into Secretary of State Clinton's circle of
high-powered friends. Suspect Cynthia Murphy worked at a downtown
financial firm that appears to have put her in contact with Alan
Patricof, a New York venture capitalist and top Democratic donor who was
a finance chairman of Clinton's 2008 presidential campaign.The federal
complaint states that in February 2009, Murphy reported to Moscow that
through work, she had met a financier who was "a personal friend" of a
current cabinet official and an active political fund-raiser”
July 9, 2010 they were exchanged for garbage, 4 defectors convicted in
Russia. On July 12 Russian leader, PM Vladimir Putin met the group which
was official recognition of their merits. On October 10, 2010 , Dmitriy
Medvedev, President of Russia , awarded all 10 spies with Russian
orders and that means they did a very good job in America destroying its
national security.
6.Obama’s pro- Russian U.S. National Security Strategy :
“Analysts, agents and officers who protect us must have access to all relevant intelligence throughout the government”.
A very dangerous trick – just imagine Russian recruit a “mole” with access to all relevant information .
I call this a “hologram method”. If I, Russian “mole”, work for CIA as nuclear proliferation analyst, I have access to
“all relevant information” throughout US intelligence community:
Force Intelligence, Army Intelligence, Central Intelligence Agency,
Coast Guard Intelligence, Defense Intelligence Agency, Department of
Energy, Department of Homeland Security, Department of State Bureau of
Intelligence and Research, Department of the Treasury, Drug Enforcement
Administration, Federal Bureau of Investigation, Marine Corps
Intelligence, National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency , National
Reconnaissance Office, National Security Agency
Navy Intelligence, Office of Director of National Intelligence
Do you
understand what that means ? I’ll explain. The White House is sending
requests for information or research on a certain political or economic
problem, situation in Europe, Asia, etc. A “mole’ is sending those
request to Moscow and Russians calculate the US strategy, understand ?
Besides, “mole” is stealing information from all above mentioned
agencies. We have to stop it today – just for that deadly blow to
American national security Obama has to go to jail as the enemy of
his foreign policy actions work for Russia – withdrawal from
Afghanistan, withdrawal from Iraq (that's a huge gift for Iran, Russia's
best friend), anti-Israel policy (a gift for Palestinian terrorists –
Russia's best friends, most of whom were trained in Soviet Union).
8.Obama and World War III.
KGB instructions for Obama, “The Professional by M.Kryzhanovsky
change of government and political and economic systems by political
gangsters, usually fed, pushed, incited, and possibly funded and
equipped by the secret services of another country.
buildings are blockaded, the government isolated, all communications
and transportation systems captured, government media closed, new
government formed.
- political and economic crisis
- mass anti-government propaganda (in the army too)
- provoked mass protests and civil disobedience actions
- terror and urban guerillas
or “chain reaction.” A coup, revolution or civil war in one country
provokes the same actions in other countries (neighbors). It doesn't
matter what country is going to be next, most important – what country
is a target.
are the best if it comes to revolutions and SVR, not CIA is actually
behind revolutions in Egypt, Tunisia, Lybia and Syria. Radical Islam
comes to power over there + Iran + Palestine and we have a perfect
coalition to start a big war against Israel .
Now, it's extremely important for Russia to re-direct radical Islam vector.
It goes through Afghanistan and then through Muslim Turkmenistan,
Uzbekistan, Tajikistan and Kazakhstan (former Soviet republics) to
MuslimTatarstan and Muslim Chechnya , constituent republics of Russian
Obama and Hillary made numerous statements that USA support these and
other "democratic" revolutions. They protect Russia in such a way and
re-direct radicals to USA.
Why Russia needs the pro-Russian president of America ?
Russia is the economic target of the World War III – like it was in
1941-1945, during World War II. Russia has the world's largest reserves
of mineral and energy resources, the world's largest forest reserves and
its lakes contain 25% of the world's fresh water. Russia is energy
superpower : #1 in the world in natural gas reserves, #8 in oil reserves
and #2 in coal reserves.
sources of energy (oil, gas, uranium, coal) are rapidly coming to an
end. At the same time China, india, Brazil, Indonesia are rapidly
ranks since 2010 as the world's 2nd largest economy after the US. It
became the world's top manufacturer in 2011, surpassing the United
States . China is increasing its economy (GDP, gross domestic product)
by 10% a year – in 5 years there will be 1,5 China, 1,15 India, 1,5
Brazil ,1,15 Indonesia. 9 billion people on Earth with energy, food and
fresh water supplies coming to an end in the next 25-40 years. That
means that 500 million Europeans and 300 million Americans have to lower
their standards of living – and they will not accept this ! On top of
it we have the global financial and economic crisis which is actually
killing America.
The only way out – to capture resources that still remain to preserve their standards of living.
World War III is coming – the war between USA and China for Russia's
resources. It might start in Middle East and (radical Islam against
Israel) and then re-directed to Russia.
Russian leader Putin will do everything and will pay anything to postpone the war as long as possible.
November 17, 2011
War between USA and Russia ?
8th annual summit of the Valdai Club closed with a three-hour-long
meeting of the summit’s participants with the Russian Prime Minister
Vladimir Putin, who shared his views on a wide range of issues with the
international experts and journalists.
Cohen, senior research fellow at the Heritage Foundation said that
Valdai experts discussed a wide range of issues with Putin. Putin did
not hesitate to say that if America continues pursuing its missile
defense plans in Europe, serious conflicts may arise in bilateral
relations, but Russia is not afraid of this". He added that “big battles
with the next U.S. administration are in the offing" and “this will be
Russia’s main challenge from the West and the United States in the next
few months.”
November 8, 2011
Clinton is pushing Russians to “Arab spring” revolution. She wants to
rule the world through my “managed chaos “ strategy and KGB asset Obama
can do nothing to stop her.
Putin Hillary
Minister Vladimir Putin strongly criticized U.S. Secretary of State
Hillary Rodham Clinton , accusing her of encouraging and funding
Russians protesting 2011 State Duma election fraud, and warned of a
wider Russian crackdown on dissent. By describing Russia's parliamentary
election as rigged, Putin said Clinton "gave a signal" to his
heard this signal and with the support of the U.S. State Department
began their active work," Putin said in televised remarks. He said the
United States is spending "hundreds of millions" of dollars to influence
Russian politics with the aim of weakening a rival nuclear power.
tough words show the deep cracks in U.S.-Russian ties despite President
Barack Obama's efforts to "reset" relations with the Kremlin. Ahead of
the election, President Dmitry Medvedev threatened to deploy missiles to
target the U.S. missile shield in Europe if Washington failed to
assuage Moscow's concerns about its plans. Clinton has repeatedly
criticized Sunday's parliamentary vote in Russia, saying "Russian voters
deserve a full investigation of electoral fraud and manipulation."
protesters have taken to the streets in Moscow and St. Petersburg for
three straight nights despite a heavy police presence, outraged over
observers' reports of widespread ballot box stuffing and manipulations
of the vote count. This week has seen some of the biggest and most
sustained protests Russia has faced in years, and police have detained
hundreds of protesters.
was president from 2000 until 2008, when he moved into the prime
minister's office to abide by a constitutional limit on two consecutive
terms. He intends to reclaim the presidency after an election in March
that would give him at least six more years in power. Putin's return to
the Kremlin still seems assured, but he clearly has been shaken by the
outburst of public anger and it is not yet clear how much of a challenge
it will pose to his power.
Moscow has already put about 50,000 police and 2,000 paramilitary troops on the streets, backed by water cannon.
warned that the government might take an even harder line against those
who try to influence Russia's political process on behalf of a foreign
government. He accused the U.S. State Department of spending "hundreds
of millions" of dollars in Russia and his government has to "work out
ways to protect our sovereignty from outside interference." "We are the
largest nuclear power," Putin said, addressing supporters during a
televised meeting. "And our partners have certain concerns and shake us
so that we don't forget who is the master of this planet, so that we
remain obedient and feel that they have leverage to influence us within
our own country." He said "especially unacceptable is the infusion of
foreign money into the electoral process."
Clinton defended her criticism of the elections, saying she was expressing concerns the U.S. thought were well-founded.
Russia's only independent election monitoring group is supported by grants from the United States and European governments.
interesting that Hillary Clinton’s #1 supporter is Republican Senator
John McCain who said on October 20, 2011: “ I think dictators all over
the world, maybe even Mr. Putin, maybe some Chinese, maybe all of them
be a little bit more nervous because the people of Libya rose up. We
assisted them and if it hadn’t been for the British and French, NATO air
power , they probably wouldn’t have succeeded. I think they are to be
nervous. I think it’s the spring, not just Arab spring. I can’t predict
it – armed uprising or anything like that – but I can certainly see
protest in a lot of countries.
KGB instructions for Obama , "The Professional" by M.Kryzhanovsky
Foreign policy "golden rules
1.International treaties have to be negotiated by diplomats prior to endorsement by presidents.
2. The
information gathered by spies plays an increasingly role in diplomacy
(arms-control treaties would be impossible without the power of
reconnaissance satellites and agents to monitor compliance).
3. If you start war, it doesn’t mean you failed diplomacy , it means military decision is much more profitable.
Make it clear to foreign leaders right away whether you are or you are
not going to follow the previous President’s foreign policy (after
consultations with big business). If you are not going to follow it,
design a doctrine of your own (it’s a strategy that is the recognized
approach or policy of the US government.
National security is your top priority and is the “king’s job” because
actually you have no domestic political obstacles to your foreign policy
(if it’s a question of war), so you are a chief decision maker there.
(The CIA Director has to be excluded from this process — you don’t need
him. Besides, the CIA even today, no matter how hard I tried to educate
the Agency, remains the worst of the worst and is not to be reformed —
it has to be abolished. We have to transfer political intelligence
functions to Pentagon. National security is designed to protect the
United States and the vital interests (investments) of big business and
to promote American values in a world of rivals, and the CIA, through
all 60 years of its history, has proved to be absolutely unsuitable for
the job).
6. Any
country has to be involved in the sphere of our strategic interests if
it has a strategic geographic position, significant sources of raw
materials, a well-developed transportation system, or could be used as a
military base. The strategic policy of any country rotates around the
USA and if not — that means a certain President is waiting for greater
incentives to come on board. Against target countries, don’t hesitate to
use the strategies of pre-emptive war, post-war (post-crisis)
reconstruction, and nation building (which means erasing national
identity and supplanting it by liberal values).
China’s growth , the Cold War is back with a vengeance, so we are back
to secret deals based on spheres of influence — but that’s a temporary
7. You
can’t always do what you want without help – you are dependent on other
world leaders, Congressional positions and international public
opinion. Ask the Senate to help you sometimes – believe me, they’ll be
happy and proud to do so.
Create super-profitable conditions for big business by political
penetration worldwide. Big money men start investing abroad when they
find a safe environment — law and order. The more they invest the more
political power they get (international corporations is the most
important element of international system ; the other two are
governments and non-governmental organizations).
9. Use
big investors to ruin other national economies and governments by
withdrawing finances when the economic situation is worsening. As soon
as the country opens its financial markets, it increases its dependence
on global economic processes that it cannot control; and a financial
crisis can easily be staged. Conversely, other countries’ access to the
US markets is a powerful economic and political tool.
10. Make the US markets the most attractive for investors by provoking unstable situations in other countries and regions.
11. Send troops or work through military intelligence (not the CIA) to wherever you perceive a threat to the US investments.
Use pressure everywhere — strategic nuclear missiles are still the most
powerful blackmail tool. Remember, if you are dealing with Russia or
China, they will look not only for agreement, but for advantages.
Use “personal diplomacy” — phone calls to foreign leaders (every planned
phone call has to go through the National Security Adviser and be well
prepared, like a serious negotiation). Most important are phone calls to
our allies — NATO members. Don’t forget to wish happy birthday to the
leaders in person!
Use “informal diplomacy” – recruit politicians in other nations who
might be able to give informal access to a country’s leadership. In some
situations, such as between USA and China diplomacy is done through
semi-formal channels using interlocutors such as academic members or
think tanks. This occurs in situations when presidents wish to express
intentions or to suggest methods of resolving a diplomatic situation,
but do not wish to express a formal position.
15. Don’t hesitate to use summits as a tool, because:
-if you meet a foreign leader in person, you can reduce tensions and clarify national interests.
-personal relationship may lead to improved relations between nations.
-summits allow you to focus national attention on specific issues.
engaging in personal diplomacy are much more capable than career
diplomatic bureaucrats of understanding the domestic policy consequences
of diplomatic actions.
negotiations can yield quick results, since discussions are between
leaders with the power of decision rather than between representatives
who must receive instructions, make reports and rely new proposals.
-diplomatic impasses may be overcome at summits by shifts in policy that only top leaders are empowered to make.
-if presidents desire an international forum for their diplomatic policies, a summit meeting can provide one.
-successful summits can enhance the image of the President and the United States
16. If
you’re ready to fight for national interests, forget about human rights
— you can always blame infractions on the other side.
17. Isolation is the greatest enemy to information.
18. There’s no sense in applying sanctions if big business isn’t interested.
Economic and hence, political progress for any country affects the USA
through economic competition that threatens the market and jobs.
Any initiative is risky if it’s about unstable region, but you lose
popularity fast if you are perceived as indecisive or weak in foreign
21. Any trip abroad has to convey a strong message.
Direct military intrusion indicates weakness in your foreign policy. If
it’s inescapable, involve as many allies as you can.
23. Don’t touch our military bases abroad!
Big debts open markets. No matter what, open national markets world-wide
for American big business and remember – the markets, not Presidents,
rule the world.
25. Tie your allies to international economic projects and make them pay most of the expenses.
26. Never talk about money in public — talk about democracy, human rights, liberal values and disarmament — people like it.
Move forward — transform Americans’ national and patriotic feelings into
nationalistic ones (follow the French model) to get total support of
your policy (see “Mind Control”).
Don’t pay too much attention to the CIA – all they have to do is to
support you with appropriate information to justify your strategic
political decisions – and nothing else.
Ignore the UN – Secretary General has no real power, but you can take
advantage of such a thing as the UN peace-keeping if it corresponds with
your interests – the US economic costs could be minimized. Besides, UN
peacekeeping can promote a spirit of international accountability in
solving a certain regional problem. Don’t forget to explain your
strategy to the Congress – they don’t like the UN either. On the other
hand, you have to manage an international crisis, if it threatens our
national interests (start with strategic planning, check national
security system for the adequate response, use propaganda to get
domestic and international support, consult with big business and
allies, start crisis negotiations if possible, use diplomacy (see below)
and force or threat of force).
30. To
reach global leadership you must have enough resources, national
support and a well-calculated strategy (see also “Strategic planning”).
As you already know, the US budget is financed by foreign lending. When
the dollar goes down in foreign exchange markets, it’s supported by
foreign central banks and you’re OK as long as Japan, Saudi Arabia and
Germany have an interest in propping up the American economy and do not
raise the price for financing America’s debt. The worst situation would
be to lose support both at home and abroad
Foreign policy decision making involves:
- assessment of the international and domestic political environment
- goal
setting. We have multiple foreign policy goals, and we must determine
which goal is effected by the international and domestic political
- determination of policy options
- decision making action
- implementation of chosen policy option
World Domination
Securing the top position requires :
- economic domination
military power — pre-emptive war or blackmail by war (seeking domination
requires an inevitable increase in the military budget)
- a cultural and media invasion
- special operations to influence or neutralize leaders with negative attitude
Modern mechanism of world domination
1. If the country does not accept American rules of the game, we start a "velvet" or "colored revolution.
2. We replace the government by pro-American regime.
3. If
the government resists, we start the US and NATO military operation and
help the anti-government organizations to overthrow the government.
Strategies used
Destabilization strategy based on terrorism – you kill political leaders and civil population, blow up government buildings and blame the opposition.
Stabilization strategy – first, "terrorists" destabilize the situation in the country and then the US and NATO troops come to "stabilize' it.
"New order" or a "managed chaos” strategy – American “new world order” through the international chaos, permanent wars, civil wars and revolutions.
My definition : "Managed
chaos” strategy – geopolitical re-division of the world by provoking
riots, revolutions, civil wars and overthrowing regimes in independent
from USA sovereign states to keep the U.S. world hegemony. Political,
national, religious and social conflicts in target countries have to be
permanent. The strategy is being covered by a "struggle against
international terrorism". The operation is preceded by information war
against the target regime and backed by NATO forces if necessary
Most important targets of the 21st century – Russia and China. That’s the reason we occupy Afghanistan
and have to circle China with our military bases in Central Asia.
Global energy control strategy – the US control of major oil regions and gas fields.
keep America on top, we would have to prevent cooperation and coalitions
between: China and Africa; Shi’ia and Sunni Muslims; Germany and
France; Venezuela and Cuba. Their trade agreements and alliances will
change the geopolitical situation.
In most important world regions keep the balance by supporting the country which follows the leader:
Europe — support Britain to balance Germany. You rule Europe if you rule
the Persian Gulf. You rule the world if you rule Europe, and that’s why
you have to keep NATO by all means to block the military independence
of Europe (Germany).
In East Asia – support Japan, Russia and Taiwan to balance China.
In South Asia support Pakistan to balance India.
In Latin America — support Argentina to balance Brazil.
1. Use
secret visits (send the National Security Adviser) if the international
problem is complex and important — in this way you don’t depend on
media and public opinion. Afterwards you can talk, if it was a success.
2. If presidents like to drink with each other, they are ready to deal with each other.
3. Avoid negotiating on major issues at the end of the day, when your energy is low.
Negotiate smart, watch your initiatives. The more you tell about your
position, the less your partner will tell you about himself, and the
higher price you’ll pay. Diplomacy is all about money and the essence of
any negotiations is the price range.
5. Any information should be exchanged as a part of a compromise and not merely given away.
Always talk less than necessary. Concentrate on facts and never tell
other person about feelings (or your family and medical problems). Don’t
interrupt others, try to understand what they really want and if they
try to manipulate you. Also, resist giving in to interruptions until you
have completed your thoughts – “Just a moment, I haven’t finished”. Use
Taleyran approximation – if it’s difficult for you to speak up, try to
make just one diplomatic statement. If they press you, insist on moving
this questions to experts. And use indirect language such as “It looks
like” or “You see situation from a very special angle”.
7. No
negative emotions – strong emotions indicate weak nerves. Realize that
there might be other issues motivating the other person’s behavior and
never take things personally.
Stop self-limiting behaviors, such as smiling too much, nodding too
much, tilting your head or dropping your eyes in response to other
person’s gaze. Speak I normal conversational volume, don’t scream and
don’t whisper, either, as you won’t be taken seriously.
Take a problem-solving approach to conflict, and try to see the other
person as your collaborator rather than your opposition. You’d better
postpone negotiations than allow them to break down.
10. Fix all questions and don’t be in a rush to answer any of them.
11. The slower you talk, the more confident you are.
12. Never ask straight questions.
It’s important to know what questions and when you have to ask. Start
with an “invitation” question that does not need a definite answer but
opens up the discussion, like: “No matter what reporters say, we’ll
start negotiating for arms control.” Proceed with “intelligence
gathering” questions, like: “Are you going to abide by our last
agreement on the withdrawal of military forces or do we have other
options?” Go to “expertise” questions, like: “It’s 5000 soldiers, right?
a difference between expertise and straight questions – straight
question are like: “Will you sign the treaty?” and these have to be
avoided because you’ll get no straight answer right away. Finish with a
closing question, like: “I think that’s what we intend to sign? Next
time we can start from here.” Or you can press your partner: “Let’s not
lose this last opportunity, eh?”
Explain your negative attitude in a smart way: give half the information
and continue, depending on your partner’s reaction. If you can’t accept
his proposal, tell him that the experts may look into it again and come
to agreement. If your partner is not a complete idiot he’ll understand
his proposal is unacceptable (because the experts have already done all
they could). But if he is an idiot, he’ll agree to “kill” his proposals
by passing them to the experts.
You start to lose momentum if you start to defend yourself.
Stop (postpone) negotiations the moment you start to lose or you could
end up in a total failure and that could be used by opposition back
16. If
you bring ideology – try to win. If you bring national interests, try
to find compromise. Be flexible — that’s a sign of strength, not
17. Don’t make aggressive statements for the media, no matter what.
Respect is half a victory, but you usually win when your partner is
scared. Avoid open confrontation and respond to personal attacks with
Watch the military experts – they are always ready to “push” you. No
arms agreement can win ratification without backing from Joint Chiefs,
because Congress needs and trusts their expertise, and their disapproval
is a strong tool against you in case you ignore their advice. So, think
three times before you appoint Joint Chiefs.
Take negotiations on the trade deficit very seriously — they often take
you nowhere and have zero results as your partner wants you to change
your attitude to him completely as well as your international economic
policy, while you expect the same favor from him. You can influence one
partner but you can’t very easily influence the international system.
After you come back home do some positive advertising through the media —
in such a way you influence other presidents and future negotiations.
If the negotiations resulted in a treaty, “sell” it to the Senate for
22. Negotiation no-nos:
don’t be confused if your partner threatens you — that means he needs
your cooperation. Don’t enter into negotiation right away with high
- don’t touch the toughest issues first. Don’t assume — that’s a sign of weakness.
- don’t hesitate to pause or take a break.
- never say “no” to your partner’s ideas — rather, pack them up in one “package” with your proposals.
Diplomatic tricks.
in diplomacy are usually used to distract your hard working team, shift
the emphasis of the negotiation in order to shape the deal on terms of
your adversary or manipulate your team into closing negotiation and
accept terms you don’t really like. And the tricks are:
“Leap” – your adversary is losing and starts “jumping” from one point to another
“Pile” – your adversary “piles up” problems, tries to provoke a chaotic discussion or stop negotiations
chair” – a day or two before negotiations start your adversary informs
you that he’s not ready yet, trying to press you (or he wants to change
illness” – the practice of feigning illness to avoid participation in
negotiations and at the same time to avoid giving formal offense.
“Deaf” – your adversary keeps asking questions instead of answering yours
“Provocation” — your adversary doubts your team’s professional level and your ability to negotiate
guy” — your adversary breaks negotiation for an hour or two pretending
he has to do some very important business (or that he got a very
important call).
– it’s a very interesting “programming” trick. The technology is
simple: you try to “mirror” your adversary’s style and behavior, adopt a
similar posture, use his gestures, and follow the speed of his speech.
First, he will like it subconsciously and will be more open to you.
Second, you’ll understand better his way of thinking.
“Sandwich” – pressure (often — military) — negotiations — pressure
“Show” – using certain arguments your adversary appeals to your emotions
– a very sophisticated trick: your adversary tries to “push” his
proposal in different variants and finally comes back to his initial
variant, trying to convince you that’s the best choice
“Carrot and stick” – threat (blackmail) plus promises (money). The guy could blackmail you also by demanding to set a deadline
– your adversary talks too much about the details, asking a lot of
minor questions, trying to make you nervous and make mistakes
“Donkey” – your adversary declines the offer to speak first
“Ball” – encourage your adversary if he’s looking for “global decisions” and he’ll do a lot of minor favors
“Rubber” – delay, if you can’t predict the result, and press your adversary by delaying the answer
train” – you can press your adversary by an ultimatum right before
negotiations are over, if he really is interested in some result.
“Spice” the ultimatum with some important reasons and give your
adversary a choice of variants.
can also leak opposing demands to the media (be careful with this one.
Do not betray diplomatic trust by talking about secret deals or demands
that actually have been mentioned). You may also escalate your demands
during negotiation and manipulate public opinion to line up behind your
Diplomatic Double Talk
Statement Meaning
We are disappointed. We got nothing.
Situation disturbs us. It’s unacceptable no matter what.
There are still differences between There are huge differences.
our approaches to the problem .
We can’t accept this deal. This means trouble.
We reserve the right to use any means
to prevent further worsening of the situation. This means war.
Discussion helped us to understand each
other better. We’ve wasted our time.
We don’t understand your attitude. Stop it immediately.
I’m trying to understand your position. Understand me too, idiot!
If I’ve understood you correctly, you don’t agree. Do you have any other option?
We both will pay a very high price if we don’t
reach agreement. Yes, that’s a threat !
April, 2011
"Barack Obama" announced his intention to seek re-election in 2012.
KGB instructions for Obama, "The Professional" by M.Kryzhanovsky
Presidential election
if you can handle the Oval Office: Are you willing to accept such a
huge responsibility and put the rest of your life on hold ? Are you
skilled in dealing with big groups of people ? Can you motivate the
nation to action ? And think about your biography, which is, of course,
not perfect. Then:
1. Decide how are you going to impress party leaders.
2. Make intensive preliminary polling to determine your chances.
3. Poll big demographic groups as well as smaller groups of people from selected demographic groups.
4. Determine the rationale for your candidacy. What is your political record?
Delay announcing your candidacy until late in the year before the
election to minimize expenditures and risk, avoid legal spending limits,
avoid voter fatigue, avoid getting ensnarled in unnecessary
controversies and contradictions.
6. Carefully study applicable election laws before you start fundraising and spending.
Write your campaign plan (strategic objective, tactical targets, key
message, target audiences, methods of delivery, timing, your progress
evaluation — polls).
8. Learn the political and economic issues and develop your campaign message.
Prepare the “speech” and the “book” (the “speech” is the standard speech
that you deliver and it should answer the most important question — why
are you running for President; the “book” contains the message and all
possible questions on your program.
10. Take a benchmark poll — it will provide the road map for your campaign.
11. Establish your strategy and message
12. Study the results, polls and “successful” areas of previous election.
13. Establish a perfect graphic look (image).
14. Develop a fundraising plan, put the fundraising team in place and start asking for money. No money — no campaign.
15. Create a personal contacts pyramid (priority and general contacts) because personal popularity is your starting point.
16. Set up offices.
17. Get professional candidate training.
18. Determine the focus of your presidential policy (taxes, crime, education, health, social security, national security).
Working with the Staff
campaign managers — they plan the campaign, organize and recruit the
staff, supervise daily campaign operations, make priority contacts with
key special groups big business and big media, correct the strategy and
make quick decisions. It has to be someone you trust completely.
2) campaign consultants-specialists in both direct (personal and public meetings) and indirect (media, advertising) campaigning
3) strategists
4) analysts
5) issues researchers
6) speechwriters
7) lawyer (interprets election and campaign reporting laws)

fundraisers (plan and execute fundraising events — dinners, parties,
auctions, direct appeals through telephone and letters, receptions,
computerized fundraising). Big business has to be approached by rich
fundraiser only.
scheduler (determines events and locations — TV and radio talk shows,
news — conferences, meetings with students and professors at college
campuses and with professionals at their associations’ annual meetings,
special events and fundraisers especially with ethnic leaders in big
cities, as well as festivals and big shows where celebrities demonstrate
their support, large extravaganzas, meetings at civic clubs, farm
warehouse auctions and special auctions, local civic events. Also,
scheduler makes arrangements with local media before your visit and
sends media the copies of your speech; insures that good crowd will
attend the event and takes care of transportation arrangements). The
purpose of the campaign planning and strategic scheduling is to draw
press attention to the candidate for transmission to the voting public.
That’s natural — the candidate who has enough media attention has much
better chances of recruiting public acceptance and raising campaign
the “invisible primary” which is the nomination, campaign you have to
make visits to party organizations especially in pivotal states, such as
the above mentioned Iowa and New Hampshire where you have to make as
many handshaking and personal contacts as possible. Key staffers must
travel with you.
“Image makers” – political consultants who sell your public image as a
clear, simple, portrait-like characterization, acceptable to all groups.
12) “Hit men” – campaign consultants who are experts on negative advertising, designed to “kill” your opponents.
“Field staff” (in target cities mostly). The most important person at
any local office is the coordinator — he establishes organization and
contacts influential people and political activists. Coordinators must
be appointed to each special interests group (women, minorities, unions,
college students, public interest activists, the professionals)
volunteers” are needed to work in the offices and the streets. Your
family has to take an active part in your campaign, too. Your wife and
kids are your visual image makers.
Running Mate.
Your running mate belongs to your staff too — it has to be your best
choice. This person should be compatible with you in age, intellect,
political views, and be of approximately the same height. He is selected
to balance the national ticket in terms of geography, religion,
ideology, government experience and political style. You have to appeal
to the broad electorate, while your running mate appeals to specific
groups. He serves to reinforce — or break down — the electorate’s
attitudes toward you. If you have little domestic or foreign policy, or
Washington experience, a running mate with that experience can reassure
voters. And he has to give voters the impression your policy will be
continued unchanged in case you die during your presidency or in case he
is elected the US President himself after your two terms in the Office.
You are the #1 fundraiser yourself. You must have substantial financial support to compete. .
must have an overall plan which outlines expenditures month by month. It
is imperative to have even more money on hand at the end of the
campaign for an advertising blitz when the voters are most attentive and
the field of candidates has been winnowed out. Half of a campaign funds
go to media.
Failing to do well in early caucus and primary contests means more than losing delegates — it means that contributions stop.
speeches have to be a fun, and match the meal and drinks — don’t be
heavy and too political. Actually, you have to run two campaigns (a
political campaign and a fund-raising one) and you must win both; if you
raise less money than your opponent, you lose, because you don’t have
enough money to inform, influence, and motivate your voters. If you are a
Senator or a Congressman, you already have an advantage in money (free
postage on mail sent to your constituents, automatic media coverage) and
you can use your congressional staff to assist your campaign. Besides,
you are interviewed by reporters for free as an elected official. You
can also ask your political party for a contribution to your campaign.
Party money can be given in two ways – as a “direct” contribution or as a
“coordinated” expenditure. Direct contributions are funds given by the
party to candidates to do with as they please. Coordinated expenditures
are made for such services as polling and TV advertising, but the party
has a say how the money is spent.
you have to ask PACs (political action committees) to fund your
campaign, too. PACs are special-interest groups which consist of people
who pool their money in order to contribute it to candidates or
political party committees who share their political, social, religious
or economic views. PACs include corporations, trade unions, professional
associations and groups composed of political conservatives or
liberals, or people who share the same ideological views on women’s
rights, gun control, the environment, civil rights, etc. Remember the
“women factor”: there are more women than men in our country, women are
more likely to be registered to vote, and among registered voters women
are more likely to vote. An additional source of money is “soft money”
contributions. “Soft money” is supposed to be used for the
party-building activities, but often ends up supporting the campaigns of
individual candidates.
The key rules in fundraising are:
- find some “fat cats,” quick
- get fundraisers with lots of rich friends
- get money from those who usually contribute
- go to New York, Florida, California, Texas
the most important strategy is to raise big money for yourself and
prevent big money from being spent against you. Early fundraising is
crucial to a campaign because of the high costs organization and the
need to demonstrate viability. The best states for fundraising are
California, New York, Florida, Texas, which supply half of all campaign
donations. Go right ahead and raise money in New York and spend in Iowa
and New Hampshire.
finish well in pre-nomination popularity contests (“straw polls”) you
have to appear daily in TV ads, and prime-time news coverage — after the
primaries media “label” winners and losers and that affects voters and
contributors a lot. Media, especially the most influential “the New York
Times” and “Washington Post” (their publications influence decisions on
which news stories will be carried on TV channels), have to take you as
a very serious contender.
Due to
the winner-take-all electoral college system, in which the leading
vote-getter in a state wins all of that state’s electoral votes, you
MUST win as many large states as possible rather than build up strength
in states where you are weak. You have to win a majority (270 of the 538
electoral votes) and for that, concentrate on visits to the most
populous states — California, New York, Texas, Florida, Pennsylvania,
Illinois, Ohio, Michigan, New Jersey, North Carolina, and Georgia
54+33+32+25+23+22+21+18+15+14+13 = 270).
closely with your party activists and supporters among Senators,
Representatives, Governors, Mayors, ethnic and religious groups leaders,
big business, celebrities, unions leaders. Determine the states in
which you are the strongest and then build you campaign on that basis.
Republicans have usually done well in recent years in the Midwest, West
and South (Tennessee, Kentucky, Texas, Oklahoma). Democrats win in the
Northeast industrial base, Mid-Atlantic and Pacific Coast. New York City
is a very important factor because the most active, influential and
rich people live there.
The Press
press officer (contacts media, takes care of newspapers, radio and TV
ads) — the person who markets you — is the boss of advance team that
takes care in each state of a total exclusively positive press coverage.
To my mind, the best choice for this position is a former journalist
with good wide connections to media. He prepares press releases and
press kits and schedules interviews and press conferences with the
positive vision and attitude reporters (press or media kits contain your
photos, a brief biography, campaign position papers, printed brochures
and names of contacts for additional information).
technique in good paid advertising is to go with those ideas, arguments,
thoughts, themes and believes in which people are already inclined to
believe or ready to accept. There’s no difference between commercial and
political advertising — you just substitute a car or shampoo for a
human being. Modern presidential campaigns center on “media events” —
staged public appearances, during which reporters can talk with you and
take pictures (if you have too much money, you can organize media wave —
a very large amount of political advertising on TV). Then, the “walking
tours” must be scheduled when you, followed by reporters, photographers
and TV crews visit potential supporters.
your aide sets up press conferences, selects interviews, and background
briefings. You have to talk to press 24/7 and everywhere on the
campaign bus, train or plain, hotel, etc. A good thing is — you get free
media coverage and people trust it more than paid coverage, like TV and
radio commercials. You are most likely to win if you obey these rules:
- if you can manipulate media — you manipulate the nation (sorry, it’s harder to manipulate free coverage).
- the media makes the election, not the voters
- a presidential campaign does not allow for privacy
- newspapers put emphasis on issues, TV on image, style and ability to communicate.
- never lie to reporters; they will make sure it backfires on you sooner or later.
- if an influential newspaper, radio or TV station endorses you, you have their supporters, readers, listeners and viewers.
- people remember much better what they see, not what they read; if they don’t see you on TV, you don’t exist.
- TV
talks to 98% of Americans and takes your message – and other messages
about, or against, you – immediately, straight to the nation.
- TV, not your political party, is the #1 channel of communication between you and the public
- your
political party is nothing but a service center and a money machine.
Parties divide the nation while your message has to be one of unity.
- take it seriously if The New York Times takes your opponent seriously.
- it’s important to know what your opponent is saying to reporters privately, “not for attribution.”
- if
you live in heavily populated state, like New York, California or Texas,
you start the presidential election campaign with much better coverage.
never fight the media like the Nixon administration did — they kept a
list of Nixon’s critics (famous reporters), so they could be targeted
for harassment, accused of income tax evasion, etc. What happened then?
The reporters felt like heroes, Nobel Prize winners. Better target them
for buttering up, and feed them lots of stories with a spin in your
favor, instead.
works through newspapers, Internet, telephone surveys, person-to-person
surveys, mailed questionnaire to selected voters. They provide voters'
behavior research and analyze past election data. They tell to you how
well-known you are, how well you perform, what are the voters’
preferences. You should poll voters in each state in proportion to that
state’s share of the national vote. (You must have at least one polling
company on payroll.) Polling is of extreme importance in presidential
campaign because it’s the tool to correct your strategy, determine
“positive” local areas and supportive voters and work with them, it
tests the nation’s attitude to your personality and your issues and that
means you can calibrate your message and calculate your success. The
most important thing about polls is that they play indicator and
identify support or hostility. And the golden rule here is: you have to
ask the right question if you want to get a useful answer.
At the
same time polling is one of the most expensive elements of a modern
campaign because now you have to receive information on too many groups
and issues, including groups with specific economic, ethnic, religious,
geographic, educational, occupational and residential characteristics
and how those characteristics affect attitudes about a wide range of
policy issues.
Polls also help you:
- to decide whether to run or not
- improve your recognition and image
- target opposition’s weakness
- formulate media ads
pollster has to pinpoint blocks of voters (swing districts) who are
undecided and who might be persuaded to vote for you. Experience shows
that 40% of public attention go to social problems, 40% — to economy and
20% — to international matters, but if the United States is at war, the
situation is different and national security turns into a top priority
for everyone. And watch out for campaign spies — keep polls analysis and
media plan secret.
Practical polls
– surveys of the whole nation which provide basic information about
your chances and the nation’s political preferences (it’s your
“presidential decision maker”).
– surveys are used to gather more data about particular concerns raised
in initial benchmark surveys. They are conducted state by state and are
used in planning campaign strategy.
– surveys are used to refine strategy further by re-interviewing
previous respondents to determine opinion shifts on specific issues
within various demographic categories. They are supplemented by
continuous “tracking polls” that measure fluctuations in general voter
support for the candidate across time.
group” – used to poll the debate results. Selected groups of voters
watch candidate debates and register their “positive “ or “negative”
feelings toward the candidate’s specific statements or actions. After
that analysts tabulate and analyze the reactions of the whole groups.
Campaign Tips
Never behave as if you think you are God’s gift to the nation.
Be presidential – look calm, sincere, knowledgeable, fatherly and open.
Be electable – prove to the nation that you are the best choice.
No one has ever been elected the US President without winning the New Hampshire primary.
Primaries direct financial backers to a promising candidate.
judge you by your friends — appear with popular politicians, big
business, labor and interest groups leaders, and show business
celebrities. Advertize your meetings with Congress members and world
leaders (go abroad if you have a chance to meet a world leader).
most important event in the election process is the National Convention,
not only because the eventual finalist candidate is actually nominated
but because after that the campaign’s audience increases (more than
twice as many people vote in general elections as participate in the
nomination process). You have to decide how to win the support of these
new voters as well as to appeal to people who identify with the other
party and partisans who backed losing candidates for the nomination.
Choosing a Strategy
strategy is good if it helps you to win support of a majority of people
chosen by the state parties to be delegates to the national convention.
Your choice of a strategy depends on your current position:
A. If you are an incumbent,
you have to stress that the American people’s life improved a lot
during your first term. You can count on successful start because you
are guaranteed to be known actually to every American, and the Oval
Office lends you credibility and respect. It’s of vital importance to
have economic accomplishments — in such a case well-timed announcements
of government statistics on the economy or of plans for domestic
initiatives can also help you. Listen, I didn’t tell you this, but you
have to manipulate (stimulate) the economy during the election year with
tax cuts that can help reduce unemployment, and with social programs
course, you’ll have to pay for it, but that will happen after you are
re-elected. And a good thing is — an improved economy erases voters’ bad
memories of past years. Then, try to avoid too aggressive campaigning —
it’s a sign of weakness. Make official appearances in carefully
controlled settings. Influence media coverage with official presidential
actions and use “pork barrel” politics to appeal to specific
constituents. You can also benefit from the nation’s reluctance to
reject a tested national leader for an unknown newcomer. And if you
start important foreign policy initiatives, it will guarantee you
continued media coverage.
If you have poor chances to be re-elected, you can play the “national security” card:
- find a US “enemy”
- start a media psychosis (see propaganda tricks and brainwashing )
- concentrate power (special services) to establish a total legal control on the nation
- provoke an international conflict, restricted or full-scale war
- send a message: “If you are against the President, you are against America!”
B. If you are a challenger
you have to convince the public they don’t live better than they did 4
years ago, or, if the economy is OK, point out mistakes that were made
in the foreign policy. Or make up some social issue that will get
passions inflamed and hijack the headlines.
job is tough if you challenge a President who is popular — first, you
have to break down his positive image; second, you have to portray
yourself as a much better replacement. You have no choice but to start
with the “outsider” strategy — you present a “fresh face” to voters
weary of the current political situation (in such a case you have to
attack administration in a very aggressive manner). Plus, you must give
quick response to your opponent’s charges (get advance copies of his
speeches through friends in the media).
show yourself as a smart and diplomatic person using a special
“triangular” strategy, when you, like majority of the voters, place
yourself between liberal and conservative positions. Evaluate situation —
you may need “early knockout,” when front-runners hope to use their
early strength in polls, fundraising and endorsements into decisive
primary victories at the beginning of the primary season. The hope is
that the candidate will build such an impressive early lead that the
competition quickly drops out. And a “shift” is the most popular thing
with challengers — if the President is good in national security, they
point out to the problems in economy, if he’s good on the economy, they
point out to the problems in national security — very simple. (Watch his
mistakes anyway — you can benefit from them. Bill Clinton would never
have run for President in 1992 if someone from the Bush White House
hadn’t called him in 1990 and asked him not to run. That phone call was
one of the most stupid political moves of the 20th century, because it
convinced Clinton that they thought he had a good chance if he did run
for Office.)
simple, identify with “ordinary people” and no matter what tell the
voters your parents or your grandparents “were like them – regular
people, not millionaires.”
Finally, you must know some very popular and efficient dirty tricks, like “negative campaigning” or “black PR.”
To make a long story short: no matter what your opponent says or what
decent people think about negative campaigning — “black PR” works! Use
it to turn a rumor or a fact into a serious political scandal; respond
to and neutralize the opponent’s attacks (using “black PR”) fast, before
they are broadcasted or published.
works best through intermediates (persons and organizations not
connected directly to your campaign). You must have a very detailed file
on your opponent (negative research) and then start spreading negative
and all kinds of compromising data from his personal and political life.
If he is or was elected official (Senator, Governor, Mayor), you can
point out his mistakes and actions which were not popular. People must
know in detail (get your staff to read a few books) the negative sides
of his life, program and terrible consequences of his election. Remember
also that a rumor repeated twice turns into a fact, especially if you
start a “whispering campaign” in Congress.
“negative ID” trick is my favorite: you identify your opponent with a
totally unacceptable (for the voters) viewpoint, like: “There are those
who want to stop the war on international terror and you know who they
are very important because they offer the only all-national event at
which candidates can be judged. You and your opponent will be under huge
stress as you both must operate simultaneously at the focus of
attention of each other and of all elements of electorate. Debates are,
actually, head-to-head confrontations with two main aspects: the
pre-debate negotiations over whether there will be a debate, and the
post-debate analysis of who did how well. The debates offer nothing new
for the public and the basic strategy is to hope your opponent will make
a mistake (President Ford made one in 1976, saying that: “There is no
Soviet domination of Eastern Europe.” People just didn’t want to hear
it. Richard Nixon was very wrong in 1960 trying to debate on substance,
while his opponent, John F. Kennedy, concentrated on style and on
presenting the correct presidential image).
While preparing for the winning debates you must:
- have
a detailed file on your opponent and study all his speeches and
statements; ask yourself: “What does he have that I don’t have?”
- train to answer all possible questions
- be ready to demonstrate deep knowledge of issues and your presidential bearing to a nationwide audience
repeat your message but keep in mind that image is more important than
ideas while you debate — people want to see your good looks, good
clothes and nice smile.
And here are the debating “Don’ts”:
Don’t attack first — that’s a sign of weakness.
Don’t be over-polite — a little showmanship appeals to voters.
Don’t be too aggressive — it will ruin your image as a future President.
Don’t answer the questions too fast — that implies you are not thinking.
Don’t rush, no negative emotions, no sudden gestures (extra gestures mean that you are not surewhat you are saying is correct).
Don’t touch anything while you talk.
Don’t disappoint people — speak in a clear and simple way.
You restrict your influence if you sit.
Follow the rules :
anxiety reactions — speech errors, moistening of lips, perspiring,
shifting eye movements, body jerks. Gesturing with fingers apart
communicates weakness, while gesturing with fingers tightly together
communicates power.
Look at your opponent with intense concentration — it gives the attitude of command and comfort of the situation. .
Answer a question you want to answer, no matter what question was asked.
If you give better answers, you are the better candidate.
after the debates your press officer has to give the media his biased
impression and explain why you won the debates. Your pollster has to
watch the polls results.
Speaking in Public
aides have to determine the “theme of the day” and brief you about the
day’s events and issues. To get elected you must promise economic growth
with low inflation and balanced budget no matter how grave the economic
situation is.
Don’t be too specific on issues and tell people they elect their way, not a candidate.
Cite the Bible.
Don’t look too intellectual.
repeatedly that you’re not going to divide the nation into supporters
and enemies, Democrats and Republicans, “my voters and other voters” —
be a leader to all. (But first, to win the nomination you must appeal to
the more liberal sections of your party if you are Democrat, and to
more conservative sections if you belong to Republicans).
Don’t talk much; transform your thoughts into examples and slogans.
Never say you want power, even if you want to save the nation in crisis.
Never talk down on big business. Promise federal financing, especially in economic downturns.
voters are extremely sensitive to tax-cut proposals and which social
segment would benefit from them. The middle class brings you victory, so
promise tax cuts for these people, with tax increases for the wealthy
and high unemployment rates.
if the economy is OK, point out the signs of coming crisis and promise
to change the situation fast. Keep talking about problems, though it’s
hard to win if the incumbent President runs for re-election with
balanced budget and economic growth.
You can be liberal on domestic issues, but you have to be conservative on national security (defense and foreign affairs).
Use these tactics:
the crowd” – this reinforces people’s natural desire to be on the
winning side and it is used to convince the audience that your program
is an expression of the nation’s desire for change, and it is in their
best interest to join;
“Provoked disapproval” – persuade a target audience to disapprove your
opponent’s message by suggesting that the message is popular with groups
hated, feared or held in contempt by the target audience;
3. “Inevitable victory” – you invite those who did not join majority;
“Neuro-linguistic programming” — you will be elected if you can do this
better than your opponent and program the whole nation for a positive
reaction. People always try to avoid anything and anybody unpleasant;
and people are always looking for pleasant things and other pleasant
people, somebody they want to meet again and again or at least see on
TV. Everybody wants to be a winner; and to be a winner brings pleasure
and self respect. Just convey this sense to the nation:
“Vote for me and you win!” or
“Vote for me or you lose!”
“The choice is yours!”
problem is – " birth certificate" story made Obama very angry, but
actually he's in panic. Russians are in panic too – it was a 100%
surprise for them. They didn't plan initially that Obama might get the
Oval Office and his enemies would put his fake biography and documents
under microscope. Russians could ask Donald Trump to stop his own
investigation (Trump met Russian leader Putin and stated that America
needs a president like him). He will, probably, run for president in
2012 and he has to press Obama (Trump says "no", but polls say "yes").
Now "Obama" has to make a choice together with his Russian boss Mikhail Fradkov, SVR Director:
1)resign or just disappear and go back to Russia
commit suicide or wait until Hillary Clinton's clan kills him with my
help. I can tell FBI Director Robert Mueller, CIA Director Leon Panetta
and Secret Service Director Mark Sullivan one more time – I'm not coming
back, I will not kill "Barack Obama" or anybody else, stop calling me
and sending agents to get me back
3) continue his re-election campaign and presidential activity no matter what
Now it
all depends on Obama's "big boss" Russian leader Putin. If Putin wants
"Obama" to stay and win re-election, Communist Russia may loan him
enough money to cut present 9.2% unemployment in half. NOBODY can beat
Obama in 2012 after that.
4) fight Hillary Clinton's mafia, cut off any attempts to investigate his biography
don't think his fight will be a success – he's too scared. Bill Clinton
knows that Obama is a fake. Leon Panetta knows Obama is a fake – that's
why Panetta, nobody from nowhere, will soon rule Pentagon. Robert
Mueller who has to be in jail since 9/11 tragedy knows perfectly well
who Obama is – that's why Obama extended his 10-year term that expires
in September, 2001. He pushed the Congress to violate the law (10-year
FBI Director's term was established by Congress following the
controversial 48-year tenure of Edgar Hoover).
also "one-way ticket" possibility, if Russian intelligence makes a
decision to "neutralize" "Obama" (staged car accident, etc) to avoid
huge international scandal.
William Colby
"issued" already "one-way ticket" to another "mole" – former CIA
Director (1973-1976) William Colby who knew too much and wanted to talk.
“Mole” John Deutch informed Russians about the problem and on April 27,
1996 Colby died in a strange “boating accident” near his home in Rock
point, Maryland. His body was found underwater on May 6, 1996. He “died
from drowning or hypothermia after collapsing from a heart attack or
stroke and falling out of his canoe”.
Obama’s bosses, SVR Director Mikhail Fradkov and Russian leader ,PM Vladimir Putin have to decide what to do with him.
Version . Barack Obama is KGB /SVR asset
possible that Obama was not exchanged by "John Smith" but just recruited
by Russian intelligence, brought to Moscow and trained there (“lost”
Columbia years).
If we
talk about recruitment, Russians knew his socialist parents, his fake
biography, fake birth certificate and fake US citizenship. Classic
blackmail. In espionage practice works best when a person reached top
position in politics, business, science, military, etc. It worked in
1981 , but 2004 (right after he was elected U.S. Senator) would be the
best time to recruit. Blackmail usually goes with promises and money.
The problem is – Obama can't even insist on DNA test to prove his
identity. He knows perfectly well that Barack Hussein Obama Sr. is not
his biological father.
Chapter 8. Why “Occupy Wall Street”
A revolution is
coming – a revolution which will be peaceful if we are wise enough;
compassionate if we care enough; successful if we are fortunate enough –
but a revolution is coming whether we will it or not. We can affect its
character; we cannot alter its inevitability”. – Robert Kennedy
“Occupy Wall Street” 10,000 participants, Times Square, New York, October 15, 2011
I told
you, KGB/SVR is the best in the world. Americans have no idea what’s in
stock for them in 2012. National state of emergency and martial law
after Occupy Wall Street (OWS) revolutionaries’ attempt to storm the
White House or the US Congress, Obama’s re-election as a Savior of
America. Most important – you have to cultivate mass fear among
Americans until 2012 elections. Look.
What happened.
September 24,2011
80 people were arrested near Union Square on Saturday afternoon when
demonstrators clashed with police during a protest led by the group Occupy Wall Street.
Of the dozens arrested, most were for disorderly conduct, obstructing
vehicular and pedestrian traffic, resisting arrest and, in one case,
assaulting a police officer. Protesters wielding signs that demanded
"End the Fed" and other anti-Wall St slogans marched up Fifth Avenue
near Union Square.The group is comprised of activists critical of
corporate influence over politics and demanding higher taxes on
high-income individuals.
October 1,2011
New York City Police Department arrested 700 of 2,000 people who marched
across the Brooklyn Bridge as an expression of solidarity with the
Occupy Wall Street protesters . 1,000 protesters marched from Wall
street to NYPD.
Occupied Wall Street Journal, the protesters' free publication ,
included a "Declaration of the Occupation" approved at a meeting of
protesters on Sept. 29. "We come to you at a time when corporations,
which place profit over people, self-interest over justice, and
oppression over equality, run our governments,".
Occupy Wall Street website:
Wall Street is leaderless resistance movement with people of many
colors, genders and political persuasions. The one thing we all have in
common is that We Are The 99% that will no longer tolerate the greed and
corruption of the 1%. We are using the revolutionary Arab Spring tactic to achieve our ends and encourage the use of nonviolence to maximize the safety of all participants.
October , 2011 $300,000 in cash has been donated, through the movement's
website and by people who give money in person , said Bill Dobbs, a
press liaison for the movement. The movement has an account at
Amalgamated Bank, which bills itself as "the only 100 percent
union-owned bank in the United States."
On October, 12, I got the following e-mail:
Dear Mikhail Kryzhanovsky,
us this Saturday, October 15, as we show our support for Occupy Wall
Street and getting big money out of politics! We're meeting at the
Common Cause NY office (74 Trinity Place, Suite 901 — convenient to the
R, 1, 4 & 5 trains, see map) at 4:15 pm and then going to the
demonstration in Times Square together, with signs and information to
hand out. Let's send the message to our elected officials that "We, the
People," in the Constitution does not mean "We, the Corporations." For
more information or to join us, please contact Deanna Bitetti at
dbitetti@commoncause.org or 212-691-6421.
Susan Lerner
Common Cause is a national nonpartisan organization with chapters in 35 states.
1133 19th Street NW, 9th Floor, Washington, DC 20036. phone (202) 833-1200.
What FBI is doing about it
on the files on every leader at every city or town involved in the
movement. Once they mentioned Arab Spring tactic , they are political
danger and enemies of state, because it’s a coming revolution.
2.They want a redistribution of wealth which is a Communist declaration and the goal of the Communist
Revolution (that’s exactly what happened in Russia in 1917). That’s why all activists are under surveillance.
All meetings are under surveillance too – FBI is looking for most aggressive participants who might be used later.
3.Media has to talk about OWS non –stop to keep nation in fear and panic. FBI assets inside big media are working on this task.
What will happen in 2012
agents provocateurs inside the Occupy Wall Street revolutionary movement
leadership order to storm the White House or the US Congress, or to
block both buildings completely.
orders the State of Emergency to save and protect America. Obama is
re-elected. My friend Dale Robertson, teaParty.org President, helped me
to spread this information all over America on November 4,2011.
Dale Robertson
Chapter 9. War 2012
violent internal strategy is the FBI assets provoked mass Occupy Wall
Street movement riots in Washington, DC and the attempts to storm the
White House or Congress. Obama saves America and is re-elected.
Second violent strategy is an outer one. Nothing unusual or fantastic:
1. We
"insert" CIA assets with straight ties to the Ministry of Intelligence
and National Security of Iran into any terrorist group.
2. The terrorist group attacks one of the US military bases, say, in Saudi Arabia.
3. Obama declares the war against Iran.
October 11, 2011, first stage of “Iran” operation
US Attorney General Eric Holder, a liar, and Obama, KGB asset
Holder : "Iranian government tried to assassinate Saudi Arabia's
ambassador to the United States Adel Al-Jubeir in a plot that that has
been foiled by FBI". The suspects were arrested and identified as
Manssor Arbabsiar and Gholam Shakuri (Arbabsiar is a naturalized U.S.
citizen and holds a U.S. passport and an Iranian passport). The plot
would have also involved bombing attacks at the Saudi and Israeli
embassies in the nation's capital.
approached an informant for the U.S. Drug Enforcement Agency in Mexico,
a Los Zetas drug cartel member, and inquired about his knowledge of
explosives and the possibility of targeting the Saudi embassy in D.C.
Hre reportedly offered the informant $1.5 million for the death of the
ambassador. The criminal complaint mentions that the assassination plot
may have targeted the ambassador's favorite D.C. restaurant. The
restaurant was not named.
Iranian government responded to the U.S. accusations that its Quds
force, part of Iran's Revolutionary Guard Corps, had been involved in
plotting the attacks. Iran's official Islamic Republic News Agency
labeled the U.S. accusations as "a comedy show fabricated by America."
and Shakuri are CIA reliable assets – they’ll go to jail and might even
spend some time there. Most important – Obama said he “he would remove
no option of U.S. response”.
What Obama gets:
Successful military engagement enhances presidential popularity. All
five Presidents who have run for re-election during a war have won. Eric
Holder : "Iranian government tried to assassinate Saudi Arabia's
ambassador to the United States Adel Al-Jubeir in a plot that that has
been foiled by FBI". The suspects were arrested and identified as
Manssor Arbabsiar and Gholam Shakuri (Arbabsiar is a naturalized U.S.
citizen and holds a U.S. passport and an Iranian passport). The plot
would have also involved bombing attacks at the Saudi and Israeli
embassies in the nation's capital.
approached an informant for the U.S. Drug Enforcement Agency in Mexico,
a Los Zetas drug cartel member, and inquired about his knowledge of
explosives and the possibility of targeting the Saudi embassy in D.C. He
reportedly offered the informant $1.5 million for the death of the
ambassador. The criminal complaint mentions that the assassination plot
may have targeted the ambassador's favorite D.C. restaurant. The
restaurant was not named.
Iranian government responded to the U.S. accusations that its Quds
force, part of Iran's Revolutionary Guard Corps, had been involved in
plotting the attacks. Iran's official Islamic Republic News Agency
labeled the U.S. accusations as "a comedy show fabricated by America."
2) A quick war improves the electoral fortunes of the president’s political party.
3) War
is good business. It stimulates demand for a variety of manufactured
goods and services and is a powerful stimulus to all fields of
scientific endeavor.
4) War
provides opportunities to direct lucrative contracts to companies and
individuals who helped get the President elected, or who can help in the
future; and to the constituents of select Senators and Congressmen for
the same reasons.
5) War usually pleases the Joint Chiefs (and their full support is important politically).
6) War keeps down the unemployment figures.
7) War is as much a financial operation as anything else.

9) War
provides a rationale for the implementation of tighter legislation and
the removal of certain freedoms that would never be tolerated in
peacetime America.
The use of US forces spurs a "rally around the flag" effect that lifts
the President’s popularity and builds up support for the troops.
11) We stop Iranian nuclear program and Obama gets full support of the pro-Israel lobby in Congress and all over America.
Iran is #2 in natural gas resources in the world and it's important we
have a "friendly democratic government". Besides, we cut off China from
Iranian oil.
Obama also gets emergency powers:
I. Powers over individuals.
Confine any individuals seen to be threats to national security.
Declare martial law.
Assign armed forces to conflicts in foreign nations.
II. Powers over property.
Require industries to give priority to government contracts and seize industries failing to comply with such orders.
Fix wages and prices.
III. Powers over communication.
Withhold information from Congress and the public deemed potentially sensitive to national security.
Monitor and censor communications between United States and other nations.
Tell me Obama isn't re-elected in 2012.
Chapter 10. Here comes Hillary
is coming and there's a player who'll never give up and whom Russian
intelligence service can't stop. Hillary Clinton , US Secretary of
State, with a team of her own.
March , 2010
received an invitation for a dinner with President Obama and Speaker of
the House Pelosi from DCCC (Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee)
signed by Ian Sugar, Director of Development. Sugar explained that I
pay $15,999 (credit card) and on May 13, 2010 at 6.00 PM I had to come
to St. Regis Hotel, New York .
Event Chair
Honorable Steve Israel ,The Honorable Eliot L. Engel,The Honorable Nita
M. Lowey,The Honorable Jerrold Nadler,The Honorable Gregory W. Meeks,
The Honorable Joseph Crowley, The Honorable Anthony Weiner, The
Honorable Scott Murphy along with Members of the New York Congressional
along with Nancy Pelosi, SPEAKER OF THE HOUSE
Invite you to join President Barack Obama Thursday, May 13, 2010
St. Regis Hotel Ballroom, Two East 55th Street at Fifth Avenue, New York, New York
6:00 p.m. – Host Committee VIP Reception
6:30 p.m. – Dinner
For more information or to RSVP, please contact
Diana Fassbender at 202-485-3438 or diana@dccc.org
Host: write/raise $50,000 per couple (Includes Host Committee VIP Reception, Presidential Photo and Dinner)
Guest: $15,000 per person / $30,000 per couple (Includes Presidential Photo and Dinner)
I cannot attend but enclosed is my contribution of $ _______
Please make checks payable to the “DCCC” and mail to:
Speaker Nancy Pelosi, 430 South Capitol Street SE, Second Floor, Washington, DC 20003
you would like to contribute by credit card please complete the
following and return via fax to (202) 478-9499 or
http://www.dccc.org/PresidentObamaNYCPlease charge my personal credit
card $ _________
May 13, 2010Paid for by the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee.
430 South Capitol Street, SE • Washington, DC 20003 • (202) 863-1500 • www.dccc
guess who was the DCCC Chairman in 2005-2009 and who could advise Ian
Sugar to send Kryzhanovsky, a former KGB sniper, an invitation to a
dinner with Obama ? Rahm Emanuel. I didn't go, instead I've put on
YouTube my video “How to Kill President Obama’ to show vulnerability of
Obama's protection system.
http://dai.ly/pRS7fR YouTube video
All I had to do was:
buy 9mm Zig Zauer practice to get used to the pistol, come to St. Regis unarmed, disarm any Secret Service pig
Complete the job
October 12, 2010
Mark Sullivan, US Secret Service Director CIA, FBI and Secret Svce want me toplay Oswald #2. I say :”No”
I had
a meeting with two Secret Service agents, John and Bratt
(646-842-2107). It appeared, that 2 teams were hunting me all over New
York City. They explained to me that I "was a very lucky guy" because
John and Bratt (team #1) found me, not team # 2 which might "treat me
much worse". I said: "If you want to kill me, put sniper in a house
across the street – I'm not scared". They had no comments on that but
they were very nervous about the video. We had a long discussion. I've
asked them why they allow the White House press office to put Obama's
next day schedule on Internet with exact time and place of his trips –
it gives a perfect possibility to kill him. They told me it was Rahm
Emanuel's order and they can do nothing though on October 2, 2010 Obama
fired Emanuel and it was a small victory over Clintons. More interesting
– they told me they wanted me to work for them too :" We know you as
"Filament", you work for CIA and we want you to work for us too under
the same alias. We'll pay you". So, I'm still acting CIA agent and
they're still sure I'll do political murders ? And who's the target –
Obama ? That's why Secret Service is nervous – they are in the game ?
I've got information that team # 2 , two men and a woman armed with
handguns, found my family in Brooklyn, interrogated them in a very rude
manner, illegally searched the apartment, took PC and kept it for a
month, and ordered my wife and son not to tell me about their visit in
case I make a phone call. It looks like Secret Service Director Mark
Sullivan didn't make a final decision yet – to kill me or not.
That's not the end.
January, 20 2011
and FBI Director Robert Mueller CIA Director Panetta and Hillary
Clinton. His promotion to Defense Secretary was a “miracle”
talked to FBI agent Eric Perry, Queens, NY field office. He informed me
that my video made "high authorities, people on the very top are
extremely nervous". He didn't explain if it was FBI Director Robert
Mueller, the White House Chief of Staff or Obama himself. He asked me to
delete the video from YouTube. Why FBI is so nervous, they are in the
game ?
with JFK assassination, you don't need huge conspiracy – it's enough if
CIA Director Panetta, FBI Director Mueller and Secret Service Director
Sullivan make a deal – simple, right , Mrs. Hillary Clinton ? I still
keep your letters where you promise any help. I ask you not to kill
"Barack Obama", even if he's a fake President and you know it, and he's
your personal enemy. You can make a deal – he'll resign and go back to
Russia, and you take the Oval Office, nice and quite.
matter what people might think and say, Obama is a spy – my 30 years of
experience, my knowledge of espionage business, my intuition, his
behavior, his aggressive style, his manner to talk and treat people
(he's never asking – he's always ordering) – everything says he's my
brother in arms, Russian intelligence officer, and he was t r a i n e d
to be the U.S. President. Tell Panetta, Mueller and Sullivan to leave
him alone. No bullet, no staged car accident, no 'heart attack", please.
like these – no witnesses. Once Obama was elected the US President,
there are only 3 guys who know the truth about him in Russia – PM Putin,
President Medvedev and SVR Director Fradkov.
Medvedev and Obama
And 3 more guys who know everything about Obama in the States:
- Bill Clinton who blackmailed him in November 2008 and forced him to take his people
- Leon Panetta who was "promoted" to Defense Secretary without any explanation
- Robert Mueller ( Obama is scared of him to death – violated the law and asked the Congress 2 more years for Mueller)
Who are these last two to be treated like kings by Obama ? Nobodys who could blackmail him.
let's them explain "Millenium Hilton" first, smell the court and jail,
and then maybe they can make a deal and talk about Obama ?
think that's a good suggestion and it has to be published – they have to
move after that, deny, make statements. It's good – once they start
talking, you cut every answer in small pieces(episodes) and ask
questions on each. It's gonna be very hard to lie then.
September 10, 2011
I had a chat with a very professional "somebody" on Internet, here's a report.
- I
did some digging…..you're on the FBI, CIA, NSA [National Security Agency
– M.K.], and even DIA [Defense Intelligence Agency – M.K.] top 25 watch
list….don’t worry, I have this page secured, but damn, did you know
- How you got it ?
- Well I didn’t find it on Wiki! I had to hack, do some "overtime" work in the office, wasn't supposed to, but did it anyway.
- Can I see this info ?
- I didn’t dare lift it.
- Most interesting is DIA.
- Not
really. You'd be surprised ,the USA intelligence community is a mess,
everybody does everybody else work, and does it badly.
- True.
Interns can view classified files from work without anyone noticing ,its
pathetic that I did what I just did, I shouldn’t have been able to but I
- Still, I'd like to know what DIA wants.
- I have no idea why they find you a subject of such high interest.
- They erased 3 days ago YouTube "Barack Obama 2012: KGB Technology 2008".
- Ex KGB officer living in the United States. I'd say with all you've done, I'm surprised you're not on EVERY list.
- So, can I have a look ?
- I
haven’t done any lifts yet, as long as you don’t "touch" anything, its
harder to trace, I'll see what I can do. I'll get back to you.
National Security Agency and Defense intelligence Agency is involved in
anti-American conspiracy too ? CIA, FBI, Secret Service, NSA and
Pentagon ? What’s going on, America ? What’s going on, DIA Director
lieutenant General Ronald Burgess and NSA Director General Keith
Alexander ? What’s going on, America ?
October 27, 2011
“Hill’s shock poll climb over Bam”
By S.A. MILLER, New York Pos
WASHINGTON – Yes she can!
of State Hillary Rodham Clinton bests all the Republican presidential
contenders in theoretical head-to-head matchups — and by larger margins
than her boss, President Obama, a new Time poll reveals.
Hillary Clinton has got the 2012 election all wrapped up
according to Time.
handily bests former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney, a front-runner in
the GOP race, 55-38 percent. That’s a much better result against Romney
than Obama, who defeated Clinton for the 2008 Democratic presidential
nomination after a grueling primary fight. Obama topped Romney by just
48-44 percent, according to data from the same poll that was released
last week.
How Clinton and Obama fare percentage-wise in poll matchups vs. leading Republican candidates:
vs. Romney : Clinton 55-38 Obama 48-44
poll is part of a Time cover story on Clinton that hits newsstands
tomorrow. Even Obama is singing the praises of his old rival these days,
likely because it’s a safe bet that Clinton would never challenge him
for the 2012 nomination. “She’s been outstanding,” Obama said of Clinton
this week during an appearance on NBC’s “Tonight Show” with Jay Leno.
Clinton said this summer that she plans to step down as secretary of
state at the end of Obama’s first term, but that she has no plans to run
for office and will instead return to private life.
November 4, 2011
Knopf released Bill Clinton’s “Back to Work” – Hillary’s hubby offers economic optimism, but who’s back to work
to save America ? Hillary, of course. “Back to Work” ? No, back to power !
November 9, 2011
Obama's top political operatives – including campaign chief adviser
David Axelrod, former White House Deputy Chief of Staff Jim Messina, who
is serving as Obama's 2012 campaign manager; Patrick Gaspard, executive
director of the Democratic National Committee who until recently
oversaw political affairs in the White House; and Obama's lead pollster
Joel Benenson, who played the same role in the 2008 campaign – traveled
from Chicago and Washington to the headquarters of the William Clinton
foundation in Harlem for a meeting with a former president.. The “how to
re-elect Obama “ meeting went on for more than 2 hours. .
Obama aides laid out their sense of the political landscape, their
polling data on attitudes among voters in the Democratic base and
independents who might be truly undecided, the shaping of their message
and their campaign's organizational structure across the country. They
discussed findings from voter focus groups that the campaign has
conducted in recent months. Much of the presentation dealt with
battleground states such as North Carolina, Virginia, Nevada, and
Arizona, where Obama prevailed four years ago but faces more difficult
odds next year.
peppered the Obama operatives with dozens of probing questions and
specific suggestions, not only concerning their strategy and message but
how to handle the leading Republican candidates, too. Economic
conditions and how to address them dominated the discussion. What most
interested the Obama team were Clinton's insights on heartland voting
blocs that remain in the political middle: not the Republican-leaning
independents who always end up voting for the GOP nominee, but the truly
uncommitted who largely ended up supporting Obama in 2008. While
Axelrod arrived with no particular "ask" beyond Clinton's advice, the
meeting ended with the Obama group telling the former president
something he may already have surmised: they want him actively involved
in the re-election campaign and expect to engage him regularly in the
months ahead.
November 16, 2011
Obama announced Bill Clinton his official 2012 re-election campaign adviser.
That means Russian intelligence isn’t going to lose Obama. That also means Barack Obama – Hillary Clinton 2012 ticket is on the table.
insider: "On the podium in Charlotte, NC on the final day of the
Democratic Convention, the hands held high will be that of Barack Obama
and Hillary Rodham Clinton. If the president’s polling numbers don’t
come up or fall even further, he will need to do something to change the
discussion and focus to reinvigorate the party and excite the faithful.
There would be nothing more exciting then Hillary on the ticket in
2012. Today Bill and Hillary Clinton are two of the most popular
politicians in the world."
I think it all depends on Hillary. Clintons might have a huge surprise for Obama – Hillary Clinton – Barack Obama 2012.
November 18, 2011
“Dead drop” operation in Canberra – Hillary ?
Obama arrives at the forecourt of Parliament House in Canberra, Australia
booklet detailing Barack Obama's security arrangements during his
Australian visit this week has been found lying in a gutter in Canberra,
the Australian capital.
Sydney Morning Herald, whose reporter happened upon the booklet – titled
"Overall Program and Orders of Arrangements: Program for the State
Visit to Australia by President of the United States Barack Obama" —
considers it "a significant and hugely embarrassing security slip-up."
It quotes security analyst, Alan Dupont, as saying the booklet's loss represented a significant security breach:
that had got into the wrong hands it would certainly put the President
and some of his entourage at risk, if someone could respond quickly
enough to having the information,'' said Dupont, from Sydney University.
''Even if you were an ordinary crim, there would be a market for that
kind of book, so it's not good news.''
booklet describes Obama's Australian schedule "down to the minute, as
well as the breakdown of his security convoy, and the mobile numbers of
dozens of senior US and Australian officials," the SMH reported.
cover of the 125-page booklet even reads: "is not to be communicated
either directly or indirectly to any person not authorized to receive
booklet names a long-standing member of the Secret Service and details
seating arrangements for the presidential motorcade, even describing
from which limousine door the President will enter and exit.
also describes his security convoy, locating the "counter-assault
teams," a ''comms vehicle,'' an ''intel car,'' and the ''hammer truck.''
Hammer stands for ''hazardous agent mitigation medical emergency
like it was a dead drop operation. The question is – who “dropped” the
classified Secret Service booklet and for whom ? Who wanted to kill
Obama in Australia ? Question for you, Mrs. Hillary Clinton.
Chapter 11. “National crisis” – mission accomplished
September 8, 2011
US national debt is $14 trillion.
In 2009 Obama pushed through an $800 billion economic stimulus package.
In 2010 – $1 trillion health care reform.
In 2011, November 8 – he asked the Congress to pass $447 billion "American Jobs Act" and declared that the United States is in "national crisis".
KGB instructions for Obama, "The Professional" by M. Kryzhanovsky
means that your government as a system is exhausted and it’s unable to
rule the nation and resources effectively in an extreme situation,
including economic, natural catastrophes and war. A crisis has three
1) before the crisis, when the first signs appear
2) crisis development until culmination
3) catastrophe followed by impeachment
crisis could be programmed at the very beginning of your term (mistakes
in political and economic courses, inexperienced personnel, faulty
planning) or it can appear later (too many mistakes, change of political
environment, shifts in the economic or international situation).
Mission accomplished .
Chapter 12. What America has to do
What I want
1. US
Congress and Department of Justice full investigation into US President
Barack Obama, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, Bill Clinton,CIA
Directors since 1995, FBI Director Robert Mueller and US Secret Service
Director Mark Sullivan anti-American conspiracy.
Compensation for 10 years of sufferings, poverty and homelessness. I’ll
spend the money to build up a private national security agency to
protect America.
3. CIA has to be terminated. FBI and Secret Service – reformed.
4. De-obamafication of America
1) President who is the enemy of state
2) disabled White House administration
3) paralyzed House and Senate
4) 14 million unemployed people out of 150 million which is 9.1%
5) national debt of 14 trillion which will never be paid off
6) coming hungry revolution
7) 2012 budget:
- total revenue $2.627 trillion (estimated)
- total expenditures $3.729 trillion (estimated)
deficit $1.101 trillion (estimated)
1) Understand:
- that there are no more Democrats and Republicans – there are Patriots and Communists
- that we, people , hire the President, Senators and Representatives, and we have the power to fire them
2) "Obama Has to Resign" state referendums
Define Red States (Utah, Idaho, Wyoming, Nebraska, Alaska, Oklahoma,
Kansas, North Dakota, Alabama, Texas, Mississipi, South Dakota, South
Carolina, Montana, Kentucky, Indiana, Georgia, North Carolina,
Tennessee, Arizona, Louisiana, Virginia) as Patriotic States.
Create the Patriotic States Union (PSU). The US states governors ,
members of the Union Council, have to sign the Declaration, giving the
states economic independence. Union will be open to any Blue or Purple
(swing) state.
5) De- Obamafication of America.
state has to protect itself from Obama's war against America. Communist
and any other anti-American activity, including pro-Obama propaganda in
the Union has to be abolished. President Obama's physical access to the
Union states has to be blocked, his election offices – closed. All
present laws signed by Obama have to be cancelled if they work against
6) Declare state of emergency in the Union to fix wages and food prices.
7) Amend Constitution to make sure that Communists and Fascists will never get to the Oval Office again .
Janet Napolitano, US Secretary of Homeland Security also involved in anti-American conspiracy.
Her most important “immigration” job – to press and blackmail me to get me back as assassin
December 8, 2011
“Mr. Kryzhanovsky, We can do nothing about CIA. National security is not our business”. Michael Eatroff, Constituent Liaison, Office of Senator Kirsten Gillibrand, 780 Third Avenue, Suite 2601,New York, (212) 909-0492 (Phone).
U.S. Senator Kirsten Gillibrand, (D), NY
November 9, John from NYPD Anti-Terror Dept called me and said that
Michael Eatroff from Senator Kristine Gillibrand’s office informed them
that I wanted to kill Gillibrand. He asked me who I am and if I really
wanted to kill the Senator.I told him I’m “Filament’ and I have problems
with CIA, not with Gillibrand. John was shocked to hear that I’m
“Filament”, he said “it changes everything, I know about you a lot”.
wanted to meet me right away, because , as he said “we are brothers” ( I
was KGB “Nabat” anti-terror group sniper), but then we changed it to
Tuesday, after his morning call – he said “at your favorite pizzeria,
He didn’t call on Tuesday, November 13.
What does that mean:
saw a classified document at Anti-Terror Dept about “Filament”, saying
I’m a professional spy and a sniper, “not to be touched”. Anti-Terror
NYPD Dept is watching me.
2.I’m “untouchable’ and that means CIA wants to set me up the same way they used Oswald (“passive sabotage” ).
might do something bad to Somebody in NYC, where I live, and it might
be just a fake attempt followed by my arrest or murder. I’m a former KGB
– they might blame Russia for it – the smell of war between Russia and
USA is in the air, Hillary Clinton and Senator McCain are talking about
coming Russian revolution, Putin said at “Valdai” Club meeting that
Russia might terminate USA in less than half an hour.
4.I’m RNC platinum member, I have a support letter from Bush – they might blame Republicans for it.
operation might be a huge promo for Obama’s campaign if Obama is behind
this. It might happen in January-February, so they could talk about it
the whole year.
wanted to see me Tuesday because he wanted to get instructions from
hiss Chief. On Monday they told John to shut up and forget about
January 9, 2012
kicked Bill Clinton's guy off the White House. Bill Daley, a former
President Bill Clinton's Secretary of Commerce, resigned as Obama's
Chief of Staff.
Chapter 13. Louis Freeh and Co.
Louis Freeh James Jones, Obama’s Tom Ridge
my former FBI boss National Sec. Advisor helped CIA to get me
back to kill Americans
March 14, 2012
Director in 1993-2001, Louis Freeh whose people worked with me in 1995
and wanted to use me as a sniper for political murders, and Gen. Hugh
Shelton, left, former chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff are among
the top former U.S. government officials whose speaking fees have been
firms representing ex-FBI Director Louis Freeh and former chairman of
the Joint Chiefs of Staff Gen. Hugh Shelton have received federal
subpoenas issued by the Treasury Department Office of Foreign Assets
Control as part of an expanding investigation into the source of
payments to former top government officials who have publicly advocated
removing an Iranian dissident group from the State Department list of
terrorist groups. In addition to Freeh and Shelton, other ex-government
officials snagged in the investigation include former DNC chairman
Edward Rendell, (in 1999-2001), former Attorney General Michael Mukasey
(in 2007-2009), and former Department of Homeland Security chief Tom
Ridge (in 2003-2005) who helped CIA to press me to get me back as a
terrorist for killing of American citizens. There haven’t been any
reports that James Jones, former National Security advisor to President
Obama in 2009-2010, has been issued a subpoena, despite his reported
involvement in the MEK lobbying effort. Will Jones be subpoenaed by
Attorney General Holder as well?
investigation, being conducted by the Treasury Department, is focused on
whether the former officials may have received funding, directly or
indirectly, from the People’s Mujahedin of Iran, or MEK, thereby
violating federal law barring financial dealings with terrorist groups.
Speaking fees given to the former officials total hundreds of thousands
of dollars. Many of the speakers have received fees of about $30,000 or
more per talk and first-class flights to European capitals. Edward
Rendell has received $160,000 over the past year for appearing at about 7
conferences and rallies, including some in Paris, Brussels and Geneva.
former officials have said they were told the fees came from wealthy
American and foreign supporters of the MEK, not the group itself — and
they resent any suggestion they are abetting a terrorist group.
total, 40 former senior U.S. government officials participated in the
lobbying campaign for the People’s Mujahedin of Iran (MEK), a cult-like
organization that was listed as a terrorist group under the Clinton
administration. The MEK was involved in attacks on American citizens in
the 1980s (six Americans died), but has since attempted to ally itself
with the United States in the fight against the Iranian regime.
According to reports, the group may also be aiding Israel’s covert
assassination campaign against Iranian nuclear scientists.
extraordinary that so many distinguished public servants would shill for
a group that has American blood on its hands," said one senior official
speaking on condition of anonymity.
Chapter 14. KGB psychotechnologies
Igor Smirnov Janet Morris
Smirnov (1950-2004) was a Psychotechnology Research Institute (Moscow)
Director,professor, the father of "psychotronic weapons," the Russian
term for mind control weapons. His father, Victor Abakumov, was the
Minister of State Security (since 1954 – KGB) in 1946-1951.
The Institute was established first as KGB psychotechnology lab by KGB Chairman Y. Andropov in 1980.
research was focused on a unique "psycho-correction" technology – the
use of coded acoustic subliminal messages transmitted in "white noise"
or music to bend a subject's will, and modify a person's personality
without their knowledge. Using an infrasound very low frequency-type
transmission, the acoustic psycho-correction message is transmitted via
bone conduction – ear plugs would not restrict the message.
like "Vote for Obama !" might be sent through a mobile phone, radio ,
TV or PC – you don't hear them but your brain accepts them. In a same
way the brain accepts the visual image. They by-pass the conscious level
and are effective almost immediately.
Morris is President and CEO of M2 Technologies Corp, specializing in
non-lethal weapons (NLW), novel technology applications, tactics and
technology. Ms. Morris's seminal non-lethal concept and novel technology
applications work has been used by the White House Office of Science
and Technology Policy. She served at the United States Global Strategy
Council (1989-1994) and at the Center for Strategic and International
Studies (1993–1995).
In 1991 Morris met Smirnov who showed her his “Mind Reader”. In 1993 Smirnov came to Washington, DC and
his technology to Bill Clinton’s people, Pentagon and CIA experts. In
March, 1993 the Richmond, Virginia based Psychotechnologies Corp signed
an agreemnet with Smirnov in which "the Russian side agreed to commit
the psycho-correction technologies still in Russia and all related
know-how to the US. company in exchange for stock. The Russian side has
agreed to provide all support necessary to recreate current [psycho-
correction] capability in the US and to upgrade the capability using US
components and computer programmers. All necessary developmental and
existing algorithms will be provided by the Russian side."
In 2008 Barack Obama won presidential elections and it was a national psychosis combined with euphoria.
out of 69,5 million Obama’s voters can’t explain what happened to them
and what “CHANGE!” they wanted. Why ? And what’s gonna happen to us in
2012 ?
PART 3. The end of “Barack Obama” operation
Chapter 1. Watch the microphone !
tell you the truth, I’ve finished this book on March 20, 2012, but
Barack Obama “pushed” me to add one more chapter – about the unexpected
end to his KGB/SVR spy career.
Like one of my Moscow Intelligence Institute said: “Mike, remember, one mistake in pronunciation and you’ll get
a nice tiny bullet in your smart head !” Let’s see what happened and how KGB “Barack Obama” operation came to
its shameful end.
Barack Obama and Russian President Dmitriy Medvedev, March 26, 2012
Seoul, South Korea : fatal mistake of a spy.
Microphone Catches a Candid Obama
By J. David Goodman, The New York Times
March 26, 2012
Obama found his private moment of political candor caught by a live
microphone on Monday as he told President Dmitriy A. Medvedev of Russia
that he would have “more flexibility” to negotiate on the delicate issue
of missile defense after the November election, which Mr. Obama
apparently feels confident he will win.
Republican adversaries seized on the comment, which followed a meeting
between Mr. Obama and Mr. Medvedev in Seoul, South Korea, where both had
struggled to find common ground amid strong objections in Russia to the
American plans for a missile defense system based in Europe. As a pool
of television journalists gathered for a news conference on the leaders’
meeting, Mr. Obama leaned in to deliver private assurances to Mr.
Medvedev. But speaking inadvertently into an open microphone, he offered
a frank assessment of the difficulty of reaching a deal — on this or
any other subject — in an election year.
all these issues, but particularly missile defense, this can be solved,
but it’s important for him [Putin – M.K.] to give me space,” Mr. Obama
could be heard saying to Mr. Medvedev, according a reporter from ABC
News, who was traveling with the president.
“Yeah, I understand,” the departing Russian president said. “I understand your message about space. Space for you ….”
Obama then elaborated in a portion of the exchange picked up by the
cameras: “This is my last election. After my election I have more
understand. I will transmit this information to Vladimir,” Mr. Medvedev
said, referring to Prime Minister Vladimir V. Putin, who just won an
election to succeed Mr. Medvedev.
unscripted remarks, which were broadcast by the television networks and
raced around the Internet, seemed to suggest that Mr. Obama was not
worried about getting re-elected.
The White House scrambled to clarify what both leaders meant.
2012 is an election year in both countries, with an election and
leadership transition in Russia and an election in the United States, it
is clearly not a year in which we are going to achieve a breakthrough,”
said Benjamin J. Rhodes, the White House deputy national security
Romney, the leading Republican challenger to Mr. Obama: “…the presidents
remarks were an alarming and troubling development. Russia is without
question our No.1 geopolitical foe. The fight every cause for the
world’s worst actor. The idea that he has more flexibility in mind for
Russia is very, very troubling, indeed.”.
Gingrich, another Republican challenger: “I’m curious: how many
countries has the president promised that he’d have a lot more
flexibility the morning he doesn’t have to answer to the American people
? It's extraordinary moment caught on tape where the president
basically said to a Russian leader, 'Please wait until after the
election so I can sell out.' If you read what he said, it is the most
blatant comment about selling out American defenses I think any American
president's ever made and I don't see how any American could trust him
ever again after that comment."”
John McCain (R-Ariz.): "It means he's willing to compromise to Russian
demands. The president is playing fast and loose with national security.
And he had been a sharp critic of missile defense during his time in
the Senate".
Boehner, House Speaker, a letter to Obama: “It is troubling that you
would suggest to Russian leaders that their reckless ambition would be
rewarded with greater ‘flexibility’ on our missile defense program after
the upcoming election.
has significant implications for the security of our homeland, sends a
terrible signal to our allies around the world and calls into question
the effectiveness of your ‘reset’ policy with Russians. A post-election
surprise on this critical issue would not be welcomed by the American
people, the Congress, or the world community.”
Chapter 2. Obama is finished
is insured from mistake in our espionage business, but if we talk about
the highest political level “moles”, the breach like this one is
absolutely unacceptable. Russians lost the most valuable asset in the
political history and the history of international espionage – the U.S.
President Barack Obama.
Why this happened ?
1.Unlike Putin who was a professional KGB spy, President Medvedev was just a former lawyer.
2.Obama and Medvedev lost the sense of reality, otherwise they wouldn’t have this conversation at all without complete privacy.
3.Putin didn’t give proper instructions to Medvedev being too relaxed after his successful presidential elections.
4. The Russian team which had to control the meeting failed.
What’s next ?
Obama will not and can’t be re-elected.
His “flexibility” means endangering America by removing its missile defense from Europe.
This is treason.
And treason means impeachment.
against the United States, shall consist only in levying War against
them, or in adhering to their Enemies, giving them Aid and Comfort. No
Person shall be convicted of Treason unless on the testimony of two
Witnesses to the same overt Act, or on Confession in open Court”. U.S. Constitution, Article III, Section 3.
Who’s America’s enemy ?
November 24, 2011
Russian Рresident Dmitry Medvedev :
I am instructing the Defense Ministry to immediately put the missile
attack early warning radar station in Kaliningrad on combat alert.
protective cover of Russia's strategic nuclear weapons, will be
reinforced as a priority measure under the program to develop out air
and space defenses.
the new strategic ballistic missiles commissioned by the Strategic
Missile Forces and the Navy will be equipped with advanced missile
defense penetration systems and new highly-effective warheads.
I have instructed the Armed Forces to draw up measures for disabling
missile defense system data and guidance systems if need be…
if the above measures prove insufficient, the Russian Federation will
deploy modern offensive weapon systems in the west and south of the
country, ensuring our ability to take out any part of the US missile
defense system, in Europe.
step in this process will be to deploy Iskander missiles in Kaliningrad
Region. Other measures to counter the European missile defense system
will be drawn up and implemented as necessary. Furthermore, if the
situation continues to develop not in Russia's favor we reserve the
right to discontinue further disarmament and arms control measures.
Besides, given the intrinsic link between strategic offensive and
defensive arms, conditions for our withdrawal from the New START Treaty
could also arise."
“We can terminate the USA in less than half an hour”. V. Putin, PM of Russia, elected President of Russia on 03.04.2012
President, the Vice President and all civil Officers of the United
States, shall be removed from the Office on Impeachment for, and
Conviction of, Treason, Bribery, or other High crimes ands
Misdemeanors”. U.S. Constitution, Article II, Section 4.
And – 25 to life, I think.
If he
survives 2012, because now I understand why U.S. Secret Service lowered
his security level, why FBI was so nervous about my video – they know
who “Obama” is and they want to “neutralize” him to avoid the biggest
scandal in American history. Now it’s too late, my dear FBI Director
Robert Mueller and Secret Service Director Mark Sullivan !
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