Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Obama Buys Votes With Free Phones (Video) (maybe this explains the cooked poll numbers)

Obama Buys Votes With Free Phones (Video) (maybe this explains the cooked poll numbers)


Screen shot from

by Chuck Wolk

I believe I may have found out why the MSM is getting such high poll numbers for Obama, and probably the reason his numbers have been so high regardless of how bad a job he is doing. Anyone want to try and convince me that Obama's campaign doesn't have access to the phone numbers of these free phones, or at least the ones given away since he became president?
The video below proves that many of those who have received these phones are admitting they will vote for Obama because of the free money and phones he, not the taxpayer, gave them. Just watch the video, below, of an Obama supporter who admits that she is supporting him because of the free phone. Then read the article in the text box, by by Gina Loudon, which explains the phone situation and how Obama and his supporters have been capitalizing on it.
We also know that it was after Obama campaign adviser David Axelrod threatened to sue Gallup when its numbers were unfavorable to the president that all of a sudden we have been getting poll numbers favoring Obama that defy reality.
For those who will accuse me of attributing to Obama, a program started when Clinton signed a bill passed by Republicans in congress called the Telecommunications Act of 1996. Well I admit that the program was already in place when he became president. However, Obama has taken this program to a whole new level by increasing the giveaway to an astronomical level, and then turning it into a campaign tool. After all, it's his supporters who are calling it the Obama-phone, not me. Just check out the web sites set up to project the idea that Obama started the program, like
Consider the free phone situation in Illinois for an example. Before Obama was elected, there were only 107,715 free phones distributed in the state. Three years later, in 2011, there were 569,635 phones given away. That's a 429% increase in 3 years. From the latest numbers I have seen, there are now over 20 million of these free phones in the hands of those who believe Obama not only bought them a phone, but he is paying their bill. What's truly scary, is If Obama is using the phones to rally support. Come November they could possibly use them to get out the vote and maybe that is why they claim there will be a record turnout of Democrat voters in swing states this year and thus the crazy unrealistic poll numbers the media is reporting.

In the video above, a protester outside of Romney rally explaining how Obama (not the tax payer)
gives away free phones and that is why they should vote for him. Cleveland Ohio, September 26, 2012

This is nothing new, because back in October 2009, there were millions across the country lining up for what they believed was free money from Obama. Again, they thought the money was coming from Obama, not the taxpayers. Check out the video above if you doubt me. That is when the photo below in the article was taken. never before in history of American politics have we had such a blatant disregard for election laws by a sitting president. Imagine what the media would have done if George Bush or Ronald Reagan had done what Obama is doing today to get re-elected. It's called Chicago politics, and it's been going on there since the"Daley Machine" controlled Chicago and the state of Illinois with an iron fist for 21 years.

Now Available: Free "Obama" Phones

by Gina Loudon
I have mentioned before, Thomas Jefferson's warning that as soon as people learn they can vote themselves money from the treasury, it will signal the end of our republic. This warning resonates again and again as we watch our freedoms dissipate under the current administration and its ruthless treatment of our ethical framework, and our laws.
People often wonder, sometime piously, how it is that tyranny occurs.  We like to think the populations victimized were somehow less savvy, more gullible, or asleep at the wheel.  We think ourselves better somehow, and that it could never happen here.  Every generation that has fallen to tyranny has believed the same comforting fable.  They only learn that they, too, were susceptible to tyranny when it is too late.
When Hitler wanted to subjugate the German people, he proclaimed that every household deserved a car. Thus was born the "Volkswagen" or peoples' car. Though cheap, they were cars, widely available, and from a benevolent leader whom they believed cared for their good. Even the narcissistic, megalomaniacal Hitler didn't have the audacity to call them "Hitler cars." 
Enter Barack Hussein Obama in 2012.  His way of spreading the wealth around is "free" healthcare.  But as Obamacare lies in peril, his landmark bill unpopular with most Americans, now he brings free cell phones and free high-speed, broadband internet. No cheap DSL for Obama's subjects, err, constituents. Why did he stop short of fiber-optics and T-1 lines? He has unemployed and underemployed masses that scream for free things, and direct their hostility for a poor economy to the rich people who have jobs and can afford things like cell phones. Under the guise of access to emergency services, the left repeat the slogan for the masses that communication is a human right and should not be reserved for the rich.
If you are already receiving any public service, you are probably entitled to a Volksphone. There are upwards of 20 million people enjoying what they are told are "free Obama phones". The rest of us are forced to subsidize the Volksphone through hidden taxes assessed by the Obama Federal Communications Commission (FCC), through the universal service fund
Thomas Sowell recently explained that Obama is more tyrannical than communist or socialist.  A socialist wants to own the businesses, but with ownership comes responsibility.  Tyranny is the government's ability to take credit for things, while denying any real responsibility for what goes wrong.  The Obama phones fit that definition well.   Obama's  emissaries created the program, mandate the assessments on the telecommunications companies, who then pass the cost to us. Then candidate Obama can enjoy the fruits of the giveaway, while Chief Executive Obama can deny responsibility for levying the taxes. True to fascism that would make Mussolini blush, the telecommunications companies gained 20 million new customers with the FCC guaranteeing the bills will be paid. The program that cost $600 million two years ago has exploded to well over $1.2 billion and climbing. And we thought that forcing millions of Americans to buy private health insurance was a boondoggle for that industry. Remember when Obama said he would reign in the special interests?

So here is the fun part for campaign Obama. The website, is flagrant propaganda. The site denies Obama is taxing anyone, but gives him credit for giving the phones away. This website, owned by an anonymous person or entity, features a flattering image of candidate Obama and serves as a campaign tool by expressly giving Obama credit for "spreading the wealth around." In truth, the mechanism being used to mandate the entitlement is actually credited to the Reagan Administration by But clearly, there is a significant propaganda campaign to give Obama credit for expanding the home phone subsidy program into giving away free cell phones. 
The Federal Election Commission needs to investigate this site as being an unreported campaign contribution. Is this operated by a Super PAC? If so, it is legal, but slimy and corrupt and that should discredit the Super PAC.   Obama should be called to account and to demand a retraction of it.

Interestingly, when you Google the word "Obamaphone" the first page of Google shows all of these sites, like this one, that accuse the accusers of Obama (namely Rush Limbaugh) of lying by "blaming Obama" for the program. Clearly the Obama campaign is thrilled to take credit with the groups receiving the free phones.  This is the Obama White House M.O.--feign outrage but take credit. 
The pro-Obama "Obamaphone" narrative propaganda is being pushed heavily, just by word on the street. One could randomly survey welfare recipients and ask them who gave them the phone. Likely, they were told by a friend or PSA that they could simply Google "" and get their free phone.  If asked, their answer would be that the President gave them a free phone. The website is clearly designed to legitimize the narrative for campaign reasons, otherwise it would clearly disclaim that rumor at the top. If Obama didn't intend to take credit, he would demand the disclaimer on the website.  Even Time Magazine (who has heralded Obama 24 times on its cover in less than 4 years) is propagating the story.
Truly chilling is the potential for electoral abuse of the program. This is a Presidential campaign notable for two records:  1) The record use of technology and 2) The record abuse of campaign finance violations. Rarely are elections overturned for electoral violations, so the cynical campaign strategist can plan to ask forgiveness rather than permission. The Obama campaign strategy in the last election was to cheat at every turn, going to great extents. They cheated contribution limits (namely from Soros who paid the biggest fine in FEC history), they modified online credit card transaction forms in order to hide donor data, which hid critical identifying data for huge numbers of overseas donations.  These donations were ostensibly from American expats, but were ultimately connected to foreign nationals who made illegal contributions. With so much data scrubbed, the tracking was tedious to the point of impossible before election day. By the time the crime was discovered, it was too late. Obama had won, and he knows he can count on the swooning Lame Stream Media to ignore the story. The average American is unaware of his arguable theft of the election, though the evidence abounds.

To make matters worse, the Obama Universal Service Fund Administration is doubling down. In February they announced that the same people getting free phones were also entitled to high-speed broad band internet service for just $10 per month. In celebrating the program, Mark Henry, CEO of predicts that based on the phone giveaway, the nominal $10 internet service charge will soon go away. This shadowy figure also controls, the site to which visitors to are directed when clicking the link for signing up for a free phone.  So who is Mark Henry? He appears to be the guy behind the Obamaphone website.  If not, why would the site be pointed to his site?...........(excerpt)
continue reading @

Below is a news report from a couple
 Months ago about the phone giveaway


The Obama Phone Program

What exactly is the free Obama phone? The free Obama phone is a program that is meant to help the financially unstable who cannot afford access to a cell phone. Communication should not be limited to people in relation to what they are able to afford. The Lifeline program was actually created decades ago to help low income families have access to land lines. Over the years the cost of cell phones and cellular service has decreased and the program has been extended to cover cell phones.
During the Bush administration, there was the introduction of a project that gave subsidies to those who could not afford a phone. The basic principle of the program is that everyone should have access to emergency services like 911. There are a number of deaths that take place every year do to lack of proper communication, and access to emergency services should be a right for everyone.
The free Obama phone is an important program, especially for low income families that would otherwise not have access to basic communications. There are different plans to choose from. Some plans offer fewer minutes and more texting and some even include rollover minutes. Make sure you check out all the plans before choosing the one that is right for you.

Get Started Now

Click Here to learn how to qualify. If you have further questions about the Obama Phone, visit our Obama Phon

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