Monday, December 3, 2012

more lies from obama

Obama in 1991, promoting diversity at Harvard

Another trip down memory lane.
The website Buzzfeed, along with Boston television station WGBH, has licensed a video of 1991 remarks by a young Barack Obama, backing a protest for diversity on the Harvard Law School faculty.
The khaki-clad Obama, then president of the Harvard Law Review, is seen praising protest organizer and law professor Derrick Bell, praising the "excellence of his scholarship."
Obama also shows early flashes of political skill while praising Bell's career.
"He hasn't done it simply by his good looks and easy charm, although he has both in ample measure," Obama said.
Buzzfeed supplies more background on this video:
Bell was the first black tenured professor at the school, and a pioneer of "critical race theory," which insisted, controversially, on reading issues of race and power into legal scholarship.
His protest that spring was occasioned by Harvard's denial of tenure to a black woman professor, Regina Austin, at a time when only three of the law school's professors were black and only five women.
He told Harvard he would take a leave of absence -- a kind of academic strike -- "until a woman of color is offered and accepted a tenured position on this faculty," and he launched a hunger strike to dramatize his point.
Obama was a major figure on campus, the first black president of the Law Review. Some friends, in a prescient joke, just referred to him as "the first black president." He had a reputation as a conciliatory figure, not a confrontational one like Bell.

The irrepressible Donald Trump has raised still another question the major media have dared not to ask: Did Barack Obama qualify for Columbia and Harvard on his own accomplishments?
“How does a bad student go to Columbia and then to Harvard?” asked Trump of the Associated Press. “I’m thinking about it, I’m certainly looking into it. Let him show his records.”
Trump asks a very good question for which the anti-journalists of the major media have no good answer. So allow me to fill in the gaps.
Although the late New York politico Percy Sutton admitted to helping Obama get into Harvard Law, Obama likely could have gotten in on his own.
Obama had the one thing it took all along, and he surely began to understand this when, as a bench-warming, B-minus student at his Hawaiian prep school, he “won” a full scholarship to Occidental where he spent his first two years of college.
New Yorker editor David Remnick has chosen not to see what greased Obama’s skids despite adding considerable information about Obama’s academic record in his Obama biography, “The Bridge.”
Remnick tells us that Obama was an “unspectacular” student in his final two years at Columbia and at every stop before that going back to grade school.
A Northwestern University prof who wrote a letter of reference for Obama reinforces the point, telling Remnick, “I don’t think [Obama] did too well in college.”
How such an indifferent student got into a law school whose applicants’ LSAT scores typically track between 98 to 99 percentile and whose GPAs range between 3.8 and 4.0 is a subject Remnick bypasses.
Obama had decided on law school as a way to follow in the career path of the recently deceased Chicago mayor, Harold Washington. Washington went to Northwestern’s very respectable law school in Chicago. The thought doesn’t cross Obama’s mind.
In “Dreams from My Father,” he limits his choices to “Harvard, Yale, Stanford.” Writes Obama biographer David Mendell as casually as if the honor were deserved, “Obama would soon be accepted at the most prestigious law school in the nation.”
As to Obama’s LSAT scores, Jimmy Hoffa’s body will be unearthed before those are.
Michelle Obama’s experience shows just how wonderfully accessible Harvard Law School could be. “Told by counselors that her SAT scores and her grades weren’t good enough for an Ivy League school,” writes biographer Christopher Andersen, “Michelle applied to Princeton and Harvard anyway.”
Jack Cashill’s literary investigation uncovers revelations galore about Obama’s alleged life narrative. Order the new book “Deconstructing Obama: The Life, Love and Letters of America’s First Post-Modern President”
Sympathetic biographer Liza Mundy writes, “Michelle frequently deplores the modern reliance on test scores, describing herself as a person who did not test well.” She did not write well, either. Mundy charitably describes her senior thesis at Princeton as “dense and turgid.”
The less charitable Christopher Hitchens observes, “To describe [the thesis] as hard to read would be a mistake; the thesis cannot be ‘read’ at all, in the strict sense of the verb. This is because it wasn’t written in any known language.”
Still, Michelle was admitted to and graduated from Harvard Law. She had to have been as anxious as Bart Simpson at Genius School, but Bart at least knew he was in over his head, and he knew why: He had cheated on his IQ test.
Obama was sufficiently self-deluding – some would say narcissistic – that he felt little of that anxiety. Later in his book, Remnick lets slip into the record a revealing letter Obama had written while president of the Harvard Law Review.
Remnick attempts here to illustrate Obama’s maturity on matters racial. In the process, however, he suggests one explanation for how Obama got into Harvard and how he became an editor of the Harvard Law Review (HLR). Wrote Obama to the Harvard Law Record:
I must say, however, that as someone who has undoubtedly benefited from affirmative action programs during my academic career, and as someone who may have benefited from the Law Review’s affirmative action policy when I was selected to join the Review last year, I have not felt stigmatized within the broader law school community or as a staff member of the Review.
Remnick refuses to concede Obama’s need for affirmative action, let alone any stigma attached to it. He boasts that this “inner sanctum of the establishment” accepted only the “brightest and most ambitious” first-year students and offers as explanation, “Obama’s grades were good.”
As he does on many occasions, Remnick chooses not to share with the reader a larger truth. The fact is that Obama did not make the Law Review the old-fashioned way, the way HLR’s first black editor, Charles Houston, did 70 years prior.
To Obama’s good fortune, the HLR had replaced a meritocracy in which editors were elected based on grades – the president being the student with the highest academic rank – with one in which half the editors were chosen through a writing competition.
This competition, the New York Times reported in 1990, was “meant to help insure that minority students became editors of the Law Review.”
The election for president of the Harvard Law Review was based more on popularity than competence. Obama prevailed over 18 other candidates only after the HLR’s small conservative faction threw him its support.
Once elected, Obama contributed not one signed word to the HLR or any other law journal. As Matthew Franck has pointed out in National Review Online, “A search of the HeinOnline database of law journals turns up exactly nothing credited to Obama in any law review anywhere at any time.”
In calling Obama a “terrible student,” Trump speaks a bit harshly, but not overly so. By Harvard Law standards, Obama was a terrible student prior to admission. Following graduation, he contributed nothing to legal scholarship.
Obama graduated magna cum laude from Harvard Law, but that was surely as much due to charm as it was to performance.
Remember that Michelle, who both wrote and tested poorly, also graduated from Harvard Law.

Obama Harvard Tapes Exposed on Hannity

Professor Admits Hiding Obama College Video By Todd Starnes
Harvard University Law School professor Charles Ogletree admitted that he hid controversial video footage featuring a college-age President Obama speaking at a campus rally in support of a radical professor.
"I hid this during the 2008 campaign," Ogletree said in the video. "I don't care if they find it now."
The entire video was aired exclusively on Hannity by editor-in-chief Joel Pollak and contributor Ben Shapiro.
The unedited video shows Obama speaking at a 1991 rally for Professor Derrick Bell.
Bell has been described as the Jeremiah Wright of academia. At one point in the video, Obama embraces Bell.
It's unclear why Ogletree felt the need to protect Obama and hide the video during the 2008 campaign.
So how damaging do you think this video is to President Obama? How will the Mainstream Media react? And will it change anyone's mind?

SEAN HANNITY, HOST, "HANNITY": And tonight, in a HANNITY exclusive, we reveal the video that by their very own admission, friends of Barack Obama have been keeping under lock and key. Now, the existence of this footage has been the subject of widespread speculation on the internet for many months, and the rumor mill kicked into high gear at CPAC in February when Andrew Breitbart said this. 
ANDREW BREITBART, 1969-2012: I've got videos, by the way. This election we are going to vet him. I have videos. I've got videos. This election, we are going to vet him from his college days to show you -- 
(CHEERING) why -- to show you why racial division and class warfare are central to what hope and change was sold in 2008. The videos are going to come out. The narrative is going to come out. 
HANNITY: Now, sadly our friend and colleague Andrew Breitbart is not here tonight to help us unveil this video. But thanks to his hard work, we are able to show you the following. Let's go back to 1991 when Barack Obama was president of the Harvard Law Review. Now, during that same year, Obama spoke at a protest, in support of a controversial professor name Derrick Bell. Now, in a moment, we will dig deeper into some of the late Professor Bell's controversial views. But first, let's take a look at a very rare piece of video. Now, this is an edited portion of the future president's introduction of Bell that was released by earlier today. 
PRES. BARACK OBAMA (D), UNITED STATES: And I remember that the black law students had organized an orientation for the first year students. And one of the persons who spoke at that orientation was Professor Bell. And I remember him sauntering up to the front, and not giving us a lecture but engaging us in a conversation. And speaking the truth, and telling us that he (INAUDIBLE) to learn of this place that I've carried with me ever since. Now how did this one man do all this? How has he accomplished all this? He hasn't done it simply by his good looks and easy charm, although he has both in ample measure. 
He hasn't done it simply because of the excellence of his scholarship, although his scholarship has opened up new vistas and new horizons, and changed the standards of what legal writing is about. 
Open up your hearts and your minds to the words of Professor Derrick Bell. 
HANNITY: That was the edited version of the video, it did not show that you that seconds later, Barack Obama embraced Bell before turning the microphone over to the controversial professor. However, that footage was intentionally covered up, according to a close confidant of the President and that's Harvard Professor Charles Ogletree. But in this next video discovered by Andrew Breitbart in his team, you'll see Ogletree playing an extended version of the 1991 protest during one of his lectures in 2011 at Harvard University. Let's watch this. 
OBAMA: Open up your hearts and your minds to the words of Professor Derrick Bell. 
HANNITY: Now, that hug and the President's association with a radical professor like Bell is no doubt going to become a hot topic in coming days. However, what is most disturbing about this footage from Ogletree's lecture is that he openly admits hiding this video during the 2008 election, apparently in order to protect his friend, Barack Obama. Take a look at this. 
CHARLES OGLETREE, HARVARD PROFESSOR: Now, what makes this so interesting when you think about it, of course, we hid this throughout the 2008 campaign -- I don't care if they find it now. 
HANNITY: So why did Charles Ogletree believes that this footage would embarrass candidate Obama so greatly that he chose to suppress the tape during the 2008 election? What was he intending to hide from voters? Now, here with some answers are two men who helped uncovered this video. Ben Shapiro is the editor at large at and Joel Pollak, he is's editor in chief. Gentleman, welcome to HANNITY. 
HANNITY: All right. Joe, let me begin with you. There is a lot to this. It gets very complicated. But I think it's easy to explain. We have what was said by -- by then student Barack Obama. We have who he was associating with, controversial association again, radical, I would even argue. We will get to that and then we have the issue of the effort to suppress this video from the American people, that deals with Mr. Ogletree, Professor Ogletree and the media and what culpability they have. Let's start at the beginning here. Joe, we will start with you. Why won't you tell the background of the story and explain it in your own words? 
POLLAK: Well, the real background is that Barack Obama participated in his protest and the other events that there exists evidence of and this was hidden for a long time, not just by Charles Ogletree, but within the archive of WGBH, which refused even to respond when we ask for access to it. What's happening here is the protest and it's not about faculty diversity on campus, this is about Derrick Bell who was going to take a voluntary unpaid leave of absence to protest a tenure decision and to make sure that there was more racial diversity on campus and so on. But Derrick Bell was a radical, Derrick Bell was the Jeremiah Wright of academia. He had some crazy views. In fact, just two months before this speech was given, Derrick Bell gave a controversial speech in Chicago where he said that America remains a racist country and the civil rights movement essentially was a shame because white supremacy remains the system and we've got to transform that system radically in order to get rid of racism. 
And so, those views were well known at the time. And this was not about diversity, which is a noble and good cause. This was about radical ideology, racial ideology. And when Barack Obama says, open your hearts and open your minds to the words of Professor Derrick Bell and calls him an inspiration and talks about his scholarship, he's talking about some very radical things, so radical that later on, Derrick Bell got into serious trouble when he wrote an essay, a fictional story, called space traders, positing that Americans, white Americans would sell black Americans to space aliens in order to pay out the national debt and that Jews would stand by and let it happen. This is a kind of background Derrick Bell had. 
HANNITY: But wasn't that also in the form of, did you believe those were his views? Because as I understood, that was in a book, but it was -- these were characters that were making the statements, is that correct? 
POLLAK: It certainly is, his view of the civil rights struggle. He writes a futuristic science fiction story about race, but it's really telling the story of the civil rights struggle. He thinks that basically white people sold blacks out and then Jews who pretended to be helpful to black people during the civil rights struggle, backed away when they saw it was no longer in their self-interest. That's what he believes about the civil rights struggle. And he believed it when he was teaching at Harvard Law School and Obama embraced him. And he believed it several years afterwards. And he had fights, by the way, with other black faculty members at Harvard who is said that some of Bell's views were so extreme that they were very problematic. So, this is not about racial diversity, it's not about gender diversity. Derrick Bell was the Jeremiah Wright of academia and Barack Obama embraced him and endorsed his views. 
HANNITY: Right. Ben, let me go to you on this question. We'll get to the media side of it. We have another segment that we're going to follow up with here as it relates to the media because I think this is an entirely separate issue. One of the things that I tried to do in 2007 and 2008 and I know that it was Eric Rush, who broke the story about Jeremiah Wright. We followed it. We investigated black liberation theology. We looked into Bill Ayers and Bernardine Dohrn. The media only asked, you know, in light of all the questions, republican candidates are being asked now. And in their vetting process, he was asked one time about Bill Ayers, an unrepentant terrorist, whom he had many associations with, boards, speeches, started his political career in his house. So, what are we to gain from this, looking at a controversial professor, he's a little younger here. Is it more controversial that he hung out with Ayers and Dohrn later in life and Jeremiah Wright? Or is this just a bigger picture, a broader pattern that. 
SHAPIRO: I think there is something different in kind here, right? I mean, if you look at Bernardine Dohrn and Bill Ayers, they associated with one another, they talked with one another. But we don't really know what they said to one another, we don't really know how they felt about one another. Obama has made a living basically distancing himself from people like Ayers and Dohrn and Jeremiah Wright and thrown them under the bus or what. Here, this is a clean bust. Right? He is not just saying, you know, I was just sitting in the pews. He wasn't just saying, you know, I just served -- he's saying open your hearts and your minds to the words of Professor Derrick Bell. 
So, if you're going to open up your hearts and your minds to the words of Professor Derrick Bell, well, if you wanted us to do that, now we actually have to look and what are the words of Professor Derrick Bell. And again, it's not 20 years ago. It's important to recognize that Derrick Bell and Barack Obama remained associates for the rest of Derrick Bell's life. He just died about a year ago. And Derrick Bell was writing Op-Ed in defense of Barack Obama and Jeremiah Wright during the 2008 election cycle. 
HANNITY: Yes, this does raised questions because President Obama did promised that he would be the most transparent president in American history. We have this issue, if we remember back in the 2008 campaign with the "Los Angeles Times," and they had this video in which Barack Obama lavished praise on Rashid Khalidi, who was a former mouthpiece of Yasser Arafat. That was released by the L.A. Times. So, as we look at this tape and we look at this -- yes, open your hearts and minds to Derrick Bell in this particular case. And we will get into more of his background here. What are people to grab from this? More than anything else, is it that Barack Obama -- seems to always gravitate towards the most radical people? 
SHAPIRO: There is no question about that. There is no question about that the other thing that, you know, we are going to talk about, obviously, is the fact that the media cover-up here was very real. Ogletree's cover up here was very real. And the fact is that, you know, what Andrew Breitbart stood for in his life was turning people into citizen journalists. It was the idea that we were not going to allow the elite media to decide what was a story and what was not a story. We weren't going to rely on them to vet the candidates. He said in that speech he played earlier Sean, that our job is to vet the president of the United States. That was Andrew's job, that's our job, that's everybody's job. And I think what is so important, honestly, what is amazing about this video in particular is this was seriously open to anyone. This was not hidden. We're actually able to find, it was hidden by them. But it wasn't hidden from the media. If the media had really wanted to do the leg work, they could have found this stuff. They could have tracked down, you know, just what was this association with Derrick Bell. Meanwhile, they are checking, you know, Sarah Palin's random emails. 
HANNITY: All right. I'll tell you, when we get back, we'll talk about why Professor Ogletree was bragging, I don't care if they look at it now and sounds like they were hiding it back then and the reasons for that, we're also going to look at the media and why they never asked questions about Ayers and Wright to the extent, or especially Bill Ayers in the case, only one time. And what this means in terms of what have did they know, when did they know it and what does it mean for journalism and the media in this country? 
And we'll have more of our exclusive look at the Obama tapes Andrew Breitbart had promised voters in his final days. 
Also, Michelle Malkin, Juan Williams, they'll weigh in with the reaction and also coming up tonight, you will see two congresswomen confronted on the issue of whether or not there is a double standard, as it relates to Bill Maher and his donation of $1 million to Obama's PAC, that and much more tonight on HANNITY. 
HANNITY: And we continue with our HANNITY exclusive tonight, a first look at the Obama tapes that the late Andrew Breitbart promised to release at CPAC this year. Rejoining me from, Joe Pollak and Ben Shapiro. All right. Let's go back to Professor Ogletree. Now, this is what, 2011. And this is him bragging, I don't care if they see it now because -- is he referring to having hidden them leading up to the 2008 election? Let's roll the tape. 
OGLETREE: What make this is so interesting when you think about it, it's -- of course, we hid this throughout the 2008 campaign. So, I don't care if they find it now. 
HANNITY: So he -- this is important. Explain, Joel, we will go to you. Explain how the media selectively edited this and you guys -- you are saying, releasing the whole thing. You are showing a hug that the media doesn't show. You are showing Ogletree who is saying, hey, wait a minute, we didn't want to you see this. Ha-ha-ha, I don't care if you get it now. Explain the media aspect of this? 
POLLAK: Well, the background is, there have been countless biographies and journalistic articles and accounts of Obama's time at Harvard Law School. And this speech that he gave about Derrick Bell is mentioned in referenced in many of them. But nobody bothered, either through laziness or active suppression, to find out what Obama said and what his connection was with Derrick Bell and to found out more about who Derrick Bell is and what he believed. In fact, it's amazing, if you look at all the articles, it's just unbelievable. And then for Ogletree to actually come back and say, hey, we kept this hidden during 2008. Now, PBS says, well, we aired some of it. 
HANNITY: Yes, I wanted to ask you about that. 
POLLAK: They didn't give you the audio. It's a slice-and-dice six ways to Sunday operation there, they tried to shift your eyes away from this relationship that Obama had with Bell and the admiration and endorsement that Obama gives to Bell. 
SHAPIRO: Yes, basically Sean, the way that it worked on PBS, was that PBS played the clips of him hugging bell, but they blacked out the audio. So, they had voices over, for the audios, you have no idea that Obama is actually saying open your heart, open your mind and all this kind of stuff. Apparently, you know, now BuzzFeed this morning released the audio. But then it was clipped at the end. So, you actually didn't have the audio and the hug in the same clip which just goes to show the length that they would go, even when they're releasing a story about President Obama that makes him look bad, the length that the media will go in order to prevent the whole kind of imagistic truth and images are so much more powerful that words. When you see him hugging Derrick Bell and you hear the words, that's when you get the full story. Now, when you get half, and now when you get the other half. 
HANNITY: Let me go into this a little more deeply. Because Ogletree is saying what we heard him say here. I don't care if they find it now. So, the media is releasing only selected portions of this including buzzfeed, they don't show the hug, they don't show Ogletree, they don't give the context of who Professor Derrick Bell is here. Now all of a sudden, buzzfeed releases it. Breitbart says, it's coming out. You guys announce it's going to come out on this show today. All of a sudden now, everyone is starting to show it. But only selective portions. Explain exactly what they are missing and why, because especially in light of all the Republicans being vetted -- fully. What does it mean that this didn't come out in 2008? And what else are we to expect here? 
POLLAK: What this means is that there is a well-known history of associations between Barack Obama and radical figures. And the media at each stage has done whatever it can to suppress it, either they don't report Reverend Wright's words or dismiss they Black Panther case. And in this case, they try to say, well, Bell was for racial diversity on campus. They always try to shift it away from President Barack Obama. We don't want to relitigate the 2008 election. That's not what Andrew wanted. Andrew wanted to go out there and say, look, we are going to do what the mainstream media has never done, we are going to vet Barack Obama and the fact that everyone is suddenly running around, looking for videotapes, that's exactly what Andrew wanted. This was his model of citizen journalism. And it's only when you put that out there and say, we are going to come after you that the mainstream media journalist get off their chairs and say, we got to find a way to spin this before somebody else find it. 
HANNITY: Let me see if I have, this wouldn't be a smoking gun, but it would do two things, it would be another brick in the foundation that I think proves a point I tried to make in 2007 and `08 that this candidate is far more radical, now president, as evidenced by the way he's governed, that he's far more radical than he let on, number one. Number two, the media never did its job. The media -- if George Stephanopoulos was on my radio show, the day before he asked one question about Bill Ayers. He started his campaign in his house, gave speeches set on board with the -- so, the real issue here is the media's culpability, they're look into every nuance of every republican, every word that Rick Santorum, Newt Gingrich, and Mitt Romney have ever said. But they won't do this to Obama. 
SHAPIRO: Do you think the tape that they found, it's been concealed. I mean, you mentioned the Khalidi tape, I mean, earlier this week for example, we released a poster showing Barack Obama's name on a poster for a play of couple love song, Saul Alinsky who's supposed to speak on a panel about it. Now, we know there's somebody who has a tape of the actually play. She says, she's not going to release it to protect Obama. This is how things have been working. And I think the one smoking gun here-- the only smoking gun here -- there are two smoking guns actually. First smoking gun is obviously people are covering things up. Period, end of story. Second smoking gun. 
HANNITY: You mean the media? 
SHAPIRO: .is Obama endorsing the words, yes, the media and academia by the way because Ogletree is not an academic. And by the way, you notice when he said there, he says, "we" hid this. Not I hid this. We hid this. Charles Ogletree was a debate coach for President Obama. So that's worth forth their investigation. The second smoking gun here is the ideological question which is Obama actually saying, open your hearts, open your minds to the words of Professor Derrick Bell. That means it's now time for us to investigate and that's what we'll be doing, the words and the actions of Professor Derrick Bell and how they relate to President Obama's ideology. 
HANNITY: All right. And by the way, for the record, we did call Professor Ogletree to get reaction to those comments, but I guess when you put it together, we got ACORN, we got Alinsky, we've got community organization, we got Ayers, we got Dohrn, we've got Wright, we've got Pfleger and we've got very few questions and on top of that, we also have very little information about his time at both Harvard and Columbia and a thesis. The question here is, I think the challenge for the media, and maybe I was right in 2008 and journalism or old journalism is dead and maybe this is the rise of new journalism, is there a lot more to expect from you guys? Final question. 
SHAPIRO: Oh, yes. We've got plenty more and there will be a lot of it released next week. 
HANNITY: All right. Guys, we will airing it right here. Thank you so much for being with us. And Professor Ogletree refused our invitation to respond. 
Coming up, we have to respond to this. We're going to have debate. We have Michelle Malkin, Juan Williams, they are here with reaction to these tapes and then President Obama ignores a reporter's attempt to ask about a Super PAC donation from Bill Maher. But he's not the only one avoiding questions. We have some hilarious footage. You don't want to miss this. Democratic lawmakers asked about Bill Maher and whether or not the President's PAC should return the money. Wait until you see them -- well -- not react. Straight ahead. 

HANNITY: And welcome back to HANNITY. Now, we play the tapes earlier tonight. And it's clear that President Obama's friends in both the media and academia do everything in their power to make sure that his past remains unvetted. 
Joining me now with more reaction, the author of the number one "New York Times" best-seller, "Culture of Corruption," Michelle Malkin, FOX News political analyst, Juan Williams. Michelle, it's interesting because people are writing all over the internet. And I've took to twitter and I said, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, this is not a smoking gun. All of it. I think two things were revealed in this tape. And that's what we discussed. One is another radical association of the President. And I think that was not vetted by the news media, you know, frontline can claim they ran the tape. But they didn't, they didn't run it and explain it and talk about who this professor was. And two, the media does not do their job. I want to get what your take on all of this? 
MICHELLE MALKIN, AUTHOR, "CULTURE OR CORRUPTION": Sure. Well, briefly, in short, we wouldn't be talking about this if not for the amazing super-natural force that is Andrew Breitbart. 
HANNITY: I agree. 
MALKIN: And one of the singular accomplishments and I said this last week, and I will continue to say it as we go through this election of Andrew Breitbart and the team that has survived him and is now thriving, is the fact that they refuse to cede, c-e-d-e, the narrative to the left. And it is about time that we vet the pres. That is now a very popular hash tag on twitter and launched a new company called And I think in a way, it's in the same spirit of Andrew Breitbart, of continuing to forge a revolutionary space, in new media to push back at the warped media. And look, this is a guy whose associations with people who believed in liberation theology, as you expose during the 2008 election cycle, Sean, and who embraced someone who believe in the radical extreme theory, called critical race theory, which blamed white people for everyone's guilt, which is poisonously anti-Semitic has never been scrutinized, by reporters who will send an entire armies down to Texas, to go literally turn over rocks to try and smear. 
HANNITY: That is the story. That to me is the biggest part of this. Look, I think the smoking gun, as it relates to President Obama is the last three-and-a-half years of his failure and to get the job done. But Juan's going to disagree. But I don't want to get off the topic. Here's the important thing. You see the scrutiny of all the Republicans -- on everything. 
HANNITY: You know, one question on Bill Ayers. Here's a controversial professor by any objective measure. 
HANNITY: If the video existed, the media knew it existed, they never put it in this proper context, they never showed people, they never explain who this professor was and then you've got Professor Ogletree bragging, I don't care if they see it now, we got him elected, basically is what he's saying. 
WILLIAMS: Well, first of all, I must say, I thought this was going to be so much more. I thought this was going to be the smoking gun, as you describe it. But it really didn't come too much. I mean, I just don't think that there is. 
HANNITY: The pattern of hanging out with. 
WILLIAMS: Oh, no, no, no. 
HANNITY: But it's not a secret, if you are talking about who Barack Obama was as a young man growing up and who his role models were in terms of prominent people in the black community, who were involved in leadership of the civil rights, when Derrick Bell was a guy who was with the legal defense, when people like -- Marshal Bobcar (ph), that's who he is. And he was very much involved, as Michelle was just saying, in terms of critical race theory. Something that is radical. Something that I don't agree with. But that's who he was. And he comes out of his experience and going out to Mississippi in fighting the most virulent races in this country. That's who the man was. For him to be a role model to Barack Obama, OK. But I don't know that it was that guilt by association. 
HANNITY: I think the question here is Michelle. 
MALKIN: Oh, come on! 
HANNITY: Where is the media asking any of these questions? 
WILLIAMS: But I knew about it. You knew about it. 
HANNITY: No, I never saw the tape. 
MALKIN: No, no, no! I reject this idea that we should just shrug our shoulders and buy the PVS buzz feed line that there is nothing new here. Stop it! This is news! 
They didn't want to talk about it then and they don't want to talk about it now. Do you think this is a coincidence of timing that Barack Obama has now hired people to put out some 17-minute documentary? 
This is all about the control of who tells the story. Guess what, Barack Obama! It is not all your monopoly anymore. That's why they are pushing back so hard. 
HANNITY: All right. 
MALKIN: It is not nothing. It is very crucial. 
HANNITY: Thank you, Juan. Thanks, Michelle. Appreciate you being with us. 
By Joel B. Pollak,

Earlier today, Buzzfeed’s Ben Smith announced on Twitter that video researcher Andrew Kaczynski had released “the mysterious Harvard/Obama/race video that the Breitbart folks have been talking about.” …
However, the video has been selectively edited--either by the Boston television station or by Buzzfeed itself. Over the course of the day, will be releasing additional footage that has been hidden by Obama's allies in the mainstream media and academia. Editor-in-Chief Joel Pollak and Editor-at-Large Ben Shapiro will appear on The Sean Hannity Show to discuss the tape. The full tape will be released tonight on Fox News' Hannity. Read more at

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