Friday, December 14, 2012

Holder Was Responsible For 168 Deaths In The 1995 Oklahoma City Bombing…and More

Holder Was Responsible For 168 Deaths In The 1995 Oklahoma City Bombing…and More

questions about this article which appears below from Doug Book:
I wrote this piece yesterday evening, basing its content on several items. The first was an article on the American Free Press. Although the link is above, the article is no longer available! In any event, the first 3 paragraphs of my piece in particular present the information found in that article. The quote from Jesse Trentadue was taken from the first link presented above: yasbybic, etc.
The connections between Jesse Trentadue, Holder and the Clinton DOJ, McVeigh, the OK City bombing and the soon-to-be heavily censored Newsweek article were all covered in the “” link above. It helped support the information presented in the two articles I’ve already mentioned. The other links above provide some very informative background info.
With the sudden disappearance of the American Free Press link, Western–I assume–decided the piece was not sufficiently sourced and attributed for publication on their site. Though I made a copy of that American FP article, no site should remove a story in which it has confidence without some explanation of its actions. Apparently, American lost confidence in the article it had published.
Frankly, I have not lost confidence in the story. I had originally intended to write a short follow up for posting on CiR sometime Sat or Sun. But I hope to be posting something far sooner, drawing more in-depth connections between the Clinton Dept of Justice, Eric Holder, PATCON, Newsweek, Kenneth Trentadue’s death and the work of his brother Jesse–more in-depth than the info presented in the above piece.
It may well take a number of articles, but I believe there is a story here. The character and history of Eric Holder MAKE it believable.
I’ve included a link to a letter/fax sent to Sen Patrick Leahy by Jesse Trentadue in 2008 concerning the looming appointment of Holder to the post of Atty Gen by Obama. It is a VERY interesting read. Please take a look at it if you are able.
Doug Book
Editors Update: This story was originally published at and was written by Doug Book. Much of what is alleged in the article is not document-able at this time because the documents have been removed from this page. We are currently attempting to contact the people responsible for the documents. We apologize for not more thoroughly vetting the documents when the story came to us. It may be part of an elaborate disinformation campaign.
eric holder 7644 Holder was responsible for 168 deaths in the 1995 Oklahoma City bombing…and more
Original article begins here:
Documents obtained by Salt Lake City attorney Jesse Trentadue in a Freedom of Information Act lawsuit show then Clinton Deputy Attorney General Eric Holder authorized members of the FBI to provide explosives to Oklahoma City bombing criminals Timothy McVeigh and Terry Nichols immediately prior to the April, 1995 bombing of the Alfred P. Murrah building.
Holder had authorized the FBI to provide the explosives to McVeigh and Nichols in conjunction with a Clinton Administration undercover operation named PATCON, an acronym for “Patriot Conspiracy.” As Jesse Trentadue describes it, “PATCON was designed to infiltrate and incite… militia[s] and evangelical Christians to violence so that the Department of Justice could crush them.”  (1)
Both Waco and Ruby Ridge are now known to have been PATCON inspired, Department of Justice plots.
Shortly after the Oklahoma City bombing, Holder instructed FBI agents to recover from Terry Nichols any remainder of the explosives the Bureau had provided him and McVeigh. To the chagrin of Eric Holder, the explosives were later discovered by another agency, complete with the fingerprints of Nichols, McVeigh and 2 FBI agents. Holder had reportedly offered Nichols respite from the death penalty for his cooperation in recovering the explosives.  Obviously the Deputy Attorney General considered covering up his criminal complicity in the bombing eminently worth sparing Nichols just punishment for the murders of 168 innocent Americans.
Jesse Trentadue accidentally came across PATCON while investigating the murder of his brother Kenneth at the hands of the Clinton Department of Justice. An FBI informant familiar with the Oklahoma City bombing story, Kenneth was found hanged in his cell after having been jailed by the FBI. Though an official FBI report had listed Kenneth as a suicide, it was obvious that he had been severely beaten and his throat cut. (Link to Picture Of Kenneth Trentadue’s Body: Warning: May Be Disturbing To Some)
Upon Jesse taking the federal government to court, a federal judge ruled that the FBI had not only lied about Kenneth Trentadue’s death, the Bureau was also found guilty of having destroyed evidence concerning the case. In 2001 the Trentadue family was awarded $1.1 million, $250,000 of which remains a reward for information leading to the conviction of Kenneth Trentadue’s killers.
In late November, Newsweek magazine was to run a story revealing the history of PATCON, the Oklahoma City bombing complete with the part played by Eric Holder, the FBI initiated killings at Waco and Ruby Ridge and the subsequent murder of Kenneth Trentadue. But as Mike Vanderboegh,  owner of the Sipsey Street Irregulars blog reports, Newsweek senior editor Tina Brown was “convinced” by members of the Clinton and Obama Administrations to remove certain information from the lengthy R M Schneiderman article. So although originally approved for publication by Newsweek editor John Solomon, the article which finally appeared in the magazine had been cut to pieces, undoubtedly providing great relief to Holder, Clinton, Clinton Attorney General Janet Reno and many other current and former members of the Department of Justice. (Editor: Mike Vanderboegh Obtained Excerpts from Original Article)
It hardly needs pointed out that this and other extraordinary stories of corruption and facilitation of murder by the Clinton and Obama Administrations stink to high heaven. A number of links for further reading have been provided below. Rest assured that we at will continue to pursue the stories of PATCON, Fast and Furious and any other examples of executive branch corruption. It’s doubtful we will want for material.

Use this site to contact your Congressional Representative:

"Attorney General Holder Tied to OKC Bombers." Or, not.

A lot of you have sent me this link from American Free Press: "Attorney General Holder Tied to OKC Bombers."
Huh? More than a bit perplexed, I sent out this email to Jesse Trentadue and another man well familiar with the case and the documents:
OK, I haven't seen this in the PATCON material. What am I missing?
I heard back first from the expert:
Mike -- I don't think this is based on PATCON documents at all... pretty sure its' about Roger Moore and FOIA documents Jesse got relative to the 2005 find of explosives cache in Terry Nichols crawl space of his former home in Herington KS... there may be a PATCON connection, but it's not documented (yet). Jesse might have different view, but I don't think so.
Not long after, Jesse Trentadue replied:
I wish it were true, but it is not. I agree with REDACTED, it was probably written out of context. I have no inkling who the author is nor any idea as to his credibility. It was probably cobbled from web information. There is so much out there, including my brother Kenney being John Doe 2 and murdered because of it.
I am working with all of these documents, both those that are strictly PATCON as well as the Trentadue OKC discovery material, which overlap. If none of us know the source of this story, which cites Jesse's FOIA search, then I'm prepared to label it disinformation. The Internet is a tricky place. Caveat lector.

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