Friday, December 14, 2012

Connecticut School shooting - false flag?

Re: Connecticut School shooting - false flag?

The shooter will be a released to the media as a white republican. In reality it will have been a CIA agent. The killer was wearing combat gear and wielded quality weapons (a glock and sig sauer.) But Obama and his Jew overlords didn't want to hurt any precious dark children so white children and kids were hit instead.

If one of the teachers had a small caliber sidearm and had been trained to use it, the death toll would be much lower.
If the Axis had won WWII we would be speaking German.

But the Allies won so now we will be speaking Arabic.
 A person has to be let in to the school, they could have been in there overnight.

The other option is that their security is lax or they knew the shooter.

Supposedley he was wearing a mask? who would let a masked person into the building or why would he put on a mask once he got in?

What's with the masks. Is it a drama effect?

Asking questions is good.

Now reporting that the mother of the shooter is dead in her home.

1 comment:

  1. When I first saw it on the news here (Europe) I couldn't believe this atrocity, but also the word "gun control" came to my mind. I don't know what exactly is going on in America right now but I do remember they are pushing for that.
