Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Radiological and Nuclear Incidents

U.S. Department of State
Washington, D.C.
Guidance for Responding to Radiological and Nuclear Incidents

Disclaimer: Although the information in this circular is provided for general information, the Department of State is not the lead government agency on radiological or nuclear incidents and cannot make any warranty regarding the information. At present, there is no one government agency that has taken the lead responding to nuclear or radiological incidents. As always, we will share with American citizens any information we receive regarding threats to their safety.
This fact sheet provides guidance on what to do in the event of three types of nuclear/radiological events: dispersal of radioactive materials by a radiation dispersal device (RDD); detonation of a nuclear weapon; and an accidental/intentional nuclear power plant release. Taking the correct actions before and after an incident could significantly increase the chance of survival and reduce the medical consequences of the incident.
Radiological Dispersal Devices
Radiological dispersal devices (RDDs) may be improvised explosive devices, also called "dirty bombs," but can include non-explosive devices that could be used to spread radioactive material as well. It is not necessary to use a bomb to disperse radioactive materials; these materials come in solids, liquids, and powdered forms, which can be spread covertly. The major impact of a dirty bomb is produced by the blast and the fear and panic that will ensue. RDDs are not very effective means for exposing large numbers of people to lethal doses of radiation.
Unlike a nuclear detonation, RDDs are likely to affect relatively small areas, and the most effective protection is to leave the affected area. Do not shelter-in place. If there is a possibility that the suspected device has explosives attached, it should be treated as a bomb. Do not reenter the contaminated area. Individuals evacuating a contaminated area should be decontaminated immediately and seek medical attention. Decontamination is most easily achieved by simply taking a shower, washing effectively, and changing into clean clothing.
Do not use Potassium Iodide (KI). Unfortunately radioactive materials can range from conventional weapons isotopes, to materials used in medical and industrial processes. KI should be administered only by health professionals and only if the radiation contamination is identified as being radioactive iodine. With the radioactive isotope unknown, KI administration is not recommended. Potassium iodide, without the presence of radioactive iodine, will cause negative health effects in certain groups of people. Radioactive iodine is very difficult to obtain, and is not considered a likely isotope to be used in an RDD incident.
Food Safety. As noted above, radioactive particles in food or water may be harmful if consumed. Food in tightly covered containers (cans, bottles, plastic, and boxes) will be safe to eat or drink if you dust or wipe off the containers. Be sure to wash fruit and vegetables and peel them carefully. Water will be safe if it is in covered containers, or if it has come from covered wells, or from undamaged and uncontaminated water systems.
If exposure to an RDD is suspected, seek medical assistance as soon as possible. Radioactivity from an area of fallout may produce illness in the unprotected individual immediately or after a few days. Radiation illness cannot be spread to other people. A combination of loss of hair, loss of appetite, increasing paleness, weakness, diarrhea, sore throat, bleeding gums and easy bruising indicate that the individual requires medical attention for exposure to radiation.
Nuclear Detonations
A nuclear detonation, with the resultant radiation, blast and thermal injuries, would be a catastrophic event. In addition to the nuclear fallout and associated damage to structures, a nuclear detonation will severely disrupt civil authority and infrastructure, complicating evacuations and re-establishment of normal operations within a country. All nuclear detonations have four factors in common: blast effect, thermal radiation, ionizing radiation, and electro-magnetic pulse.
Blast effects are dynamic winds and static overpressure. Dynamic winds are much like those experienced during a hurricane, although more localized and of higher velocity. In addition to blowing down structures, these winds can pick up debris that can damage other objects and persons due to their high velocity. Static overpressure is the increase in pressure when the blast wave surrounds an object. Static overpressure has a crushing effect on hollow objects and can crush buildings and damage internal organs. A 10-kiloton nuclear surface detonation will create a crater 600 feet in diameter, 170 feet deep, and have serious destructive blast effects for 1.2 miles. \
Thermal radiation is the intense heat and light released by a nuclear burst. It can cause temporary or permanent blindness, burns and fires. Burns can be related to the blast (flash burns) or a result of secondary fires. A 10-kiloton surface nuclear detonation will generate serious skin burns for up to about 1.3 miles. Severe eye injury leading to blindness can occur from looking directly at the blast many miles beyond the range at which all other immediate effects occur.
Ionizing radiation is the radiation produced by a nuclear detonation. Outside of the detonation zone this is the most critical issue for survivors. Initially, there is an intense burst of gamma and neutron radiation that travels outward from ground zero with the thermal radiation. Soil below the fireball can also become radioactive. The material from the bomb that is not consumed in the explosion, as well as debris incorporated into the fireball and made radioactive, will return to earth as radioactive fallout. This fallout will emit gamma, alpha, and beta radiation. Amounts of radiation experienced with a detonation depend on the method of detonation (air, surface or subsurface), what the components of the bomb are, and what type of bomb it is: fission (explosion and radiation) or fission-fusion (an initial nuclear explosive component that triggers a bigger reaction/explosion and radiation release). Environmental conditions, weather patterns, rain, wind, and terrain can greatly influence the effects of the blast and the resultant fallout. Electro-magnetic pulse (EMP) is another effect of an aboveground or air nuclear detonation. This intense magnetic field has the ability to adversely affect or destroy unshielded electronic equipment by burning/fusing the internal circuits. A burst of EMP will disrupt and destroy communications equipment. EMP affects all modern electronic components. A strong EMP will nullify radio, television, cell phone, and telephone communications. Ground burst detonations may generate EMP up to 2 miles from the point of detonation.
Preparation for and Response to Nuclear Detonations
The two most important issues for survivors of a nuclear detonation are shelter and decontamination. The importance of sheltering in place, preferably inside a sealed room, for at least the first 48 hours after a nuclear detonation can not be over-emphasized. The most lethal threat to persons in a contaminated area after a blast is exposure to and ingestion of radioactive fallout. Focus planning efforts on preparing shelter and supplies, and on understanding and providing for decontamination.
Provision should be made for some form of immediate shelter. It is essential to put as much physical mass between yourself, the blast and the resultant radiation as possible. Identify locations in your residence and place of work which offer the greatest protection. Ideal places are basements and other reinforced underground space. As an alternative, windowless interior spaces should be considered, above ground to protect from surface radiation. A windowless room on a mid-level floor of a high-rise affords the most protection from radioactive fallout on the ground and on roof surfaces.
In the event of a nuclear explosion, seek shelter immediately in a space that offers the most protection. It is anticipated sheltering will be needed for no less than 48 hours. The radioactivity in fallout weakens rapidly in the first hours after an explosion. This weakening is called "decay". After seven hours, fallout has lost about 90% of the strength it had one hour after the explosion. After two days it has lost 99%; in two weeks 99.9% of its strength is gone. Nevertheless, if the radiation at the beginning were high enough, the remaining 0.1% could be dangerous. Ideally, plan to stay in the shelter until radiation has been measured and the appropriate authorities have announced that it is safe to come out. Radiation effects are cumulative; the effects depend on level and duration of exposure.
Ensure emergency supplies are ready. You should prepare to remain sheltered for at least 48 hours, but if may be necessary to remain sheltered for up to 14 days and, therefore, have 14 days of food, water, medicines, first aid and personal supplies on-hand. Have a battery-powered radio available in order to monitor emergency frequencies often.
Prepare to decontaminate individuals exposed to fallout : The objective of decontamination is to remove the particles of radioactive dirt or dust that have come in contact with the skin or clothes. Potentially contaminated clothing and other items should be removed or discarded prior to entering the shelter area. Simply taking a shower, washing effectively, and changing into clean clothes will generally decontaminate effectively. Bleach should not be used to decontaminate, and never used directly on skin or to scrub skin or wounds. Ideally, the water used for all purposes, including hygiene, should be stockpiled from safe sources and placed in sealed containers. The water used for decontamination must be contained and covered or drained outside of the shelter area to avoid shelter contamination.
In a nuclear detonation, medical resources will be quickly overwhelmed. Traumatic injuries and burns are the most immediate consequences of a nuclear detonation and require conventional medical and surgical care. Critical points to remember are: The injured are not radioactive and pose no danger to first responders; stabilizing injuries are the first priority, decontamination comes second; injured personnel should have wounds decontaminated by medically trained personnel if possible. Vigorous scrubbing disrupts the skin, potentially embedding radioactive particles into tissue.
Radiation sickness may also follow. Nausea and general weakness are the immediate effects of significant radiation exposure. Delayed effects can appear days to weeks later and may involve the central nervous, immune, and gastro-intestinal systems. Generally, no specific therapy for radiation exposure is immediately necessary, beyond routine supportive care for victims. There are few drugs available to counteract radiation from a nuclear detonation. These require sophisticated medical oversight and hospitalization, which are seldom available in an emergency setting, and will most likely be only available when evacuation is possible.
Food Safety . Radioactive particles in food or water may be harmful if consumed. Food in tightly covered containers (cans, bottles, plastic, and boxes) is safe to consume if the containers are dusted or wiped off. Fruit and vegetables should be washed and peeled carefully. Water will generally be safe if it is in covered containers or has come from covered wells or undamaged/uncontaminated water systems. Reverse-osmosis water filtration systems will remove fallout contamination. If sheltering extends beyond 14 days, animal products, including milk and meat should not be consumed if they are from sources that may have been fed contaminated grains or grasses. Fresh fruits and vegetables picked from contaminated soils should not be consumed.
Antidotes such as potassium iodide (KI) are not/not helpful in a nuclear detonation. KI is useful in response to a nuclear reactor mishap, where radioactive iodine release is a hazard. Radioactive iodine is not significantly present after a nuclear detonation, so KI is not useful in these circumstances.
Nuclear Power Plant Release
In general, the shelter preparedness and response recommendations for responding to a nuclear detonation also apply to the situation of an accidental or intentional release of radioactive material from a nuclear power plant with exceptions as noted below.

Accidents may occur at nuclear power plants resulting in the release of a plume of radioactive particles into the atmosphere that can create fallout. Due to differences in nuclear fuels and the resultant reactions that take place when a reactor accident occurs, the radioactive elements of this fallout (called isotopes) from a nuclear power plant accident are not the same as those found in fallout from the detonation of a nuclear device.
Use of potassium iodide: KI is an antidote almost exclusively used in the aftermath of reactor incidents. KI counters the effects of radioactive iodine internally ingested or inhaled in fallout.
Shelter in Place: Even though exposures are more localized, shelter should be prepared as noted above (nuclear detonation). Seek shelter unless other instructions for evacuation are given.
Decontamination in the aftermath of a nuclear reactor incident will be required in the immediate vicinity and downwind of the mishap. Critical health and safety issues include eliminating exposure to isotopes that have contaminated the food and water chain. It is critical to avoid vegetable and fruit grown in contaminated soil or products from animals fed on grass or grains from contaminated soil. Individuals in areas deemed not contaminated do not need to take any protective measures except avoiding food exported from contaminated areas.

Water Purification of Radioactive Particles

The government should be telling people of the radiation dangers and of the need for iodine supplementation as well as appropriate filtering of all drinking water. Water is our most important medicine and before the end of the year I will have my Water Based Medicine book published. For now though one can go to my new water site and see some of the materials I have written or am working with.
Most of us think of “food and water” in that order, when we think of survival essentials. Very few Americans have ever experienced painful thirst. We have had plenty of water to drink in the west but the quality of that water is poor and getting worse. Now in addition to the fluoride and numerous other contaminants, we have increasing radiation to filter out.
I have been asked for years to recommend systems for water purification. Under the pressure of the Fukushima disaster it has become even more imperative that we filter our water, and that filtering process needs to include the capacity to remove radioactive nuclide particles.
A Seattle nuclear watchdog group is accusing the federal government of failing to keep the public informed of radiation from the Fukushima nuclear disaster. Most of the public attention went to the air monitoring which showed little or no radiation coming our way. But things were different on the rain water side. "The level that was detected on March 24 was 41 times the drinking water standard," said Gerry Pollet. "Our government said no health levels, no health levels were exceeded. When in fact the rain water in the Northwest is reaching levels 130 times the drinking water standards," said Pollet. Don’t be fooled by the mass media. Radiation exposures have gone up across the northern hemisphere meaning one does need to be concerned.
In times past I have recommended water distillation systems, a gravity system, and even an iodine straw. But in the post Fukushima world I will be recommending inexpensive but effective reverse osmosis machines that will provide the most dependable way of removing radioactive particles.
Below is the best and most economical counter top water filter I could find and recommend to remove radioactive particles as well as fluoride. It is your basic reverse osmosis filter with nine other filtration stages. It is a tabletop unit with exceptionally low operating costs of about 10 dollars a month. After two years you just replace the entire system or all the filter elements, which is essentially the same thing. Though this system has a slow drip rate compared to units with tanks that store the water for a more on demand supply, its lack of tank is actually more sanitary.
The above link takes you to a site with many different water systems. You have to go to the Reverse Osmosis page and scroll all the way down for this particular Crystal Quest 50 GPD counter top 10-stage system that provides safe, pure, high quality drinking water with a capacity of up to 50 gallons per day using Reverse Osmosis technology.  The 50 GPD equates to a production of approximately 2 gallons per hour.
Many more expensive systems are available but this one will take care of most people’s needs. One can attach an optional natural alkalizer/ionizer, mineralizer, and oxidation cartridge for another 57 dollars adding six more stages to the final water output quality. So for 226 dollars one can have some of the finest water imaginable. This system easily competes against more expensive systems.
When it comes to filters, the technology used is mission critical with cheap or inappropriate filters being almost as bad as no filter at all. This has always been true regarding the poisonous fluoride put into public water supplies and is now just as important for the effective removal of radiation contamination.

US Government Approved

It is rare indeed when I agree with the American government on anything. Reverse-osmosis water filtration systems will remove fallout contamination, according to the United States government. Dr. Roy Speiser also agrees with the government saying, “To protect your drinking water from radioactive contaminants the best filtration equipment solution is reverse osmosis. It should be noted that many water supplies in the United States are already contaminated by naturally-occurring radioactivity including: uranium, strontium, radium 226, 228, alpha and beta particles. The levels of these radioactive contaminants are usually below the maximum concentration level (MCL) allowed by the government, but long-term ingestion… even at low levels… may not be safe.”
According to the EPA, the following treatment method(s) have proven to be effective in removing radionuclides at levels below their MCLs:
  • Beta Particle and Photon Radiation: ion exchange and reverse osmosis;
  • (Gross) Alpha Emitters: reverse osmosis;
  • Radium 226 and Radium 228 (combined): ion exchange, reverse osmosis, lime softening;
  • Uranium: Ion exchange, reverse osmosis, lime softening, coagulation/filtration.
This more complete system below costs 249 dollars. This same company offers a wide variety of reverse osmosis systems that take one all the way up to over 500 dollars if one is looking for super state-of-the-art systems for professional use.
This is your more traditional reverse osmosis system for under the sink and it comes with a three-gallon reservoir. When you visit this company’s site you’ll see their full lineup of systems. I present their two low-end systems but they are not low-end in terms of the quality of the job they do.
Radiation has been detected in the drinking water of dozens of U.S. cities making it increasingly important to purify your water. EPA officials claim that radiation levels are still too low to affect human health at this time but these are the last people we can trust to protect our families.

For Pregnant Mothers and the Young

Unhealthy drinking water affects children in different ways than it does adults. There is cause for special concern for the health of children who drink tap water.[1] - Natural Resources Defense Council
This information is especially important for parents because radiation triples or more its effects during the growth phase of cells. Fetuses in the womb are very sensitive to radiation just as are bone marrow cells since they are the fastest growing cells in the body. Dr. John W. Apsle warns us that the real threat is not from high levels of radiation but from extremely low levels of radiation that burrow into our tissues.
Babies are not being protected in the womb. Fetuses are under attack from hundreds of industrial chemicals, pollutants and pesticides that are pumped back and forth from mother to baby through umbilical cord blood so it is absolutely essential that pregnant women drink the most highly purified water they can. Organic food also can make all the difference to the developing fetuses in terms of reducing toxins found in their blood streams.
The medical media uses fear to turn the population into passive accomplices instead of educating them in real ways to protect themselves against radiation or anything else. The medical media has abandoned the very reason of its existence and that would be to provide unbiased truthful medical information.
Instead they print falsehoods and deceptions and totally misleading information from doctors like William McBride, professor of radiation oncology at the UCLA Cancer Center who was quoted by the LA Times telling people not to bother to do anything to protect themselves. “There’s no evidence, he says, that anything at a health food store or grocery store could really protect you from nuclear fallout. And in some cases, he warns, the remedies could be more dangerous than the radiation,” published the Times.
And of course they would be saying that there is no need to filter your water because there is nothing dangerous in it to filter out. Those who would have us poison our kids with fluoride are the same ones who officially maintaining that there is no radiation danger when there is.

Related posts:

  1. Radioactive Currents and Winds
  2. Denial of Chemical & Radioactive Dangers
  3. Fluoridated Water—The Ultimate Evil

10 Responses to “Water Purification of Radioactive Particles”

Great information here usual!! Alot of water filtration systems have zeolite in them. I am so surprised at the general lack of knowledge regarding zeolite as a method to remove radiation and other radioactive particles. There is historical, antedotal and published proof that zeolite is the most effective means of removing radiation.
The only vague thing I have heard regarding zeolite and Fukishima is that they were dumping bags of it into the sea to try to collect some of the radiation, AND some one was arrested in Japan soon after the disaster for selling zeolite as an unapproved drug to protect against radiation poisoning.. Go figure that!! They should have been giving it to children like they did in Bulgaria after Chernobyl, instead of denying the problem.
The research on the use of Zeolite in Chernobyl show that giving 1-2 zeolite cookies per day cleared all radiation after 3 days for adults and children.
Zeolite powders primarily remove the radioactive minerals from the intestines, whereas the NCD Zeolite, which is micronized and purified, not only cleans the gut, but moves through the intestines into the body’s tissues and circulatory system to remove radiation particles from the blood and brain.
This is remarkable. NCD Zeolite plays an important role against radioactive minerals, which it specifically chelates throughout the body. This is the most powerful chelating agent we have available to us and I strongly recommend 10 drops, 4 times daily for maintenance and up to 10 drops 6 times, daily, for acute exposure.
NCD has also proven very effective in removing depleted uranium from the system. It is the number one chelating agent for all types of radioactive minerals. Don’t use cheap zeolite products, you need something with a quantifiable absorption capacity and published studies.
Clay is also excellent for chelating radioactive materials out of the intestines. It is a negativly charged mineral, it works like the powdered zeolite ONLY IN THE INTESTINES. It is best to use if there is a major exposure.

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