Syrian Ministry of Foreign Affairs (

Within the stash you will find details about cargo flights from Russia, each containing 30 tons of fresh Syrian Cash, as ProPublica has already reported today. Furthermore you will find lulzy documents such as scanned passports from Syrian ministers (PDF) and details about arms transportation from Ukraine, as shown in our teaser here (email/txt) and here (overflight permission for Iran, PDF). Most of the material is in Arabic and we invite all arabic speakers to look through the mails for interesting documents. Feel free to contact us on IRC if you have information or questions.
Media Feedback:
- Michael Grabell, Dafna Linzer, and Jeff Larson: To Retrieve Attack Helicopters from Russia, Syria Asks Iraq for Help, Documents Show (ProPublica, Nov 29, 2012)
- Simon Shuster: Is Russia Running a Secret Supply Route to Arm Syria’s Assad? (Time Magazine, Nov 29, 2012)
- Mark Schoofs and Jeff Larson: Syria Claims Turkey Committed “Air Piracy,” New Documents Say (ProPublica, Nov 27, 2012)
View Emails · (mirror) · Full Archive (rendered, 925mb tgz) · Full Archive (MBOX, 686mb tgz) · Torrent · Nov 26, 2012

Frane Maroevic, Deputy Head of Press and Information for the OSCE stated that "due to the sensitivity of the issue, the OSCE was unable to comment any further". Let us comment then, with another 55mb of internal documents from OSCE Vienna, dating upto today (November 11th), two days after the publication of Jeffrey's article. Again, many of the documents are marked as restricted; for example the report on "Efforts in the field of arms control agreements and confidence– and security–building measures" (PDF, 150kb) which concludes unsurprisingly that the meeting's result was "below expectations".
We can't help to notice the irony of this release, as the OSCE is currently running a program to train Ukrainian police in Cybercrime (translation). Maybe the OSCE can include this incident in their program; Monday would be a good idea, because the OSCE Informal Working Group 1039 will have a meeting on cyber security as we can see in this restricted document (PDF, 450kb).
The source of the data has provided a statement along with the files. As usual, feel free to browse the files using the links below. Most documents are English, some Russian; many restricted and you'll find things like scans of diplomatic passports as well.
Media Feedback:
- Steve Ragan: Anonymous Raids European Organization Over Ukrainian Elections (Securityweek, Nov 12, 2012)
- Jeffrey Carr: OSCE's Cyber Security Confidence Building Measures Revealed by Anonymous (Digital Dao, Nov 13, 2012)
Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE) Vienna (

The material was presented to us to bring attention to the attempted election manipulation in the Ukraine; the following statement was released with the data:
As you may all know the situation in Ukraine is getting worse;
today the opposition force VO BATKIVSHYNA initiated the revokation of
its candidates. This statement was made by Anatoly Gritsenko, one of the
opposition leaders heavily supported by the Russian oligarch Viktor
Vekselberg and massive funding by the FSB operatives.
This is all done to cancel the results of this election and
initiate procedures to start new election campaign - with only one
intent to drain resources from the opposition (which has no money for
the 2nd tour) so the Russian government and the rulling party of Ukraine
eventualy win the 2nd tour with great leverage.
Anatoly Gritsenko and Arseny Yatsenyuk are engaged in
cooperative tactial destruction of the Real Opposition forces, acting on
behalf of former president Leonid Kuchma and the rulling party. We
cannot let this happen, there should be no 2nd tour of elections,
otherwise Ukraine becomes the gang-rapped puppet of the Russian Empire.
OSCE mission was to protect the elections and report evidence of
massive falsifications and violations, but they failed to do so by
issuing statements that the elections did go the right way with minimum
violations. We can not tollerate mass murder of Ukraine Democracy and we
do not tollerate Rusian pressure on OSCE with intend to cover up the
violations of election procedures.
While the data retrieved does not specifically relate to this incident, it shows a lot of internal dealings within the OSCE, many of the documents are classified or confidential. Most of the data is in English but there are also German files within the stash. As usual, feel free to browse and download the files using the links below.
Media Feedback:
- Lorraine Murphy: Anonymous attacks top European security organization—twice (Dailydot, Nov 13, 2012
- Jeffrey Carr: OSCE's Cyber Security Confidence Building Measures Revealed by Anonymous (Digital Dao, Nov 13, 2012)
- Jeffrey Carr: OSCE Breached; Internal Documents Posted by Anonymous (Digitial Dao, Nov 9, 2012)
Italian State Police (

Obviously the data is in Italian, thus limited information is available at this time. But several Italian researchers are busy with assessing the material already. We like to point out the sample folder which contains assorted material from the archives, like details about wiretaps from Telcom Italia and confidential technical information about interception devices. An Italian statement about the release can be found here.
Feel free to use the links at the bottom to explore the data, especially if you speak Italian. We will update this section when new relevant information comes up.
Media Links
- Tom's Hardware Italia: La Polizia minimizza sull'attacco informatico di Anonymous
- Reuters Italia: Anonymous pubblica online migliaia documenti riservati polizia
- Giornalettismo: Così la Polizia bracca i No Tav
- Il Mattino: Anonymous viola il sito della polizia e pubblica i documenti top secret
- L'Espresso: On line i segreti della polizia
- Anonymous svela i segreti della polizia: 3.500 file, dai no tav agli agenti infiltrati
- Anonymous attacca la Polizia Postale
- Analysis: Documents reveal Italian National Police plans for October 15th 2011 demonstration (
Browse all files · Full Archive (1.1GB, zip) · Torrent (magnet) · Download Mirror · TOR Mirror · Oct 23, 2012
Chamber of Mines of South Africa (

A pack of renegade kittens has looked into the Chamber Of Mines of South Africa to get some information on how the industry is seeing this issue. They passed on a small archive of files (23mb total) which contains a number of documents that seem relevant in this light. For instance, you might want to read a report by the Mine Health and Safety Council (MHSC) about fatalities due to rockfalls and falls to ground.
Among the data you will find some confidential and strictly confidential classified material such as the MHSC Annual Report 2011/2012 or information requested by the Gold Producers Commitee about the terms and conditions of Rock Drill Operators.
It is possible that more documents will emerge in the near future so stay tuned for updates. In the meantime feel free to use the information as you see fit.
UPDATE Nov 6, 2012: The independent media organization Associated Whistle Press ( have taken a closer look at the accident report due to rockfalls by the MHSC:
- Analysis: Leaked report proves negligence in South African mines (
Browse all files · Full Archive (17mb, bz2) · Oct 13, 2012
Chinese Ministry of Commerce (

Not all documents have been assessed yet but the Russian press already noted that one document, obtained from the Chinese foreign office in Minsk indicates relations between the notorious Russian mob boss Marat Balagula and high ranking Ukrainian politicians. Find the original news in Russian here, for the Google translation click here. Another noteworthy article on that can be found on (English translation).
We will update this section when new information is available.
NYPD Video Footage of 2011 OWS Zuccotti Park Eviction

Before the raid, the NYPD cordoned-off Zuccotti Park and kept the media a few blocks away, out of sight of the eviction, a matter of widespread concern at the time:
• "Reporters Say Police Denied Access to Protest Site", Brian Stelter and Al Baker, New York Times Media Decoder blog, 15 November 2011
• Occupy Wall Street: NYPD attempt media blackout at Zuccotti Park", Dominic Rushe, The Guardian, 15 November 2011
• "The NYPD Didn't Want You To See Occupy Wall Street Get Evicted", The Gothamist, 15 November 2011
During the night's events, members of the NYPD's Technical Assistance Response Unit (TARU) shot over 60 hours of handheld, monopod-based and CCTV video footage. Few independent media livestreamers and protesters were able to get footage during the November 15th raid and eviction, making the NYPD's own video an important part of the historical record. A 16-minute compilation was uploaded to YouTube on September 24th, 2012.
It seems the most likely source of the footage, released by Anonymous on September 23rd, 2012, was a "discovery" process in one of the many court cases against the NYPD by Occupy Wall Street protesters.
From experience, this makes it likely that the footage the police surrendered to the court is incomplete. Some officer cameras may not be included, some video files may have been withheld or edited, and officers filming may have chosen on the scene not to film parts of the events.
This browsable 11GB release of TARU files includes video footage from 12 officer cameras and 2 CCTV cameras, arranged in 20 main directories named after the officer/CCTV and location. The directory tree contains 70 video files and 20 JPG image files, with the majority of video files are in *.mov format. The CCTV footage is offered in *.asx format.
GET INVOLVED! A documentation project to watch and categorize the footage, note officer badge numbers and significant events, is underway. Join the team on in channel #a99.
Innodata Isogen Databreach: Part II

Browse all files · Archive One (335mb, rar) · Archive Two (244mb, rar) · Torrent · Original Release · Sep 23, 2012
Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Cambodia (

So far, only a fraction of the material has been looked at and while many of the documents are in English, at least as many are in other languages like Hindi, Khmer or Russian. It may take a while until the full scope and value of this data has been assessed.
However, even a quick look over the data revealed some interesting documents. For instance we can learn that the Indian Embassy ordered CCTV equipment from Eversafe Nepal Pvt. Ltd. The documents contains technical specifications of all components and prices: (click on the image to download the full document (Microsoft Word .doc)

From the preview you may have already seen this document containing a report about drug traficking in Biratnagar, Nepal. Find page two of this report here.
And for the lulz lizards it looks like some high ranking officials of the Nepalese Army have been doxed (PDF).
We will update you with further information on this leak as documents get translated and evaluated. In the meantime feel free to scan through the archives yourself.
Browse all files · Archive One (158mb, rar) · Archive Two (228mb, rar) · Original Release · Sep 10, 2012
Apple unique Device Identifiers (UDIDs)

The data was sanitized before release so that no personal information like emails, addresses or cellphone numbers were disclosed. We are currently working on presenting the data in a browsable way, in the meantime you can check on if your UDID is included in the list.
UPDATE 09/04 21:35 GMT The FBI has released a statement saying that "at this time, there is no evidence indicating that an FBI laptop was compromised or that the FBI either sought or obtained this data.".
We would like to point out that at this time, we have no reason to doubt the claim that the data in question was indeed obtained from the agent's notebook. The fact that the FBI has no "evidence" of a databreach on one of their notebooks does not allow the conclusion that it never happened.
Furthermore, based on our experience in the recent years the FBI cannot be trusted in their statements anyway. It should be pointed out that it wouldn't be the first time they are caught in a lie, the most recent example can be shown in the Stratfor incident in December 2011: In a New York Times article it was stated that "The F.B.I. said that it immediately notified Stratfor, but said that at that point it was too late.". This can be easily disproven by reading Jeremy Hammond's indictment where it's clearly stated that the FBI knew as early as December 6th about the Stratfor breach but no data was compromised or stolen until three weeks later.
Therefore we have no reason to believe the FBI's statement more than our sources. In fact, our sources have proven to be more trustworthy and reliable than any Government agency in the recent years. If the data in question was indeed obtained illegaly the FBI has no choice but to deny any knowledge; if it breaks down it is better to blame a "renegade agent". May that be as it will, at least you do not see the FBI Press Office throwing caps at Anonymous on twitter every day:

There is also reason to assume that AntiSec has more material from the notebook in question as this file seems to be related to the 3 Terabyte of data to be released, as anounced earlier this year by AntiSec. We will update this section as soon as more information is available.
For media coverage check out the following links:
Forbes: FBI Agent's Laptop 'Hacked' To Grab 12 Million Apple IDs
Ars Technica: 1 million iOS device IDs leaked after alleged FBI laptop hack
The Next Web: AntiSec hackers leak 1,000,001 Apple device IDs allegedly obtained from FBI breach
Wired: Hackers Release 1 Million Apple Device IDs Stolen From FBI Laptop
Thank you, FBI.
Innodata Isogen Databreach: Part I

Some findings from various volunteers sifting through the data; if you find anything of interest please let us know and we will add it:
This document shows that Vocord will be installing a CCTV surveillance network in Dnepropetrovsk; a $197 million project which will "enjoy duty-free commercial production by endorsement after three years prior to application for tax excemption". Furthermore this operation is connected to the explosion in Dnepropetrovsk on April 27th and operations in Turkmenistan and Iraq.
Leaked Document from Russian
Leaked email sent by Dmitry Zavarikin, CEO of Vocord Telecom, to Armand Jafarov (who has his certificate of achievement of an IBM course disclosed among the leaked files in possession of Innodata) of MMI Business Services, Vocord's partner in Turkmenistan, Zavarikin states that "part of the archives clearly belong to MMI" and "this information is interpreted as compromising for Vocord company".
Browse all files · Translations · Document Naming Conventions · 150 largest PDF files · Torrent · Jul 28, 2012
Miscelleneous Releases
Enemy of the State Article about Jeremy Hammond in The Rolling Stone (Oct 26, 2012 · PDF, 2MB · Mirror)LulzSec details for the Crown Court at Southwark (PDF, 7.5MB)
We Are Legion - The Story of the Hacktivists (Documentary, 2012, .avi, 236MB)
Video footage of the Megaupload Raid broadcasted 3News' Campbell Live Show (local mirror). Read more information on Torrentfreak. (Added 12/08/08)
Meanwhile in Australia Files from and (Latest Update: 12/07/29)
Digital Music Report 2012 (PDF, 15MB), Leaked on The Pirate Bay. Get the torrent yonder. (Added: 12/07/26)
The Gentleman's Guide To Forum Spies (Added: 12/07/23)
MidasBank Leak 50,000 Wall Street IT Personnel Accounts (Added: 12/07/23)
Chanology Email Viewer Emails from Scientology Celebrity Center Vienna, acquired by Anonymous Austria (Added: 12/07/21)
HBGary Email Viewer Emails from HBGary, acquired by Anonymous
FBI Conference Transcript A text version of the FBI/NSY call intercepted and published by Anonymous
We Are Anonymous - Inside the Hacker World of LulzSec (PDF, 1.5MB) Book from Parmy Olson