LEAK: White House Draft of Cyber-Security EXEC ORDER, Fed Power Grab

A White House draft for an Executive Order regarding
Cyber Security policy has been leaked & obtained by Conservative
Report. The draft memo details just how the Executive Order on Cyber
Security will be structured, and details the process by which cabinet
members & appointees shall implement the new law.
As legislation, this act failed to be
passed by Congress leaving the President to take his preferred means of
creating law; by himself at the White House. The memo prefaces the need
for such an executive action by reminding all those participating that
this new responsibility of the President is due to the failures of
Congress. From the memo:
In May of 2011, the Administration
submitted proposed legislation to improve cybersecurity to Congress.
Since Congress has so far failed to pass cybersecurity legislation in
the 2011-2012 session, the President intends to use his authority to
improve the Nation’s cybersecurity.
Use his authority he will. Since 2008
various websites had expressed concern over President Obama’s desire to
micromanage the internet by creating regulations and giving multiple
agencies responsibilities to enforce his new web regulations. With
“national security” being used as an excuse to interfere, very little
could be done to stop the president.
Now, it seems that that is exactly what
is happening. A source familiar with the memo who asked not to be named
said “This is the first real venture into putting blanket regulations
over the internet in general. No one is going to argue against
protecting our infrastructure. No one is going to say ‘leave the power
grid software alone’ or ‘I’m sure the nuclear power plant is already
safe enough against hackers’ giving that every other news story today
has to do with hacking…the President already has public support for
And they were right, to a certain extent.
Citing national security as the main
reason for broad and sweeping regulations, the leaked draft also shows
delegated responsibilities to multiple agency heads in order to enforce
the Executive Order. The memo itself was sent to 28 of the President’s
appointees and divided into two simple sections. Tab A and Tab B. One
section structures the discussion on areas that need improvement while
the second section of the memo (Tab B) is the current draft Executive
Order on cybersecurity. Each agency head is not going to be able to
identify every area at risk, so to be “safe” there is going to have to
be extra government control, monitoring, intrusion, et al.
The starting point for an
around-the-clock government monitored and controled internet starts with
every agency having just enough power to go slightly beyond protecting
themselves in cyberspace.
No memo or Presidential Policy Directive
is ever going to be able to accurately predict every type of dangerous
scenario they could encounter. So by design they have to grant
themselves more power than they should have. Considering this is of the
utmost importance, it being a matter of “national security”, than the
Executive Order itself will not fall sort by limiting the power of these
cabinets and the departments of the Presidents other appointees.
According to Part 4, the new Executive Order will:
“Establish workable frameworks for implementing cybersecurity minimum standards and practices designed to complement, not supplant, currently-available security measures- without prescribing particular technologies or methodologies.”
How does someone implement a workable
framework without prescribing particular technologies or methodologies?
You can’t. Its contradictory. You need a workable framework at any cost.
And because you can not prescribe any specific technology or
methodology then you are allowed to do whatever you want.
The fourth & final point of the
draft says all you ever need to hear to be concerned about this power
hungry President getting government claws around the last truly free
thing left in this country. I will highlight the parts that signify the
death of freedom on the internet.
Founding Father, Benjamin Franklin
“Those who are willing to trade their freedom for temporary security, deserve neither, and will lose both.”
Dear Internet, you were so awesome. We are all going to miss you. Have fun in your abusive relationship with the Democrats.
See the full memo to the right, and be sure to share it, courtesy of Conservative Report.

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