Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Qadamani, Basma representing National Syrian Council, the umbrella group for the NATO and Saudi funded mercenaries currently killing unarmed civilians inside Syria. She used to work for the Ford Foundation as did Timothy Geithner’s father.

Rabinovich, Itamar    Israel   Global Distinguished Professor, New York University. He was the Israel ambassador to the United States from 1993 to 1996. He is an expert on Mideast peace negotiations.
Rachman, Gideon    GB   Chief Foreign Affairs  Commentator, The Financial Times. He writes on American foreign policy, the European Union and globalization. In December 2008, Rachman published a controversial blog post on the Financial Times online entitled, “And now for a world government.”
Rattner, Steven    USA   Chairman, Willett Advisors LLC which is the investment firm that manages New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg’s personal and philanthropic assets. He was Obama’s car czar. He was a principal of the Quadrangle Group, a global private equity firm specializing in the media. He is a contributing writer for the Op-Ed page of The New York Times and authors a monthly column for the Financial Times.
Redford, Alison M.   Canada    Premier of Alberta  She is a lawyer. Not sure why she was invited. Maybe they see her as a potential replacement for Harper as PM. They have several Liberal leaders present.
Reisman, Heather M.   Canada    CEO, Indigo Books & Music Inc. the largest bookstore chain in Canada. Her husband, Gerry Schwartz, runs Onex, a leading venture capital firm. She is listed as a member of the Steering Committee of the Bilderberg Group. She and her husband switched from Liberal to Conservative over the Israel Lebanon war. PM Harper’s Chief of Staff used to work for her husband.
Reitzle, Wolfgang     Germany    CEO & President, Linde AG  He was in charge of product development for more than ten years st BMW. He knows the auto business and is a superb design engineer. My first thought is that they want his opinion on a car line to be salvaged or turned around. He is no banker or diplomat but has worked with Ford and Volvo.  The GM car czar was also invited.
Rogoff, Kenneth S.     USA      Professor of Economics, Harvard University. He wrote This Time It Is Different with Carmen Reinhard in which they study government defaults. It happens every time bonds equal 90% of GDP. He has no solutions because Bilderbergers want fractional reserve banking and interest bearing currencies. For a solution that actually works see Notes Below.
Romney, Mitt      USA     Charlie Skelton of the Guardian, Britain’s largest newspaper, confirmed from four witnesses that saw him attend Bilderberg on Thursday.. Bain Capital was founded in 1984 and made him a billionaire earning a average annual return of 113% by laying off workers and legally robbing pension funds. Apparently, Bilderbergers like pension thieves as they think he will be a great President for them. His first name is Willard and was named for family friend Willard Marriott. Detractors might spend election night drinking adult beverages and watching the 1971 movie Willard which was about a disturbed young man who sought vengeance by training rats to devour his enemies.
Rose, Charlie    USA   Executive Editor and Anchor, Charlie Rose. He is a long tome fixture on PBS where he does interviews.
Ross, Dennis B.     USA     Counselor, Washington Institute for Near East Policy, a Zionist pro-war think tank. He has served as the Director of Policy Planning in the State Department under President George H. W. Bush, the special Middle East coordinator under President Bill Clinton. Ross was appointed Special Advisor for the Persian Gulf and Southwest Asia to Secretary of State Hillary Clinton on February 23, 2009. Ross’s mother was Jewish but he did not become religiously Jewish  until after the 1967 Six Day War. If you want a war,  Perle and Ross are your men.
Rostowski, Jacek    Poland   Minister of Finance. He was born and raised in London. His father worked for the British government after the war. He was a member of Britain’s Conservative Party. Poland was taken over by Israelis and returning Jews and foreigners. They need to grow their own leaders.
Rubin, Robert E.     USA       Co-Chair, Council on Foreign Relations; Former Secretary of the Treasury. He was head of Citibank’s private bank which launders drug money.  In 1999 Robert Rubin, Alan Greenspan, Larry Summers (Samuelson) and Arthur Levitt told Brooksley Born of the CFTC that she could not regulate Credit Default Swaps which were faux insurance. They were unregulated and did not require the seller to set aside money to pay claims. All sales income could be paid out in bonuses allowing the taxpayer to foot the bill when it came due as it did in AIG. American taxpayers according to Obama will have to pay hundreds of trillions of dollars in CDS after the euro bonds collapse. All four of those men are Jewish. No concern to them that a billion people at some future date will starve to death.
Rutte, Mark     Netherlands     Prime Minister. He is a liberal and tried to pass austerity cuts. PVV leader Geert Wilders withdrew his party’s support. The government fell and elections will be held on September 12th. Bankers love austerity. In 2009, Rutte stated that Holocaust denial should no longer be illegal.
Sáenz de Santamaría Antón, Soraya        Spain           Vice President and Minister for the Presidency. She is party spokeswoman. But austerity is a hard sell.  People are fooled by sham democracies and believe things will change if their party wins. The people in Spain are figuring this out and taking their euros out of the banks. Bankers have no solutions that benefit the people because they despise us.
She is one of the more attractive women attending this meeting.
Scheffer, Paul     Netherlands      Professor of European Studies, Tilburg University He is a prominent member of the Dutch Labour Party. The central idea of his book is that “immigration always has been and is a process of alienation for both the newcomers and the natives”. Maybe the bankers want to figure out an election strategy that will keep the anti-austerity and anti-immigration  Wilders from winning the September elections.
Schmidt, Eric E.       USA         Executive Chairman, Google Inc. He has worked at Sun and Apple.  Google is a superior search engine and was designed that way by the CIA-DARPA hive. It was given to the founders as was a lot of new technology. It is given on the condition that the  CIA and NSA are allowed to spy on us. Considering the laws against Internet freedom being proposed we can only assume they will try to close Internet freedom. But the markets and the dollar will crash soon and we can go on the offensive.
Scholten, Rudolf     Austria    Member of the Board of Executive Directors, Oesterreichische Kontrollbank AG  He is head of the Austrian Central Bank.  The Great Depression did not get going until the Credit Anstalt bank of Vienna collapsed on May 11, 1931. It had too many eastern European bad debts. This man is not a professional banker. They probably are worried about bank run contagion and rightly so.
Senard, Jean-Dominique    France     CEO, Michelin Group His French bio says he is interested mostly in world affairs. The bankers want several men from key industries in every nation to accept their goals and to infect business people back home with globalization.
Shambaugh, David     USA      Director, China Policy Program, George Washington University. He has a dozen publications about China. This meeting is looking forward to a Chinese future or more likely a return on their investments in Asia.
Sheeran, Josette    International     Vice Chairman, World Economic Forum and formerly head of  the UN World Food Program. I am immediately suspicious of anyone who worked for the UN and was appointed by Kofi Anan. She was a member of Reverend Moon’s Unification Church. She is an American.
Siilasmaa, Risto     Finland      Chairman of the Board of Directors, Nokia Corporation.  Nokia carries a lot of weight in Scandinavia. Several men have Nokia in their resume.  He also founded an anti computer virus firm which might be of note.
Speyer,  Jerry I.    USA      Chairman and Co-CEO, Tishman Speyer    Speyer is deputy chair and a member of the Executive Committee of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York, He is on the Board of RAND, a Pentagon think tank. He owns a lot of New York real estate and quite a bit in Latin America. He is well connected in New York Democratic politics. He is Jewish and studied German at Columbia University.
Supino, Pietro     Switzerland     Chairman and Publisher, Tamedia AG  He is a lawyer who specializes in patents and trusts. Wealthy people are interested in controlling the media. The Swiss media in undergoing a merger. Hos family has famous art collections and is well known. He has dual Swiss and Italian citizenship.
Sutherland, Peter D.    Ireland      Chairman, Goldman Sachs International He was  Ireland’s youngest Attorney General. He was appointed European Commission for Competition. He was called ‘the father of globalization’ for his service as Director of what became the World Trade Organization. He is on the Bilderberg Steering Committee. He is a former Chairman of the Trilateral Commission. As the UN’s (Bilderberger) special representative for migration, he told the EU that they should “do its best to undermine” the “homogeneity” of its member states.
As an Irishman who was a good footballer in his 20s, he should be ashamed of himself.
Thiel, Peter A    USA    President, Clarium Capital / Thiel Capital. He is on the Bilderberg Steering Committee. He gave 2.7 million dollars to Ron Paul but that is not a significant indicator of Bilderberg policy. I do not think this was a cynical ploy to recruit Rand Paul as Romney’s VP. Thiel is on the Steering Committee and is bringing in the younger crowd of high tech billionaires the CIA and NSA will need to end anonymity on the Internet and then close down free speech.. It should be noted that he is not an engineer. He is a lawyer and Stanford graduate. He worked as a derivatives trader and runs a Hedge Fund. He owned 10.2% of Facebook pre IPO. Mundie wants licensing for Internet users. A license that can be revoked at the whim of a billionaire. Thiel is a founder of PayPal which shuts down service to those who practice free speech on the Internet. He was an early investor in Facebook which legally should never had been offered as an IPO at anything above a dollar a share.
Timuray, Serpil   Turkey     CEO, Vodafone. This UK based company is second in size in its field only to China Mobile.
Trittin, Jürgen      Germany     Parliamentary Leader, Alliance 90/The Greens The Greens might wind up in a coalition government as they did in Australia where they did all sorts of wonderful things for billionaires by passing carbon taxes and making it illegal to criticize this obvious scam. He is an extreme environmentalist but did ask Angela Merkel to expel a man from her government who had said a Greek bankruptcy might be a good thing for the Eurozone.
He opposed nuclear power before Fukushima. I would like to point out that the US government took all of Nikola Tesla/s research and worked on it in secret labs with billions in research money. There are people who are sitting on these scientific advances because they want to rule the world after they have starved a billion people to death and killed a few billion with plagues. We could produce clean energy, cut utility bills by 2/3rds and get the economy moving if the Bilderbergers and their known associates were arrested.
Tsoukalis, Loukas     Greece     President, Hellenic Foundation for European and Foreign Policy. He has written on European expansion which he accepts. He just wants them to not forget democracy and social welfare as  Europe becomes a single state. He needs to look at the European Commission. They are not democratic. And he can forget social welfare. Please Sir, take a look at the people of Athens. What you see is what you will get more of.He signed a petition asking European leaders for leniency in the case of Greece. Maybe they will offer him a bone that will help the pro euro forces against the pro default forces.The Greeks want to stay on the EU but do not want to pay those debts most of which are odious and subject to default under international law.
Urpilainen, Jutta      Finland      Minister of Finance and Deputy Prime Minister. She is a former school teacher. She is also chairwoman of the SDP. She will be important as Finland after Germany is the one nation in Europe expected to pay for this banker inflicted disaster. The Dutch have no government. And Francois Hollande is a disgrace. Wait until his party sees the results from the parliamentary elections. There are no anti-banker parties in Europe outside of Greece.
One of the most attractive women at Bilderberg.
Vasella, Daniel L.    Switzerland    Chairman, Novartis AG. a large pharmaceutical company. Typical Bilderberger medical man. He has an actual medical degree. But he also went into the Harvard MBA program. I might not be alone in thinking that this medical model screams for reform. His wife is the niece of the former CEO of Sandoz.
I believe drug companies should pay for the government to run trials for new drugs and require them to be tested against home remedies alternative doctors are currently using. All drugs would be re-tested. The drug company would pay for the trial but a committee of doctors  would administer the alternative treatment.  For example, give 100,000 patients Vitamin D-3 and cinnamon to stabilize their diabetes. Test them monthly. They should do as well as drugged patients after 3 months with far fewer side effects. Beneficial side effects for Vitamin D3 are fewer winter colds and flu and a reduction of 72% of the incidence of a dozen different cancers. As soon as the results have verified, the government can issue a decree allowing insurance companies to refuse payment for any drug ruled to produce no better results than a home remedy. This would require corporations to focus on real treatments and cures.
Vimont, Pierre    International      Executive Secretary General, European External Action Service. This is an EU position. Previously, Sarkozy had appointed him to be ambassador to the US. He had served at the French embassy in London. He is a professional civil servant in the French sense of the word. He can represent the EU to Bilderberg.
Voser, Peter     GB     CEO, Royal Dutch Shell plc. He is Swiss born and a former CFO and not an engineer. He is taking over the St Gallen Forum from Josef Ackerman from Deutsche Bank. The forum gets potential leaders of tomorrow together with today’s leaders. Sounds like brain washing to me. How about a discussion of the Tesla technology the US government has been sitting on for 70 years. It would put the oil companies out of business. Bilderberg has a lot of oil companies represented at their meetings.
Wallenberg, Jacob      Sweden      Chairman, Investor AB.  He is a member of the famous Wallenberg family. He is a Director of several banks and of Coca-Cola. In Latin America the Coca-Cola bottler is usually on speed dial of the local CIA station chief. The current President of Mexico is a prime example.
Warsh, Kevin    USA    Distinguished Visiting Fellow, The Hoover Institution, Stanford University. He is a lawyer. He was Vice President and Executive Director in ‘Morgan Stanley’s Mergers and Acquisitions Department. He then worked for President Bush in the Plunge Protection Team. This group tries to make dumb billionaires look smart by buying stocks and sending share prices higher. This disguises bad policies for the government as well. In 2006 he was appointed with another Jew to the Federal Reserve Board of Governors. Some said he was too young. Bernanke liked him and he performed well in the 2009 crisis . (Translation: He was as honest as Bernanke and Jamie Dimon had hoped.) The Bilderbergers will need Warsh and Bernanke as well to get a handle on those bank runs over in Europe which will come to America soon enough. He and his wife are Jewish. His wife Jane is an heiress to the Estee Lauder family fortune.
Wolf, Martin H    GB     Chief Economics Commentator, The Financial Times. He is the favorite writer of billionaires all over the world. He is a committed Globalist. And he is Jewish. As a young man, he worried about the economic conditions of the 1930s that created the war. He should read my essay below giving solutions other than more debts and more spending to solve our current crisis.
Wolfensohn, James D.    USA      Chairman and CEO, Wolfensohn and Company. He is most famous for being the former head of the World Bank. He was a partner of Paul Volcker and made his mark in rescuing Chrysler back in 1980. He was an Australian lawyer working for an English bank when he decided to become an American citizen so he would be eligible to become World Bank President. He is Jewish and his father had worked for the Rothschilds before immigrating suddenly to Australia.
Wright, Nigel S     Canada        Chief of Staff, Office of the Prime Minister. Wright was an executive with private equity firm Onex Corp., and dealt specifically with the aerospace industry. Onex manages capital for Hawker Beechcraft, a firm that has partnered on projects with F-35 manufacturer Lockheed Martin. (Huffington Post). The F-35 is an expensive plane that does not work and should not have been bought. Wright’s boss at Onex (Gerry Schwartz) is the husband of the woman (Heather Reisman) who owns Indigo Books and sits on the Bilderberg Steering Committee. She selects Canadians to attend Bilderberg. Her husband might have helped his former employee into the PM’s office.
PM Stephen Harper is a Zionist and every banker’s dream for a politician. I have distant relatives in Canada. If America collapsed, I would not go there. Things are deteriorating that rapidly up north.
Yergin, Daniel     USA      Chairman, IHS Cambridge Energy Research Associates. He is a Harvard man who believes in peak oil. What he needs to do is to ask himself why he was invited into a room with so many billionaires and oil company executives. He ought to be demanding the release of that Tesla technology and all the improvements made over the last 70 years.Of course he is Jewish.
Zoellick, Robert B.      USA          President, The World Bank Group. He is a lawyer and worked in the Reagan and Bush I Admins,  From 1993 to 1997 as an Executive VP of scandal plagued Fannie Mae. He signed the PNAC letter demanding America declare war on the whole world except Israel. He was also a managing director of Goldman Sachs. He is of Jewish descent and said so to a German interviewer. He is or was a nominal Lutheran in the small town where he lived as a boy.
Notes: As promised, I will explain why austerity measures can never work and debt cancellation is the only path to recovery. First up is austerity which is really just another wealth transfer from us to the bankers.
The Mathematics Of Austerity: Proving Austerity Never Was Even Intended To Work
The following will give you some good arguments about 911.
911: Short And Powerful Questions
Next is debt cancellation. I hope to improve on Dr Keen’s suggestions.
Professor Keen, The 11th Marble, Debt Based Money And Fractional Reserve Banking
Daniel Estulin reported that they  have devaluation on the agenda. Inflation in the US has been slowed by a cut in the value of the euro and by massive unemployment. Try reading the following as a way to understand what will happen to you after the dollar begins to slide.

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