Tuesday, December 4, 2012

The Neo-Genocide of Afrikaners – Lessons for America

The Neo-Genocide of Afrikaners – Lessons for America

You may think that America is worlds different than apartheid South Africa, but members the coalition of Black Nationalists, Communists, international socialists and others, who brought down the South African regime, believe that American rules over a global system of apartheid. To understand what is planned for America it is helpful to compare to revolutions in Africa. Some of the same groups that installed one-party rule and now collective persecution of the white minority would like to see similar transformation in the US.
Two books of interest on the subject are:
“The Neo-Genocide of Afrikaners” by Pieter Oosthuizen.
Into the Cannibal’s Pot: Lessons for America from Post-Apartheid South Africa” by Ilana Mercer
Black Nationalists, socialists, progressives and Communists worked together to bring about the overturn of the South African apartheid government. Since that time the Afrikaners have lost their own civil rights and have suffered discrimination. Isolated farmers have been wantonly murdered in the thousands. The Afrikaners language and cultural heritage has been systematically destroyed. Genocide is defined to be the destruction of a people, its nation or its cultural institutions/identity. This is a real genocide, albeit in slow motion.
The doctrine of Obama’s own church, based on Black Liberation Theology, is a branch of the doctrine of the greater Black Nationalist movement that demonizes whites and and exalts the black race as God. It teaches that the black race has a divine mission to destroy white society and America, thereby liberating the world and creating a millennial Utopia. The basic concept of this religious doctrine is genocidal in the same way. Their own literature contains dozens of quotes such as those that follow. Please do not patronize us with assertions that Harvard-educated Obama for 20 years never got a hint of what what Black Liberation Theology is really all about.

It is a theology which confronts white society as the racist Antichrist… from Black Theology and Black Power (1969) by James H. Cone , p. 135.
With the assurance that God is on our side, we can begin to make ready for the inevitable-the decisive encounter between black and white existence….We will not let whitey cool this one with his pious love ethic but will seek to enhance our hostility, bringing it to its full manifestation. from A Black Theology of Liberation (1970) by James H. Cone , Ibid., p.12
To be black is to be commit­ted to destroying everything this country loves and adores. Ibid. p. 20.
Because whiteness by its very nature is against blackness, the black prophet is a prophet of national doom. He proclaims the end of the “American Way,” for God has stirred the soul of the black community…, Ibid., p. 55.
Black theology …. must stay in the black community and get down to the real issues at hand (“cutting throats” to use LeRoi Jones’s phrase) and not waste too much time discussing the legitimacy of religious language., Ibid., p. 59.
…it is incumbent upon me by the freedom granted by the creator to deny whiteness and affirm blackness as the essence of God. Ibid., p. 74.
Freedom is the black movement of a people getting ready to liberate itself, knowing that it cannot be unless its oppressors cease to be. Ibid., p. 101.
The radicals and racists that are bringing about this change want to extend it to all of Africa and ultimately transform the entire world in this way. The same process that has been used to transform South Africa has already started here.
One of the most obvious comparisons to be made are that blacks in both countries express themselves openly, with no shame and little resistance about extermination of whites. Thousands of white South Africans have been killed in genocidal farm murders. The only reason these farm murders aren’t taking place at an even faster pace is the fear of an international public reaction.
Below is a clip about the “struggle songs” that black sing openly in South Africa about exterminating whites, Nelson Mandela is a sympathetic figure, like Barack Obama, who led the handover of Africa to the coalition of Black Nationalists, socialists, progressives and communists. In America the same coalition with the addition of certain other groups, such as the Latino reconquistas, are trying to achieve the same kind of transformation that took place in South Africa. You may well think the apartheid system deserved to fall, but radicals do not think that American system is any different and just as deserving of destruction, if not more so, as apartheid was, because they see America as the oppressor of the entire world.
Obama and his immediate circle may not have his own plan for genocide, but he is sympathetic and, like his idol Mandela, can open the gates for those that do have such plans and can carry them out. Below, you see Mandela in a group singing a “struggle song” about the extermination of whites. The light-skinned man standing next to Mandela is a communist leader and ally, who is of Jewish ancestry.
The doctrine of Obama’s church in Chicago, Black Liberation Theology, is based on an actually genocidal racial concept, that white society is the source of evil in the world and for that reason should be destroyed. It is a branch of the Black Theology of Black Nationalism, which has existed as a mass movement in the US for about a century, started by Marcus Garvey. See this link for more detail:
Obama’s Church Preaches White Genocide
This is the infamous clip of the New Black Panther, King Samir Shabazz, calling openly for the extermination of whites. The New Black Panthers are also a branch of the Black Nationalism movement. There are a number of these sects that present themselves as Jewish, Muslim, Christian or secular, but that all have basically the same doctrine that scapegoats whites as the source of all evil in the world.
Other Black Nationalists have done the same. This is not just the ranting of individuals, but the written doctrine of Black Nationalism. In this respect, it is the same situation in South Africa as it is here. Whether Obama will actively carry out such a doctrine is not the point. He can open the doors to others that can and will act on the genocidal doctrine of his movement. He and Attorney General Holder have already shown a propensity to disregard the law, when it comes to such genocidal maniacs.
Bibliography of Obama’s Black Theology
Nazism & Obama’s Black Theology – The Parallels
Obama & Black-White Nazi Cooperation

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