Monday, November 19, 2012
pat decisions taken and the steps required on the operational level and taktis.anyak ± 50 Boga has led people rallied on Februa
pat decisions taken and the steps required on the operational level and taktis.anyak ± 50 Boga has led people rallied on February 14, 2012 at 16:20 PM in Roundabout Hotel Indonesia Jl. MH. Thamrin in Central Jakarta in order to address the demands of the bottom line:  Merdeka Utara Central Jakarta in order to address the core demands:. Bil most policy tepat.19 January 2012 at 13:00 Cikarang EJIP Region Western District. Bekasi in order to convey the essence demands that the Apindo immediately revoke the complaint to the administrative court regarding MSE Bandung.  Banten Governor revised MSE and sectoral minimum wage (UMS). Single) cars sound system and 15 units of SPM on 09 February 2012 at 08.30 to companies in the area of ​​Tangerang city with a rallying point PBI secretariat office Jl. Imam Bonjol Gg. H. Rain Ex. Bojong Jaya district. Karawaci Tangerang in order to socialize and UMSK MSE Tangerang City in 2012 according to SK Provincial Governor of Banten. hand with the 1945 Constitution.  Indonesian Christians who intends to make Bekasi as Lighthouse Christian development has sparked tensions between religious communities in the Bekasi area. Decreased morale and awareness between religious tolerance in Indonesia has led the public to easily incited by SARA nuanced issue. Lack of firmness of government in determining the rules of religious life to be one that was supposed to be a national issue in the review and the need for restructuring related to some provisions such as the LCS. Issues permits construction of the church has sparked a reaction from minority groups (Christians) in the Bekasi government to demand justice. This incident is certainly an impact on the growing tensions between the Islamist group Hard Line (Igaras) with Christians in Bekasi.bangsa. a in Jakarta. The student movement has always been the driving force changes in Indonesian history has become a priority for interest groups to run political agenda. Legality of students rated as pure movement aspirations (not tercampuri by political interests), post-reform has begun to shift. It is based on the number of operators who take advantage of the political mass base of students to carry out its political interests such as by forming a network and control network elements nodes students.  Democrats have successfully conditioned by the political opposition to government as a vehicle to bring down public confidence in the government of SBY-Boediono at the same time making efforts internally splits the Democratic Party. From this fact shows that the conditioning efforts carried out by the national opposition in the mass base of students began to run again, so predictable actions of a group of students next will increase in line with increasing competition (tension) in the level of political elites. sa labor lately in Jakarta, Bekasi and Tangerang (Greater Jakarta) is triggered by a dispute over the amount of minimum wage increases and provincial / district / city (UMP / MSE). For the workers in Tangerang strongly support the steps taken by the Governor of Banten in their policy on revisions umpah minimum, but the entrepreneurs (Apindo) feel overwhelmed and increasingly difficult position. Different views will impact on the harmonious relationships between local government and Apindo, while the labor groups will continue to fight the decision taken by the Governor of Banten as part of an effort to increase the welfare of the workers. Political motives of regional leaders in the face of Election 2012 also be one factor amongst teething problems with the local government in determining Apindo MSE / UMS 2012. Following up on this, today emerged insistence on Manpower to quickly create a new format in determining wages. Because for this format in the form of wages imposed yielded only the workers and employers arguing and eventually tails strike. Without reform of the current system, labor disputes and crippling industrial action and public facilities will continue to recur. It is feared will be utilized for the benefit of a particular political party, for industrial conflict that dragged only create legal uncertainty amid efforts to boost growth to reduce poverty and create jobs-wide mass action luasnya.ian Forum Communications Padang Island Rescue Society (FKMP3 ) Kep. Meranti Riau who survived for 57 days in front of the main gate of the House of Representatives and is currently last in the Ministry of Forestry Jl. Lake Winnipesaukee Jakpus generally still relevant course of action demanding the termination of operations of PT. RAPP in Pulau Padang Kep. Meranti Riau. In the normal actions taken earlier, some of the elements of the above actions have been staged in the courtyard of the mouth sewing DPR / MPR. They demanded the government revoke the license of industrial timber plantations (HTI) on an area of ​​41 205 hectares of the island based on the Decree of the Minister of Forestry. 327/2009. The strong demand for the mass element assumes no central government and corporate transparency, so those affected are people of Padang Island. As is known, on February 23, 2011 Meranti Islands Regency ago with some representatives of the people of Padang Island, have sat together and form a unified team. A team of experts was tasked to assess the feasibility of Padang Island with peat soils if timber operations. However, the results of the meeting that took place in hospitals Selatpanjang was never realized to the public. Even they do not know at all the results than studies conducted by it. For the community, if the results of the study proved that PT Riau Andalan Pulp & Paper (RAPP) worth of operation and it was delivered to the people, they would never refuse. However, the opposite happened. Integrated teams were formed even changed direction and was not impressed Padang Island people cared. So the Padang Island community remains committed to its demands that ask the Minister of Forestry issued an operational termination PT. RAPP in Pulau Padang Riau Islands Meranti and soon formed a national committee agrarian conflict resolution as well as the government revoked the Minister of Forestry Decree 327 of 2009 on the HTI (Industrial Forest Plantation).  agrarian reform (land reform) to provide political pressure on the government of SBY-Boediono. Land reform program is one of the agenda of the alliance of the left, so the above problems will possi
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