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by Charlene Cleo Eiben on Monday, November 19, 2012 at 9:40am ·
NATIONAL ARMY INDONESIA             Headquarters IMPLEMENTATION GUIDE BOOK SECURITY ISSUE clearence FOR FOREIGN RESIDENTS TO BE DO RELATED ACTIVITIES WITH TNI TNI commander confirmed with regulations Perpang/98/XII/2009 ID December 29th 2009 TABLE OF CONTENTS Page TNI Commander Rules Perpang/98/XII/2009 removable ID December 2009 on the Implementation Indicators Book Publishing Security Clearance for foreigners who will perform activities related to the military. IMPLEMENTATION GUIDE BOOK PUBLICATIONS APPENDIX SECURITY CLEARANCE FOR FOREIGN PEOPLE WILL DO THE ACTIVITIES RELATED TO TNI CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION 1. General ................................................................... 3 2. The Meaning and Purpose .................................................. 3 3. Scope ........................................................ 4 4. Position ............................................................. 4 5. Policy .................................................................... 4 6. Meaning ............................................................. 4 CHAPTER II GENERAL PROVISIONS 7. General .................................................................. 5 8. Classification foreigners ........................... 5 9. Granting Conditions ........................................ 6 CHAPTER III MAINTENANCE 10. General .................................................................. 7 11. Publishing Security Clearance Procedures .................... 7 CHAPTER IV level authority 12. General .................................................................. 11 13. Authorities and Responsibilities .............................. 11 14. Sanctions .................................................................. 13 CHAPTER V Conclusion NATIONAL ARMY INDONESIA             Headquarters TNI commander RULES Number Perpang/98/XII/2009 About IMPLEMENTATION GUIDE BOOK ISSUANCE OF SECURITY CLEARANCE FOR FOREIGN RESIDENTS WHO WILL PERFORM ACTIVITIES RELATED TO TNI Considering: 1. That to secure vertical fixed the Republic of Indonesia based on Pancasila and the 1945 Constitution of Indonesia in securing territory against possible action espionage, sabotage and obstruction from a foreign party who will perform activities related to the military in the framework of cooperation in the military field, the need Security Clearance for foreign citizens. 2. To ensure the uniform management of Security Clearance for foreign citizens who will perform activities related to the military, there has to be an indication of progress. Given: 1. Decree Law No. 34 Year 2004 date 16 October 2004 on the Indonesian National Army. 2. TNI Commander Decree No. Skep/110/IV/2004 April 8, 2004 on the temporary guidance of Friends of the National Military Representative Office to the State Accreditation. 3. TNI Commander Decree No. Skep/374/X/2006 19 October 2006 concerning the maintenance Presentations, Demonstrations and Testing Services for the material or the military requirements. 4. Letter Telegram Pangab STR/379/1997 removable ID 3 April 1997 concerning the filing and granting procedures Security Clearance for foreign workers who have an interest / connection with ABRI. DECIDE Setting: 1. Implementation handbook Publishing Security Clearance for Foreign nationals who will perform activities related to the TNI as listed in the appendix to this rule. 2. Implementation guidebook as referred to in article 1, is used as a guide in the processing security clearance for foreign nationals who will perform activities related to the military. 3. For further completion of this booklet will be evaluated after implementation carried out over two years. 4. This rule berlakuk of the date specified. NATIONAL ARMY INDONESIA             Headquarters IMPLEMENTATION GUIDE BOOK ABOUT ISSUANCE OF SECURITY CLEARANCE FOR FOREIGN PEOPLE WILL DO THE ACTIVITIES RELATED TO TNI CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION 1. General. a. Based on the Law Decree No. 34 Year 24 of the Indonesian National Army that the military's main duty is to uphold the country's sovereignty, defending territorial integrity of the Unitary Republic of Indonesia based on Pancasila and the Constitution of 1945, and protect all the people and the entire country of Indonesia from the threat and disruption of the integrity of the nation. To achieve what you want then needed an ideal TNI posture and have professional capabilities supported adequate good defense equipment procurement strategic industry in the country and abroad as well as military cooperation with other countries. b. To complete the administrative requirements of foreign nationals and implement activities related to the TNI Military cooperation in fulfillment of the military defense equipment required a supervision and control, it is essential to ward off the negative impact that may arise from leveraged foreign parties to obtain data and information Intelligence. c. One of the preventive action to prevent the occurrence of things you do not want to there is a clue in the form of guidelines that govern the implementation of Security Clearance publication for every foreign national who will perform activities related to the military. 2. The Meaning and Purpose a. Purpose. Implementation guidance that is intended to regulate the issuance of maintenance Security Clearance for foreign nationals who will be doing activities with the TNI. b. Purposes. The purpose of this restructuring exercise booklet is a publication of the guidelines in the maintenance Security Clearance for foreign nationals to be held in relation to the military activities and to be implemented in an effective, efficient, orderly and peaceful. SECRET 3. Scope. Performance indicators are arranged with massage procedures as follows: a. Chapter I Introduction b. Chapter II General Conditions c. Chapter III Maintenance d. Chapter IV Upgrade Authority e. Chapter V Conclusion 4. Position. This implementation booklet located under Main Indicators Book Intelligence. 5. Policy. a. Decree Law No. 34 Year 2004 on the Indonesian National Army. b. TNI Commander Decree No. Skep/110/IV/2004 April 8, 2004 on the temporary guidance of Friends of the National Military Representative Office of Accreditation at RI rule. c. TNI Commander Decree No. Skep/374/X/2006 19 October 2006 concerning the maintenance Presentations, Demonstrations and Testing material or services to the needs of the military. d. Pangab lettergram STR/379/1997 removable ID 3 April 1997 concerning the filing and granting procedures Security Clearance for foreign workers who have an interest / connection with ABRI. 6. Meaning. a. Foreigners. Foreign nationals are those who have the status of non-citizens citizenship of Indonesia Military or civilian service will do activities / nondinas associated with TNI. b. Security Clearance. Security Clearance is a form of written permission for foreign citizens better military or civilian Asintel issued by the military commander in the name of the military commander expressed do not mind foreigners are doing activities related to the TNI. c. Road Permit (SIJ). Road Permit is a document issued by the office of TNI Headquarter and Headquarter dilingkungan Force after obtaining the consent form Asintel Security Clearance from the name of the TNI Commander in Chief of the military's requirements for foreign citizens can do activities related to the TNI. d. Counterparts. Counterparts are the agents / partners / enterprises apply to the Assistant Chief of the TNI and / or its Aspam Kabalakpus cash TNI forces associated with foreigners visit to the range or the range of TNI Headquarter Headquarter Armed and board. e. Implementing Agency. Implementing Agency is the Central Executive Agency TNI Headquarter level and is located directly under the TNI Commander to perform the duties and functions of the appropriate field. CHAPTER II GENERAL CONDITIONS 7. General. Cooperation between TNI and National / Foreign institutions are urgently needed in order to improve the ability of TNI TNI in order to form a strong and professional. Forms of cooperation between the military and the country / foreign institutions can be classified based on the status and domicile. Such as cooperation with foreign nationals with the status of military, civil, industrial or Non Profit Organization (NGO) foreign. Collaboration is done basically profitable TNI. 8. Classification foreigners. Foreign nationals who will be doing activities with the TNI can be grouped into the following sebagi: a. Based Status. 1) Personnel foreign embassy staff. 2) Offices military or civilian foreign persons. 3) Operators / good foreign enterprises coming from the country of origin or representation in Indonesia. 4) Personnel / employees Non Profit Organization (NGO) that come from the foreign country of origin or representation in Indonesia. 5) Any other foreign people are those who are not included in the above criteria that will perform activities related to the military. b. Based on Domicile. 1) Who lived in Indonesia. Foreign nationals for work or live in Indonesia and importance as well as staff personnel Diploma / Defense Attache foreign country, foreign enterprises, Non Profit Organization (NGO) or perpetrator foreign research activities. 2) Not reside in Indonesia. Foreign Defence Attachés accredited Staff Indonesia and foreign nationals to temporarily come to Indonesia for good work or interests as foreign government offices, entrepreneurs / enterprises officers, personnel Non Profit Organization (NGO) actors mupun research activities. c. Based on the relationship. 1) Foreign Nationals that country has diplomatic relations with the Government of Indonesia in accordance with applicable regulations. 2) Foreign Nationals that his country does not have diplomatic relations with the Indonesian government, but because there is interest among foreign nationals in the military and have received approval from the department of foreign affairs and Dephan. 3) Specific foreigners originating from Taiwan and Israel Security Clearance is not granted until there is a political decision with the Government of Indonesia. 9. Granting Conditions. a. Every foreign national who will perform related activities must obtain permission TNI Commander of TNI TNI Commander dhi Asintel Security Clearance form, by first applying for permission to the relevant office (the Assistant Chief of TNI, The And / Kabalakpus TNI, and the cash Aspam Forces ). b. Associated office and then submit an application to the Chief Commander of TNI TNI Asintel cq. c. TNI Commander Asintel on submission of related office then do research / reinvestigate. When has fulfilled the appropriate arrangements occur, further Asintel TNI Chief Security Clearance issued. d. Associated office after receiving a Security Clearance follow up by issuing a Permit Road (SIJ) and monitored the activities of foreign nationals. e. Filing Security Clearance limited to requirements related to: 1) Presentation / display. 2) Negotiation of procurement of goods, services and facilities. 3) The test materil 4) research and comparative study. 5) Survey. 6) Cooperation with the military forces of other countries: a) Education. b) Discussion. c) Seminar. d) Training together. e) exchange of experts. 7) ASP techniques. 8) Visit honor (coutesy call) f. Applicants are required to fill out forms and checklists are available as Security Clearance Security Clearance application requirements. g. Security Clearance granted for one visit up to three months and can be extended according to your needs by following a predetermined order. h. Qualification and classification determined by the district office visits related. i. Passenger ships of foreign armed forces who came to Indonesia and will perform activities related to the military's land must have a Security Clearance. j. Citizens or companies from Taiwan and Israel Security Clearance is not granted until there is a political decision with the Government of Indonesia. k. When filing an application Security Clearance violates the above shall not be processed. CHAPTER III MAINTENANCE 10. General. Security Clearance is an absolute requirement that should belong to all foreign nationals who will perform activities related to the military. To better facilitate the management, it should be translated in the form of granting permission conditions and procedures Security Clearance publication. 11. Security Clearance Procedures Publication. a. Headquarter within TNI. 1) The agent / partners / enterprises apply to the relevant office (the Assistant Chief of the military, the And / Kabalakpus TNI) about the article visit foreign nationals. 2) a letter submitted proposals should mention the purpose, goal, time, date, and location visits accompanied administration equipment. a) Copy of the passport (original taken at interview). b) Curriculum Vitae (CV). c) Pass 4 x 6 color photo 2 pieces (without headgear). 3) related to the Office to apply for a Security Clearance Asintel TNI Commander at least two weeks prior to the implementation of activities. 4) Asintel Commander of TNI through Paban V / Pump Sintel TNI doing research: a) Administration of the form: (1) The validity of documents filed agents / partners / enterprises. (2) Completing Security Clearance checklist include: (A) the applicant's personal data, company name and company address. (B) Data on foreign labor personnel. (C) Policy letter of application, meaning, purpose and time of the visit. (D) Other applicants form relationships with foreign labor, has / does not get into the military agency before. b) Implement the interview to agents / partners / enterprises apply. c) To coordinate and confirmation of suspicious matters related institution (Dephan, department of foreign affairs, BIN, Immigration, Bais TNI, and Athan RI). d) assessment by the end of Paban V / Pump Sintel TNI over the legality of the documents and security considerations for agents / partners / enterprises who apply for, as well as foreign nationals who will do activities in the military sphere. Further determined and recommended to be Commander of TNI Asintel evaluation criteria as follows: (1) Qualified (MS). Security Clearance will be given by category Fulfilled (MS) on all aspects of evaluation security considerations are met. (A) The validity of the documents. (B) Foreign Nationals who will perform activities within TNI not delinquent (net). (C) Agent / partners / enterprises to apply to perform activities within TNI not delinquent (net). (2) Ineligible (TMS) Security Clearance issued by category Ineligible (TMS) in the form of a Certificate of Research Results (SKHP), on all aspects of evaluation security considerations are not met: (A) Documents are not valid, and false terindikasi has expired. (B) Foreign Nationals who will perform activities within TNI not delinquent (net). (C) Agent / partners / enterprises applying to do activities in the military sphere problem (not clean). 5) Asintel TNI commander will issue security clearance addressed to the relevant office (the Assistant Chief of the military, the And / KabalakpusTNI) when there is no suspicious things. 6) Asintel TNI chief delegate to Waasintel / Paban designated to sign the Security Clearance with time of up to three months and can be extended according to your needs by following a predetermined order. 7) Staff at Headquarter within the TNI and TNI Executive Agency, after receiving a Security Clearance from TNI Commander Asintel make a Permit Road (SIJ) for foreign citizens and the responsibility for overseeing the implementation of activities and interesting back road permit (SIJ) after activities executed . 8) Nationals-I to be in touch with the military personnel or visit the agency TNI, compulsory come to Staff Paban V / Pump Sintel TNI to do an interview and complete data. 9) Specific foreign personnel into collaboration / activities programmed by the military can be represented by the associated office staff apply. b. Within TNI AD, TNI AL, and TNI AU 1) The agent / company apply to the Assistant Peacekeeping Forces (Aspam purpose, Kasal and Rafters) about the article visit foreign nationals at least two weeks before the activity undertaken. 2) a letter submitted proposals should mention the purpose, goal, time, date and location of the visit, accompanied administration equipment: a) Copy of the passport (original passport taken at interview) b) Curriculum Vitae (CV) c) Pass 4 x 6 color photo 2 pieces (without headgear) d) other supporting documents. 3) Staff peacekeeping TNI AD, AL and AU do research: a) Administration. b) Provide blank checlist Security Clearance to agents / partners / enterprises. c) To coordinate with relevant agencies. 4) Foreign Nationals who will travel to the range Headquarter Forces / Armed Forces are required to come to Spam to do an interview and complete data. 5) Once done the inspection / examination by Staff Peacekeeping Forces Armed Aspam cash then apply for Security Clearance requests to Asintel Commander of TNI at least two weeks before the activity undertaken. 6) Cash Aspam filed Forces Chief of Security Clearance to Asintel TNI by enclosing the required data. 7) Cash Aspam Armed make a Permit Road (SIJ) to foreigners after receiving the Chief of Security Clearance from Asintel with copies Asintel TNI Commander of TNI, and pull back the Road Permit (SIJ) after the activity undertaken. 8) Cash Aspam forces required to conduct surveillance for the implementation of these activities take place and report immediately when problems occur to Asintel Commander of TNI. CHAPTER IV Upgrade authority 12. General. Grant of Security Clearance to foreign nationals who will perform activities related to the military, you need to follow suit with its authority level from the beginning to the supervision of licensing for activities take place that involve existing TNI personnel Territories. Authority of each unit to monitor and performs preventive action when finding mistakes or violations of procedures adapted to tingkatannya, from TNI Headquarter Staff, Staff Peacekeeping Forces TNI Ops Kotama up with bands underneath. 13. Authorities and Responsibilities. a. Asintel Commander of TNI. 1) Security Clearance Process application filed by the Assistant Chief of TNI and the And / Kabalakpus TNI. 2) Issue appropriate Security Clearance petition filed by the Assistant Chief of TNI and the And / Kabalakpus TNI. 3) Reject Security Clearance issued when not eligible, replaced by issuing a Certificate of Research Results (SKHP). 4) Implement a monitor / surveillance of the activities conducted during the operation of foreign nationals held. 5) Provide administrative sanctions for violations committed by foreign citizens and business partners / agents / companies. b. The Assistant Chief of TNI and the And / Kabalakpus TNI. 1) Processing or reject the application Security Clearance letter from the agent / partners / enterprise 2) Submitting an application letter to the Security Clearance Asintel Commander of TNI. 3) Issue of License Road (SIJ) after receiving a Security Clearance from Asitel Pnaglima TNI. 4) Implement monitoring during the operation period. 5) Withdraw License Road (SIJ) after activity. 6) Provide administrative sanctions for violations committed by partners / agents / companies. 7) Report the implementation of activities to Asintel Commander of TNI. c. The cash Aspam Forces. 1) Accept or reject applications from agents / partners / enterprises that will involve foreign nationals to conduct activities dilingkungan Forces. 2) Process and apply for Security Clearance to Asintel Commander of TNI. 3) Issue of License Road (SIJ) after receiving a Security Clearance from Asitel Commander of TNI. 4) Implement monitoring during the operation period. 5) Withdraw License Road (SIJ) after activity. 6) Provide administrative sanctions for violations committed by partners / agents / companies. 7) Report the implementation of activities to Asintel Commander of TNI. d. The Pang / Ka / And Kotama / Satker / Agencies visited. 1) Implement monitoring and safeguards against foreign nationals who perform activities in the range satuannya. 2) Report the implementation of activities to Asintel Commander of TNI and cash Aspam Forces. 14. Sanctions. Given administrative sanction in the event of an infringement committed by foreign nationals or companies / agents / partners who do activities, as follows: a. Requesting clarification of foreign delegates / Athan alleged infringement committed by its citizens. b. Provide letter of reprimand to agents / partners / enterprises. c. Jot down the name of a foreign national personnel who have committed violations and the question could be blocking for the next activity. d. Unit implementers when found deviations endanger military and national institutions to implement appropriate action advances Asintel authority, then report to the Commander of TNI and cash Aspam Forces. CHAPTER V CONCLUSION 15. Book publishing performance indicators Security Clearance for foreign nationals who will perform this TNI activities occur relating to the date set and the matters specified opposite does not happen again. NATIONAL ARMY INDONESIA             Headquarters SECURITY CLEARANCE CERTIFICATES CERTIFICATE OF SECURITY CLEARANCE ID: R/SC-607/WNA/VIII/2009/Sin 1. Based on letter No. Aspam Kasal R/120-SC/WNA/VII/2009 July 30 2009 on Security Clearance application. 2. Having held research and security considerations expressed no incriminating matters related to the visit, so he was given permission to a person of foreign nationals, partners PT. Multi Wira Mandiri with the following data: a. Name: Mr. Cristopher Mary Potocki de Montalk Department: Sales Director Date of Birth: October 26, 1963 Nationality: France No. Passport: 08CZ95839 b. Purpose: Mabesal Jakarta and Surabaya Puspenerbal c. Requirements: Presentation ATR French products d. Happen: 2 Detachable s.d 30 August 2009 3. Note: SECRET SECRET a. In carrying out activities intended to obey and observe security barriers that occur in agencies that visit. b. Clerance Security Certificate is not an absolute guarantee against legal action from time to time. c. Security Clearance Certificate is valid for one time / range of activities. d. Visit work permit for foreigners are issued by Aspam Kasal. SECRET SECRET NATIONAL ARMY INDONESIA             Headquarters REVENUE CERTIFICATES OF RESEARCH (SKHP) ID: R/SKHP-607/WNA/VIII/2009/Sin 1. Based on letter No. Aspam Kasal R/120-SC/WNA/VII/2009 July 30 2009 on Security Clearance application. 2. Having held research and security considerations found damning things to do related to visits to the military sphere, it can not currently be given permission to a person of foreign nationals, partners PT. Multi Wira Mandiri with the following data: a. Name: Mr. Cristopher Mary Potocki de Montalk Department: Sales Director Date of Birth: October 26, 1963 Nationality: France No. Passport: 08CZ95839 b. Purpose: Mabesal Jakarta and Surabaya Puspenerbal c. Requirements: Presentation ATR French products d. Happen: 2 Detachable s.d 30 August 2009 3. Note: SKHP is not a letter of consent and can not be used for visits to agencies in the military sphere. SECRET SECRET GROUND FORCES GENERAL HEADQUARTERS                  STAFF peacekeeping SECURITY CLEARANCE CERTIFICATES CONSENT LETTER ROAD ID: R/SIJ-201/X/2009/Spamad 1. Based on TNI Commander Letter ID R/SC-145/WNA/IX/2009 September 30, 2009 on a Security Clearance. n. Mr. Rezel Brian Luke. 2. Having held research and security considerations expressed no incriminating matters related to the visit, so he was given permission to a person of foreign nationals, partners PT. Multi Wira Mandiri with the following data: a. Name: Mr. Rezel Brian Luke Department: Sales Director Date of Birth: October 26, 1963 Nationality: France No. Passport: 08CZ95839 b. Purpose: Mabesad Jakarta and Lanumad A. Yani Semarang c. Requirements: Presentation ATR French products d. Place: Date 11 s.d October 30, 2009 . SECRET SECRET Testimony agencies visited (required): 1. Report comes this date: ...................... 2. Report Return date: ...................... 3. Note: ...................... Note: 1. Road Permit is not an absolute guarantee against legal action from time to time. 2. Basis district out of TNI AD that report to the duty officer / Pump and comply with local safety regulations. 3. Road Permit is immediately returned to the Spamad after visits / activities implemented. 4. Road Permit is only valid for one time / range of activities. Tunneling: 1. TNI Commander Asintel 2. Aspam purpose SECRET SECRET Admiralty                  STAFF peacekeeping SECURITY CLEARANCE CERTIFICATES CONSENT LETTER ROAD ID: R/SIJ-321/X/2009/Spamal 1. Based on TNI Commander Letter ID R/SC-155/WNA/X/2009 October 5 2009 on Security Clearance an Mr. Oliver Luc Bernard Perrot. 2. Having held research and security considerations expressed no incriminating matters related to the visit, so he was given permission to a person of foreign nationals, partners PT. Multi Wira Mandiri with the following data: a. Name: Mr. Oliver Bernard Luc Perrot Department: Logistic Manager for Customer Support MBDA Date of Birth: October 29, 1963 Nationality: France No. Passport: 04BF87990 b. Purpose: Mako Armatim Surabaya and Madura Batuporon Arsenal c. Requirements: Site Survey Instalation d. Place: Date 17 s.d October 25, 2009 . SECRET SECRET Testimony agencies visited (required): 1. Report comes this date: ...................... 2. Report Return date: ...................... 3. Note: ...................... Note: 1. Road Permit is not an absolute guarantee against legal action from time to time. 2. Basis district out of TNI AL that report to the duty officer / Pump and comply with local safety regulations. 3. Road Permit is immediately returned to the Spamal after visits / activities implemented. 4. Road Permit is only valid for one time / range of activities. Tunneling: 1. TNI Commander Asintel 2. Kasal Aspam SECRET SECRET BIG AIR FORCES HEADQUARTERS                  STAFF peacekeeping SECURITY CLEARANCE CERTIFICATES CONSENT LETTER ROAD ID: R/SIJ-341/XI/2009/Spamau 2. Based on TNI Commander Letter R/SC-185/WNA/XI/2009 ID 3 November 2009 on Security Clearance an Mr. Joshua Ang Kok Wee. 2. Having held research and security considerations expressed no incriminating matters related to the visit, so he was given permission to a person of foreign nationals, partners PT. Multi Wira Mandiri with the following data: a. Name: Mr. Joshua Ang Kok Wee Department: Logistic Manager Singapore Air Force Date of Birth: January 29, 1960 Nationality: Singapore No. Passport: S1412027 b. Purpose: Lanud Halim Perdanakusuma c. Requirements: Training Simulator aircraft C-130H d. Occur: 10th s.d 29 November 2009 SECRET SECRET Testimony agencies visited (required): 1. Report comes this date: ...................... 2. Report Return date: ...................... 3. Note: ...................... Note: 1. Road Permit is not an absolute guarantee against legal action from time to time. 2. Basis district out of TNI AU that report to the duty officer / Pump and comply with local safety regulations. 3. Road Permit is immediately returned to the Spamau after visits / activities implemented. 4. Road Permit is only valid for one time / range of activities. Tunneling: 1. TNI Commander Asintel 2. Aspam Rafters SECRET
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